What are you doing? (Part 1)

That feeling you get where you want to throw up because you can’t eat anymore ramen noodles especially after surviving off of them for almost two months…

Everything I eat is plain. If it’s got more than a couple of ingredients, or if I can’t tell what all is in it by glancing at it, then I can’t eat it. Pretty much anyplace I go and eat, I end up with meat cheese and bread of some kind. I don’t like sauces, or onions, or anything that’s too spicy. I don’t eat lettuce, or tomatoes, or hummus, or mayonnaise, or any vegetables other than corn, potatoes, beans or peas.

Laughing, You want help extending your diet? I used to feed three people for forty bucks a week. If you can give me a basic idea of your kitchen, budget and tastes maybe we can get you off a plain ramen diet. Ok?

I don’t like noodles very much. Maybe in chicken alfredo, but in general they’re a no-go.

Hey Laughing ,i grew up in Minneapolis, lived in fridley for a while until my poor disturbed mother took me to live near loringpark then, we moved to dinky town. n I saw bob dylan there, with his guitar and all, inn the bars there near the campus theatre , lived on 14 th street SE, while attending u of m. it was the beginning ofmthe sixties ca. 1963-5. then we moved to hollywood.

The city has got much more bigger since the 1960’s I’m sure.

i have still some folks living there i lost touch ever since i got off facebook, lets see brainerd, yes, they have a farm there i have a beautiful cousin there she was homecoming queen in high school in fridley, then he married a carpenter that never worked, and she ended up cleaning cabins, i guess she could have married the most popular guy football hero jacket and all, her dad my uncle tried to get a sex change operation but, the psychiatrist did not approve of it,but she cross dressed anyway, got involved in fridley politics nevertheless, and got to be council woman,.

i always dreamed to go back there, but they would not understand how i could not live there anymore in the winter. Her mom wrote to me several times describing her life in the trailer, and how deers come on into her property and all, and that is when nostalgic and wish i was back, rather having tomblike here except, i am bound here responsibly. forgive i have had too much got drink last night, too much to drink mainly ouzo. do you know satyr?

This job and current location of mine is what I consider my last stand in so called civilized society.

What this means is that if I become unemployed, homeless, or existentially/ financially ruined once again I cannot be pushed over the edge anymore. Let me reiterate that once again, I cannot be pushed over any longer.

I simply will not endure any more any longer. I’ve gone to my limit of mental tolerance and endurance. After this it will be the last straw.

I’ve been patient the last ten years but there is a limit to my patience and tolerance.

By my calculations the United States economy will collapse by about 2022 if a world war hasn’t been started first and even if one is started the end result will be the same.

I’ve picked a nice wooded area two hundred miles of my current location that I’ll survive out of until this great reckoning occurs. I’ve already surveyed the area.

Without giving too much information away I’ll say the area is about twelve hundred miles of wilderness,forests, waterfalls, lakes, rivers, canyons, and hills.

With enough resources I could probably survive there indefinitely.

It will make a good area for the resistance I am planning.

It will be in that location strengthening myself mentally and physically that I will be plotting my own individual downfall of civilization. It is from that location I’ll devote the rest of my life tearing down the world putting it mildly.

Of course in this area of the world surviving an entire winter will be a testimony of great strength and endurance.

Once the economic and societal collapse takes place I will build an army of individuals like myself. Make no mistake, we will conquer this world by storm. The world will not see us coming and it will come to resent the day it double crossed us.

This is me putting the rest of the world on the spot.

All I can say is that this country better hope and pray that I don’t become unemployed or financially ruined once again anytime soon…

For now everything is fine but somehow I feel like this is all just a fake calm where I feel like disaster is looming over and waiting for me. Time will tell.

I have nothing left to lose. Your move world. Checkmate.

They put the date a lot earlier i believe this coming winter when the dollar will cease to be the leading currency of exchange including Saudi Arabia, whom we were supposed to attack if they did not accede to keep trading in the dollar , but, now that Russia has surpassed saudi as the number 1 exporter of oil, euro will / might replace the dollar as the number one currency of exchange, thereby recurring focus on Germany as the savior of mankind. so do not worry at that stage, the IMF will start printing money the same way the fed has, causing an inflationary spiral, which will be controlled as long as they can keep printing, until a world debacle as bad as the one that went down prior to WW2, when Germany gets inflated, the proper ideal of Germany, the only way out of this debacle is the french, their dreamy eidectic reduction into the pseudo Christianity of reductive reasoning, (but whom among us is capable of that? nowadays .
Nevertheless, &
to break up the monotony of this diatribe
there is hope:::::::
It is the hope , that young men , like You, may, overcome the coming deluge,too bad you weren’t there in the 60"s then,you my have immediate access,
but don’t take my words for it, i tried, my late beloved son, with all his degrees, and qualification could not. The only analogy i can point out to you is what happened to william Burroughs be.beloved son, billy jr. they were generationally a part.

