Pedro's Corner

Thank you Magnus.

Grab space.

On a serious note, that is possibly the joy of beeing in the zone and beating a 1900+. By the end of it, you don’t feel sadness at the weakness of the world.

Yeah I know the stuff, the French Carribean trap, thats some powerful stuff man.
Don’t know what the rappers are called, any chance you can find out some? Ill look too.

I’m internet limited right now. Trust me, looking for an example was the first thing that sprung to mind. Give me a day or four. … ring-demo/

Stop it, that is a beautiful looking truck.

I wish Musk would stop the moralistic finger-wagging.

But that is a beautiful vehicle.

A part of me says it’s what Lamborghini didn’t have the balls to commit to back in the day.

My dear boy, how did you ever get your bishop into such a terrible position?

After the Countach? The Diablo already submitted, but was a first submission. That car is a ritual.

Musks car looks most like a concoction from an early Mode 7 game?


Some extremely special person is being born now


It’s clear that I’m here for a reason
He got hit like I got hit but he ain’t fucking breathing

hey yo scarface, drop some real shit fuh these soft-ass clown-ass glamour niggas from the 2000s think they gangsta.


The queenside castling was not on purpose.


fuck you computer

fu.png … on-ad-buy/

How dare he?! He’s not beholden to ANY interests?!?

Prom, explain to Michael Bloomberg the importance of depending on donor money.

berns is my homeboy. he’s got the eye of the tiger and i love to watch him work.

it’s like this, mang. you wanna run for office you take your old, broke ass around the country on a bus like berns and be prepared to stand in the rain a few times. talk to the people. get to know them. pass out some little flags and hats and shit. what you don’t do is drop thirty mil on a fucking bullshit ad that you can watch from the comfort of your suite living room. that’s some soft-ass shit. the people want to be locally and intimately engaged with a candidate… not see him on the idiot box.


I would hire you.

But then we’d just eventually become England.

Handing out panflets like assholes.

I got this problem now. I don’t have enough data for a new movie. And I only have 12 Strong and The Godfather 1 and 2 on my hard drive.

Like, fuck.