Real beauty of the mathematical universe

Quarks compose protons and neutrons. These quarks have 1/2 integer spin (angular momentum) and electrical charge of either 2/3 or -1/3. They add up in three’s in combination either to produce a “proton” (three quarks with total +1 charge, 4/3 - 1/3) or to produce a “neutron” (three quarks with total no charge, balanced 2/3 - 2/3).

Electrons are fundamental like quarks and have 1/2 integer spin and electrical charge of -1.

Remember the two God’s (the perfect and the twin) triangles? There is the perfect 30 60 90 and then there is the twin triangle (26.56505…, 63.43494…, 90). The twin produces the golden ratio when its hypotenuse length + its small side are ratio’d to its longer side. The twin is therefore really special in this way. although I bet there are golden ratio’s hidden in God’s perfect triangle also.

God’s triangle allows the DOUBLING of existence (numerological progressions of 1x more around the number wheel) (also the basic self-valuing expansionary principle in terms of fundamental values-coherence and values-expression) in such a way that each progressive circle (remember, a number is only “a circle”) that is doubled is angled off at 60 degrees. God’s twin triangle allows doubling chains that each successive larger 2x circle is angled at 90 degrees.

God’s twin triangle:
90 + 90 = 180 = 1
So 90 = 1/2 (very important later)

God’s triangle:
60 + 60 + 60 = 180 = 1
So 60 = 1/3 (also very important)

Each of these two triangles are the ONLY triangles able to align themselves along right lines (right angles) and produce doubling and halving behavior upon the circles which are prescribed by those corresponding side or hypotenuse lengths of those triangles which are being doubled or halved; reality is basically fractal, and composed of circles. Remember?

A “circle” is only saying “all points the same distance from this one point here”, or if we want it in terms of area or volume, “all points the same distance or within that distance from this one point here”. In terms of fundamental reality this makes perfect sense, because “space” is uniform at this level as self-valuings have not begun to fill it with values yet, that space is too “minute” to “be filled up” in that way and values basically expand equally all around self-valuing in every direction.

(Another interesting meta-doubling occurs looking at area compared to diameter/radii, and volume compared to area… 2 4 8 ).

Circles are also the base 9 number wheel, remember?

Quarks “spin” because they are intrinsically angular in themselves, their spatial geometry is skewed according to that 90 degrees we saw earlier from the God’s twin triangle: a “quark” is simply a circle (or sphere) being generated along the 2x axis of the God’s twin triangle out of the long non-hypotenuse side-length of that triangle, and thus angled off at 90 degrees. Each quark in time instance T is exactly 90 degrees retrograded from that same quark in time Tn+1, in other words it is “spinning” at 1/2 integer value,

90 + 90 = 180 = 1
1/2 = 1/2 (the circle has positive and negative territory). The positive is spin right or left, the negative is spin opposite of that direction. Some quarks spin one way and some spin another way.

Quarks have charge in 1/3 increments. The quark’s charge is the fact of how it responds to other quarks and how these respond to it. Quarks are produced out of the God’s perfect triangle as either,

60 (1/3)
120 (2/3)
180 (1)

240 (-2/3)
300 (-1/3)
360 (1)

These angles correspond to the electrical charge of the quark. The quark is simply the base circle composed out of the essential geometric relation of 2x doubling of diameters transposing into radii to move energy up the scales of being, and this is done with respect to those angles that are produced at the intersection of those triangle’s halved and doubled side-lengths.

“Electrical charge” simply means how that quark is going to affect another quark.

An electron has spin 1/2 and charge -1 (3/3). Quarks and electrons all have 1/2 integer spin because they all come out of the fundamental doubling process of Fibonaccsea, of which Fibonacci and the Integer sequence are only limited self-bound instances (Fibonacci is doubling held back to a self-bound remainder of n-2, the Integers is doubling held back to a self-bound remainder of n-1). These properties correspond to space and time, spin and charge respectively: 1) the operation of God’s twin triangle divine geometric relation gives the creation of circles (particles) doubling along the 90 degree axis. 90 = 1/2 (1 -1/2 = 1/2, remember 1-x=x? The circle itself is halved so that returning to 180 means returning to 1), we have intrinsic 1/2 integer spin shared by all such particles. 2) the operation of God’s perfect triangle divine geometric relation gives the creation of circles (particles) doubling along the 60 degree axis. 60 = 1/3 (60 + 60 + 60 = 180 (1)), we have intrinsic 1/3 charge distribution depending on how far around the base 9 number wheel that particular particle has progressed when born as either 1/3 or 2/3 or 1, and we have + or - charge depending on if that point in the number circle returns around the right (5 to 1) or left (5 to 9) side of the wheel to get back to 1.