But be as it may, for the sake of our loved one, maybe someone has already taken notice of what is involved, aND for the SAKE of our children the innocents , , have taken steps to create an alternative parallel universe.

Because it’s way too, late in the game, much too late, to compare various differing games. Every one plays.

I hear what you’re saying. I’m just at the end of my rope here where I can neither go or endure anymore.

I’m a fighter. I’m not going down without a fight and if it is my lot in life to be damned in hell I will certainly drag down as many as possible with me.

For those like myself the oncoming collapse of this absurd empire can only bring liberation.

I don't want to disillusion You, therefore from here on will not pounder on the way things proceed in the event of a revolution.  It may turn differently, in-spite of the , adage that,' those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat them. But i guess, any change s 'good' to bring out of our doldrums

Laughing, this is no laughing matter, i instinctively know where you and i . are at. However the relativity of it has not been considered.

I would be perfectly happy after an exhaustive battle, a real one , not merely of wits, to get high i some god forsaken beautiful terrain, and count my blessings, but that kind of attitude comes from an investiture of a privileged state, however You, Laughing, could not get high on formalizations of attitude, you have to establish a new foundation from which You may be elevate Yourself into a higher ground, whereby You could develop,the luxury of perspective and point of view. It is me talking, as if i could elevate you into this perspective, but whom am i kidding? You will trade Your soul for this efficacy , not really know if You’re position in all this, but You were able to release Yourself from the dad You never knew, into the void, which elevates you. At least in my mind. That is why, i could never in good conscience , take an opportunistic advantage of You, in an anti oedipal way, and try as i might , alway place principle before it. This is what Kerouac literally said, and i use that only as confirmation.

And if You don’t know what i am saying, it’s ok, since a lot of my stuff consists of automatic writing.

Obe, are you a machine? And if so: Do you and all your buddies want to completely replace us all? :slight_smile:

In a sense i am a machine. But as i have said i am staying within the non committed column. It all depends on You. I am but here to point to the difficulties which can be experienced toward the way. It is like that certain warrior who came across dragon’s teeth in a field, like that of modern minefields where everybody is replaceable. Who am i to replace You?

But in another sense, the machine which dictates to me, still, as the nacht which the winter solstice , evaporating the hubrice of the dreams of mid-summer, where fauns, still, inspire ,
then as there unreservedly so, all as in that dream , is, replaceable. But it’s not i, believe me, it is those whom i loved, those who challenged and channelled me, please believe me, of course you may not, and yet again, you might, if, only You can will it!

Machines can never replace You, not because of a stereotype i have of a German that’s long gone, a romantic , whose world view has been post-scribed and expressed as the vision of a beautiful world. How can a machine ever express that longing, guilt ridden none the less, and mistaken because of it’s exclusivity,???

Christianity is all inclusive, it is a recurrance of ad aeternum of hope, it is the pre requisite to democracy as mundane as it is, yet it saves the world, the savior, whom even Nietzsche held in regard, AND NOT PAULUS, BECAUSE LET’S FACE IT, PAUL WAS ONLY A DISCIPLE, it is CHRIST, WHO IS THE REAL TRANSVALUATOR, the antichrist only a reaction, to absolve man to try to trick the devil, for the sin of the forbidden fruit, it is merely an apology, whereas christ is the savior, the one who died, for our sins, so that creation itself will have a BEING, and not merely existence. The antichrist is christ, the reversal is but our fault mea maxima culpa, and he as comeback as NEGATION, to pronounce the ideal, how hard to entertain it’s figurative abstraction , the profane abstracted from the sacred,so as to give the will it’s power to illuminate those, still,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the darkness unloved. that they are.

see what ouzo does? arminius if you had known me in solingen, well, that’s another story.

Hang in there, folks.

Greatest ideal,

A world aflame.

Such pure intentions…

"If I suffer, I’ll make us all suffer!’

Of all the progress of man,

It comes back to the will of a child.

=> viewtopic.php?f=1&t=185562&p=2495797#p2495797


You mean this one?:

And you in Solingen, Obe?

Appeal to authority- How it works:

Take it up the ass by authority and don’t you dare be resentful or fight back.

     I was in Solingen, once.  But in a sense i will always be there. Solingen for me is not an ouzo, but an ouza.