why do christians hate gays?

deffinatly don’t want to promote it. I say in government, let the punishment fit the crime. Any sexual imorality will serve up its own punishment I guess.

The fact is, there is no real science to show gays are caused. All the simularities of gays they have found are in conditioning. Just like they say the mothers conditioning to barring children may cause gays. All it really causes is a child to have more mirriors to reflect himself against. Then the type of brain they have says what type of memories they have. Yet science will make bold conclusions baced on conditioning the brain and glands. Homosexual males that work out act “straighter”. So I don’t know what cause their is beside limiting perspective witch science is tring to perpetuate.

All this is really tring to say is that God was wrong.
It takes love between the sexes to give us an intimate look beyond the differences between men and women. Yet people who marry more then one will become bias by compensating for the two estrogins. What it really is, is “The nature of what we do, is the nature of what we become.” And that’s a fact that science can not contradict eccept by saying we need to accept these differences, and ignore what parrallels they are trying to say.

I haven’t had a chance to read this entire thread but where did you get the idea that Christians hate gays? I’m a Christian that doesn’t believe in gay marriage. I think that marriage should be one man and one woman but I don’t call that hate.

Here’s a good website with a lot of good articles about the gay marriage debate:


Christians hate gays for the same reason atheists hate Jesus.

If atheists hate Jesus, then there must be a Jesus to hate.

Future Man quote - Post subject: why do christians hate gays?
come on spit it out. whats your problem?

Personally I like gays and lesbians and transexuals/transvestites,as the world would be a drabber place without 'em, in fact i think God showed his sense of humour by putting them in the world to send stuffy fundie xtians bananas :slight_smile:
Here’s a contender I hope to see become Archbishop of Canterbury one day -
bbc.co.uk/oxford/stage/2003/ … view.shtml

We’re all sinners in one way or another, for example motorists are killing asthmatic kids, just look at any church car park. (i don’t drive)
Gays lesbians and trannies are no better or worse than anybody else and will have to take their chances on Judgement Day along with the rest of us…

Uccisore -

I’m thinking that there is some irony here that escapes me. I am most certainly an atheist and most certainly don’t hate Jesus.

That’s just ridiculous.

Adamant, Semitic, perfectionist-idealism.

Circumsition is sicker then homosexuality, but which one did God say was good?


It’s not where you put your ****, it’s all about how.

Judging someone as sinful & unfit to live because they were born with – or developed an alergy to dairy products:
This is analog to the “wisdom” and “perfection” of the Jewish God, which was the epitome of Jewish culture and Jewish ideologies.

Allot of people would just lie to defy what I’ve said, also.
Like I said in another thread, Jesus is like frosted lucky charms.
Sugar coated, good luck, bought, processed and factory-made.

If you ate shell-fish, blood or were gay, the good old Jews would kill you dead. This was “God’s perfect way”, which got toned down by government, justice and human rights later on.

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:13.

Dan~ Jesus can’t do anything to me - he’s dead. I have no reason to hate him.

Dan quote - “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:13

Think deep - that was simply God talking about aspects of human DNA coding, don’t take it literally :wink:


Yeah, and I’m most certainly a Christian who most certainly doesn’t hate gays.

In other news," have you stopped beating your dog yet?"

Think deep, your God is perfect.
Why the fuck did he tell Jews to kill any bisexual or homosexual they found?

Uccisore -


You’ve apostacized to the perfect commandments from the God that wasn’t there. Good job.

Dan quote - Why the fuck did he tell Jews to kill any bisexual or homosexual they found?

People wonder why the Old Testament was so harsh. The answer is that God has never changed, but the way he had to package himself to get his message across HAS changed, he had to talk in harsh primitive OT terms to earlier harsh primitive peoples in their own “language” like a strict headteacher to get their attention.
“The law brought us to Christ like a schoolmaster,but now through Christ we are not under that schoolmaster” (Gal 3:22-25)
(Likewise, when Ryker in Star Trek joined a Klingon vessel on an exchange visit as First Officer he had to punch and throw a stroppy Klingon officer across the bridge to get the attention and respect of him and the rest of the crew )
When God felt the time was right to package himself in a softer way to more advanced peoples, he gave us Jesus who came not to abolish the OT wholesale, but to show us how to apply its rules with enlightened goodnatured commonsense.
Jesus said - “It was said ‘eye for eye,tooth for tooth’ but I say turn the other cheek” (Matt 5:38/39)
And people quickly realised - “The covenant of Jesus is superior to the old one” (Heb 8:6-13)
Remember, Jesus saves, not the OT :wink:
Right Spock?
“Right Mick”…


And you were doing so well, too. Mick, Mick, Mick. You know all those ‘deeper’ interpretations of Leviticus were made up by liberal theologians during (or after) the American sexual revolution, to promote a softer stance on homosexuality- which the Church has rightly always condemned, yes?

That is the thing I never quite got.

The covenant made through the blood of Christ was supposed to replace the old covenant. So, while the old orders may still be good ideas, they are no longer mandatory. I’ve heard that as the reason why Christians don’t have to keep kosher, nor are they obligated to observe the sabbath.

So, why, then, is Leviticus still used to condemn homosexuals? I know plenty of Christians who save, eat pork, eat shrimp, wear cotton-poly blends, work on Sunday, eat foods made from ingredients from different places, ect.

On top of that, isn’t the primary message of Jesus that we are all sinners and that his sacrifice was to ensure that despite the fact that we all fall short of grace, we may still recieve it as a gift, because God is merciful (Side note: I know plenty of Christians that write God out, another no-no).

So, does it matter whether we have lustful thoughts, or have stolen, or have lied, or buggered some dude in the ass? Aren’t all sins equal before God?


There are two main reasons. The first is that Leviticus is practically the only place in the Bible where any sexual rules are laid out- homosexuality is condemned alongside bestiality and incest, and these things are not re-condemned elsewhere. So you’re reasoning may work, if the Christian were willing to accept all those things too. But…

In the New Testament, no sexual rules are relaxed, and many are strengthed- Jesus speaks against re-marriage and multiple wives, things that were permitted by the Old Testament, and Paul recondemns homosexuality. So trend of the Old Testament is that sexual rules got more strict, if anything, while other sorts (like dietary restrictions) got more relaxed.

That was actually Paul… A mental reflex of mine when talking about the issue of penitence and redemption is to bring nigh the parable of the prodigal son.

Christians do not hate gays.

If he does, then he violates Jesus’ example and is not a Christian. Jesus was a friend of adulterers and tax collectors - those who were rejected by the religious authorities.

A Christian hates the sin but loves the sinner.

Christians should do their best to learn from God’s philosophy; that is, “There is none righteous; no, not one.” Rom. 3:10. God would have become a man and endured a tortuous death on the cross just to see one sinner come to repentance. Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient for all sins and justifies all sinners regardless of their sin. This doctrine is Biblical. Messages of hate pronounced by self-proclaimed proponents of Christianity are not representative of Christianity.