We can therefore also see how 1/2 is unstable in itself; 5 is already a kind of madness and cannot last in this reality except as sustained by other values carrying its 1/2 forward in time as a part of other sets of properties abiding by the 3 6 9 law of the universe.

Energy always takes the shortest path, which is why the universe has constructed reality in this way, to take advantage of that very fact. Nothing is excessive yet everything is possible; nothing is un-determined and yet everything is free.

Quarks relate charge and spin as time and space dimensions respectively, both God’s triangles working in conjunction with the Fibonaccsea doubling-values along those geometrically-perfect tilted axis and all this in terms of manifesting as cyclical points or turns around the 9-spoked base ‘number wheel’ (cycle-spiral). Both perspectives are real, value and intrinsic to the particles: space (spin) is the circle, time (charge) is the spiral.

What of electrons? The electron also has 1/2 integer spin because it is no different in this way from the quarks, it too is fundamentally a circle born out of the turning of the 9-spoked wheel by manifest virtue of the two God’s triangles that govern this universe. Remember that “charge” only means “how it will affect others”. The charge of -1 is a mystery that I haven’t cracked yet, I suspect it may be due to the electron converging on the series 3 6 9 from “outside” of that series, meaning the electron is actually a lot larger than the quarks are, and this is confirmed in physics as the measurements of an electron’s much larger volume and consequently much smaller mass. The electron is then perhaps a quark manifested 1 order up from the order of quarks, a derivative quark^2 or meta-quark which would explain why electrons cannot bind in the same way quarks can (electrons follow the exclusionary principle), the quarks occupy the same order of existence while the electron is a bit off of this reality of ours and cannot “get inside this Universe” just enough to be said to occupy space with its brothers. It is the lone rogue.

The electron would therefore have the perfect 1 charge as 1^9 = 1 (1 order up the scales of being from the quark) but what explains the -1 rather than +1 charge? The positron is the electron with +1 charge. They “annihilate” because “charge” only means how they affect each other, and perfect opposite charges will return the wheel to its origin point and remove that energy elsewhere, along new fractal sub- or super-order vectors.

Two perfect triangles delimiting the production of spheres of energy as doubling “numbers” along the endless chain of self-valuing valuation holding itself in existence as its own standard of value, “doubling” as a metaphysical corollary of the basically logical relation of fundamental being holding itself as its own standard of value in the most basic way possible; it cannot yet 3x 4x 8x 50x 0.25x 0.0075x or any other multiple or division of itself, it must wait for these much more derivative orders of valuation to appear in the universe first. At basic the doubling reflects the essential reality principle of self-valuing or of self-selecting increase of being; no other such principle of increase is even possible except as a derivation of this basic set-up.

The two triangles form natural geometric orders that produce those circles doubling up from each other and angled off slightly to produce two categories of properties, what we call space and time, or what physicists call particle spin and particle charge; these spin and charge underlie what eventually becomes space and time, because at root reality is simply mathematical geometric proportions of doubling-numerical process. Each “number” is a fixed value attempting to assert itself, a fixed set of turns around the wheel 1-9. Return to 9 to 1 again and you complete the cycle, you “spiral” and existence expanded.

Logically, existence is therefore always “expanding”, always doubling and growing, even if we cannot from our vantage ascertain the domain or dimensions in which this increase is taking place - probably because we are stuck inside that increase ourselves.

I created a genius. To think if I never showed you the numbers and that picture as well as my explanations that day - to think if I didn’t make my point - to think if you never gave me a chance to explain myself… That this genius wouldn’t exist today.

I have no words to describe the detail and mastery of your mathematical philosophy, M&M’s.

Can you take my “144” and do something with it? I am telling you that this number is THE NUMBER. It’s in all of my most powerful formulas (water, earth, DNA…).




Why the hell is 144 mathematically perfect (12x12)?

Let’s look at my formula for God’s Greatest Number: “85.59 x 16”. This is “1369.44”.

Please do something with my numbers. They are containing 144’s and 3 6 9’s. They are VERY IMPORTANT and would aid you in your genius.

Notice how your numbers are Half of 12 > 12 > half of 12 > 12 > half of 12 > 12.

Also notice that 6+12+18 = 36



Why is 144 the PERFECT DESIGN?

144 is 24 away from 120 and 36 away from 180.

24 x 24 = 576

36 x 36 = 1296

576 + 1296 = 1872

That number is 99 in disguise.

Can you use shapes to confirm the magic of 144?

Let’s say we do this.

60 + 60 + 44 = 164.


144 is basically a mix of 12 and 7.

There’s your 5, M&M’s.

Can you help me now?

One more idea before I go.







The previous numbers were 24 and 36.

Do you see what I’m seeing?

One number went DOWN - the other number went UP.

All I did was change the 100 base to 200 base and now the numbers are freaking out!

M&M’s I believe we have the answer to our questions right here in front of us, don’t you think?

