What are you doing? (Part 1)

But what does it mean: “Solingen for me is … an ouza”?

We’ve gone over this. Don’t act like a douchebag, and I won’t call you one.

Also, I’m not pissy. Again, keep telling yourself I am, but that doesn’t change reality. You can’t handle an honest observation of your behavior, that’s not my problem. I have no reason to get pissy, I’m just watching you be butt-hurt and overcompensate.

Can any personal issues with each other be exchanged through messaging please - your cooperation is much appreciated.

Yeah I mean, if only this was an interesting catfight, but it’s just like watching two old ladies bicker. STFU already, gee.
It’s just a fucking word.

Arminus, it could mean a masculine/feminine distinction, i guess my stay in Solingen manifested such preoccupation, of a fallen angel, a realization of the primal indifference of a deity underlying a pre-Islamic, Jewish, or Christian entity. Maybe one, or even all of these, depending on relevance and opportunity ( I am answering this delayed, and could not embed more then three paraphrases into my reply. I hopeYou still can re connect with Your original question.

Blurry, I have no interest in your opinion of me. I don’t even know why you’re on a phl board. Have you ever posted anything of substance or have you ever done anything besides your “douchebag” schtick? It’s boring. You might as well be talking to a brick wall. Now, if you can’t stop name-calling, then I’d suggest that you go someplace else besides my thread and do a little growing up, then come back when you know how to play with the other kids…

:laughing: why you keep responding then? Why so upset over a word if you have no interest?

For someone who gets so upset about people accusing him of only talking about bitches and drugs and ignoring the years of posts you’ve made, it sure doesn’t take much provocation to get you to do the exact same thing :-"

Learn to notice when you’re being played. You’re not nearly so good at this game as you think you are, sweet cheeks :wink:

I’m not worried about the word. I’m trying to help you develop as a person into something more than an simple name-caller. The fact that you think someone, or anyone here is “being played” is indicative of your juvenile mentality. Sweet cheeks? Riiiiight.

Peanut butter and grape jelly.

All You need is Love-The Beatles. I can’t get that tune out of my mind tonight. Thinking better go home now gotto get up in a few hours. It’s been 100 plus degrees for the last two week, we are getting a respite for a few days. I’d rather have it warm though. No need to heat. Well like they say, seasons come seasons go.

You’re appreciated, Blurry.

Just not by mr reasonable at present.

Working in the public sector was like watching animals fighting for their survival… thank god today is my last day with these lazy, bitter, jealous people. :smiley:

Now back to the private sector for me…

I worked in a consulate once. I know exactly what you mean.

Yep, I have dealt with the govt, private sector and now animals… Animals make me smile.

Slowly going through my textbooks and notes on philosophy before college. Am I naive for actually looking forward to it to a certain extent? Gonna have lessons from morning to evening on some days, so I probably am a naive little philosophy nerd…

You’re going to college for philosophy?

You’ll have a lot of fun. You’ll notice over time that there are really only a few base concept that people use in pretty much all thoughts and arguments, and that for the most part, you’re just memorizing the jargon that each philosopher or school of thought uses to refer to the same concepts. You’ll also get to see a lot of people run into mental walls when presented with seemingly simple questions. It’s a blast.

I majored in philosophy at Towson State University here in Maryland. And it was a good experience.

On the other hand, before I even opened a textbook, I had had a ton of experiences I could fall back on in order to put the abstract, “theoretical” stuff that philosophers are wont to exchange in perspective. For example, I had worked at both Maryland Shipbuilding and Dry Dock and at Bethlehem Steel. I spent three years in the Army…including a tour of duty in Vietnam. I spent two years at a community college indulging in every imaginable behavior. And at a time when the culture was bursting at the seams with all manner of new and different experiences. I was also politically active.

So, by the time I was attending actual classes, I was able to demand of both students and teachers that they bring their “concepts” down to earth.

And that is my advice to anyone in pursuit of an education in philosophy. Without having those actual experiences to draw from it can all be just mental masturbation for intellectuals. And you know what that can lead to: objectivism.

Avoid that like the plague.

Just had a nice relaxing bath, ate some food and now i’m ready for my next weed session.

Late night TV is pretty entertaining… movies, SVU, BET channel… vibesing :slight_smile:

I’m going to be what I was born to be, what I need to be, what I should be… don’t hate me for it, will you. That’s to my UK peers, whom I despise with a vengeful passion.

…back to the weights… leg day