Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I see the name stuck?! :laughing:

I hope too.
Maybe I am Ed. :evilfun:
No, I am not Ed. :wink:

This is me (more than 2000 years ago):

This is me too (later):

If you want to read more about me:

Yesterday… before a night out in deepest Chelsea… but I left unimpressed


It was quite embarrassing to see middle aged men on the pull this evening… Do I want company tonight? asked one, No I do not! I replied, I’m going up to bed! he added as he hovered around for 20 minutes or so! My face: :neutral_face:



i am afraid if i was in London, i too would try to exert some pull about You, admittedly, but i would live only that long, i am a firm believer in the idea that marriages were made in heaven, and my good conscience would stop me, in all honesty.

Magsj, I feel your pain. I’m about to be 35, and as I’ve said plenty of times, I’ve kinda got it going on in life. So, women from 20 to 60 years old get drunk and wanna get all in my space. I feel sorry for them sometimes, but not when they’re being pushy or annoying. It aint so easy being desirable.

A brainteaser: Who are these nice guys?

Ah cum-on… that’s far too easy - am I giving away how long I’ve been here? Oops! #-o

Okay, then please tell me the names, but please from memory, and please don’t cheat!

ben, Tab, SAITD, O_H, Smears, Durden

Smears’ I saw at the top of the page, but the others were easily recognizable.

My choices too, and the correct ones :wink:

all ILP vets, and ben was the original owner before Carleas


I think I wanna change my name to sandwich.

Well done!

So Fuse gets the first award because he has answered the fastest. =D>

He is young, and so he is very responsive, Mags! Sorry, but you get the second award. =D>

Congratulations and thank you. =D>

you’re a funny one, Arminius. :slight_smile:

keep the contests going, i’ll be out here winning awards all day what with my youth and responsiveness.

[size=189] The first award: F.U.S.E. - F.U., 1991.[/size]


Congratulations, Fuse. =D>

Nice. Flowers? I wonder what MagsJ’s award would have been.

Yes, for the ceremony!

Should I really tell? :-k

Okay. Mags’ award would have been this one:


Or this one:


Or this one:


One of them, and the decision would have been difficult!

In any case would this have been for the ceremony:

Instead of flowers?