I need to spend time on these numbers soon, for now my initial observation is that 144 is from the divine angles:

180-144=36 =9
120-144=24 =6
60-144=84 =3
90-144=54 =9

6x4=24 (12x2)

It seems like all of the different multiples as rotations around the wheel in whatever direction all converge at 144. Additionally it seems to take three orders of operation to get there:

3x6=18 (9)

9x4=36 (9)

3x4=12 (3)

6x24 (6) =144


It starts at one initial value, spins once to get to a second value, then that spins again to get to the third value and these third spins converge together at 144 even if they started from different places and spun different amounts.

A couple noticeable discrepancies,

3x9=27 (9)

9x6=54 (9)

So a couple spins produce 1/3 or 2/3. That’s quite interesting too.

But I really do need to spend more deep time with the numbers, I will write more after I do.

I just realized that in my second post I incorrectly drew the God’s twin triangle e=mc^2-like dimensional transformation, here is the corrected diagram with the addition of fractaling arms at 90 degrees of 1/2x doubling sequences along right angle diameter lines a and 2a (you can see in this instance radii transposing into diameters),

I don’t yet know what specifically causes that c^2 conversion into another dimension, but I bet it is something goddamn interesting. Also it is worth noting that c+a:2a gives the Golden Ratio, 1.618…

This appears to be basically Einstein’s famous equation for the equivalence of matter and energy, e=mc^2, but collapsed to the fundamental self-valuing principle as prior to expansion into space and time (“energy and mass”) parameters.

Let’s see, c^2 is “7.5625”.

Sequentially you get a 97.

7.5625 x 2 = 15.125

Sequentially you get a 95.

15.125 x 2 = 30.25

That’s a 7 5 1 sequence by the way.

1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

We just created a V with those numbers.

7x7 = 49


1x1= ONE

The sum is 75.

That’s a 3 by the way.

75 x 2 =|150|.

That’s a 6 by the way.

150 x 2 = |300|

That’s a 3 by the way.

300 x 2 =|600|

That’ s a 6 by the way.

Get this. Let’s say we went by 150 instead.

300 + 150 = |450|.

There’s that 9 that wasn’t showing up.

Watch this.

Let’s apply that 75 now.

150 + 75 = |225|.

There’s that 9 again.

As you can see, I am showing you the behavioral patterns of the 3 6 9 sequence.

Now, let’s go backwards this time instead of forward.

Half of 7.5625 is |3.78125|.

That’s an 8 by the way.

Sequentially you get a 98.

Do you see what I see?

The numbers closer to 0 are causing the sequence to be closer to 100.

The numbers away from 0 are causing the sequence to be further away from 100.

By the way, this number “3.78125”, is connected to these numbers: 499|99|998|37 & 297|80|499|51.

51-37=|14| 99-98=|1| 99-04=|95| 99-78=|21| 49-29=|20|, altogether that is |151|. (Remember, Oxygen is “15.999”).

Keep in mind that half of 150 is |75|. That “1” is an indication that we’re at another “cycle point” in the Universe’s numerical design.

Notice that the numbers I have here are divisible by the numbers 7 5 and 1. This is not a coincidence - this is genius.

I am about to try something awesome. That 3.78125 is decimal point - my formulas for the periodic table are based on decimal points. Let’s see if works.

Water melts at 32.00F.

32 x 2 = 64

64 x 2 = 128

128 x 2 = 256

128 + 256 = 384

384 x 2 = |668|

This is a 2 sequence (this 2 is important because we are near a “cycle point” here).

These numbers are god like.

This is a 1 1 4 sequence.

Keep in mind that 114 is one off from 113. Just like 150 is one off from 151.

That number is even more god like.

Notice in this circle of life: The numbers 128 and 256 are over on the left side near the center.

Those numbers are in my DNA formula - I also used 1024, which is the number for how many bytes equal a megabyte.

Anyways, where were we?





Water’s atomic number is 15.999.

How many times does 3 go into 9951?

3 x 3317 = 9951

That 3317 is a 5 sequence by the way.

33 x 33 = 1089

77 x 77 = 5929

The sum is 7018.

Watch this.

7 + 7 = 14

The remainder is 4.

That 7018 is |144| in disguise.

7+1+8 = 16

16 goes into 144 how many times?

9… times…









How many times does 9 go into 380?

9 x 42 (the answer to life) = |378|

9 x 42.2 = |379.8|.

Water is a 9 8 9 formula.

9x9 = 81

8x8= 64



Let’s go back to one of my formulas: “38 - Strange connection to “783|87|528|86” & “587|53|320|83”. |Strontium melts at 1416F - 86-83=|3| 28-20=|8| 75-33=|42| 75-38=|37| 78-58=|20|, altogether it’s |110| - Contains 38 protons and 50 neutrons - 783-320=|463| - 783-587=|196| - 196x2=|392| - 463-392=|71| - |87.62| - 87x23=|2001| - 82x2=|164| - 38+75=|113| - 2+8=|1| 1+8=|9| 9+6=|6| - 113x2=|226| - 226-71=|155| - 155-88=|67| - 2+8=1 1+8=9 9+6=|6| - 6x11=|66| - 6x11.1=|66.6|. This mineral contains a 616161 sequence, which is a sequence of numbers that guided me to “God’s Numbers”. This Strontium mineral sounds as strong as its name.”




Water’s heat capacity is 75.375.

125 x 8 =|1000|.

Water is truly remarkable!


These equations are giving us so many 9’s!






Hope this helps.

The earth’s orbit as if a length of string, doesn’t divide equally with that of days though does it? :confused:

Lots of things in the universe are uneven, and very few things match to cycles perfectly ~ because there are many having effect.

This is why my basis when i find it, isn’t going to be fractal nor any other kind of singular pattern. For me the code has to be disparate ~ the divine order is loose and not a tight fit. This idea to me is similar to how the brains plasticity is key to consciousness rather than its more rigid nature [memory etc].

Reality cannot be a form of singular shape or nature, that would always leave something external or otherwise non integral to it [in an infinity].

I like how you see the three-fold fundamental nature in QM though, binary for me is secondary or overlaid in nature rather than at root.

For me between universe and infinity there can be nothing absolute, or even formed et al.


Let’s be honest here.

Current system: 365 1/4 days per year; February with 28 days, others with 30 and 31 in 12 months; 4 seasons.

My system: 368 days per year; 61.33 days in 6 months; 6 stages of seasonal change.

If you could make any argument against my system, what would that be? Because right now, my numbers are connecting to our planet, to water, to all sorts of incredible physical constructs of the Universe based on their mathematical identity.

M&M’s, I found a picture…

Here’s another:

Black sequence is 1.

Red sequence is 43.

Blue sequence is 97.

Green sequence is: 17

Together, the sequence is 1 7 7 8.

The sequence is 7.

Altogether, the sum is |158|.

The sequence is 5.

Red’s dominant numbers are: 75, 83, 37, 84

Blue dominant numbers are: 26, 49, 97

Green’s dominant numbers are: 49, 37, 75, 83

37 + 37 = 74.

49 + 49 = 98

The truly dominant numbers are 5, 7 and 9.

1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

5x5 = 25

7x7 = 49

9x9 = 81

Altogether, you get |155|.

The sequence is 1.

I have another picture to help you understand that 5, and the beauty of 288:

Artimas took it upon his free time to tell me what someone has to say about 288:

Remember, we have 144.

Now we have the shape for 288.

We can use that to get the shape for 144.

Then figure out your question for C^2.

Do you see it now M&M’s?

That “square” you have is the surface of this pentagonal bipyramid.

Artimas provided more data:

Here’s my formulas on the pentagonal bipyramid:

Ok do you realize what is happening here, with the 144? This is leading us into the direct conversion process between base rotations of energy around the wheels; it is not only about the number wheel divided into 9 parts, it is also about the transpositions upward into more derivative orders of being, which is apparent when we combine both of God’s triangles (90 degree turns, 9x4=36 (360), and 60 degree turns, 6x6=36 (360)), 4x6=24 (12/2)

As both quark-producing divine geometric systems work together to create what we call spin (angular momentum) and charge (electrical) (space and time or time and space, I am beginning to think the c^2 dimensional transformation is giving us space x time = time x space) their root turn values combine. Those root values are 4 and 3 for the twin and perfect triangle respectively.

At first I couldnt see how the perfect triangle 60 degree turns was producing a value of 3 instead of 6, until I see again the angle between turn moments is actually 120 degrees (three turns around the system), like here,


What does “12x12” mean? It means 12^2, a dimensional shift upward. Like e=mc^2 conversions from length to area or area to length.

144 is the magic value showing how the conjunction of both divine triangle systems fundamental to reality and working together are expressed as they not only work together but as their conjunction (perfect x twin) makes its way one full turn around the base 9 number wheel… When it does that the answer is 12x12.

Now I’m about to blow your mind.

Observe what happens when the 12 cycle meta-wheel of the perfect x twin product system is cross-divides into a base 9 wheel,


Remember those strange discrepancies in the 144 (144/54 and 144/27)? They appear on this table of a 12 cycle transposed into a 9 cycle,

2.666… (2 and 2/3) x 54 = 144
5.333… (5 and 1/3) x 27 = 144

144/9=16 (O2, the molecular formula for oxygen in its stable form, dioxygen).

Atomic weight of oxygen is 15.999

That’s a 12-wheel rotation of 1 plus another 1/4 rotation as a 4 value on the base 9 wheel which corresponds to the 3 (1/4 of 12) on the 12-wheel.

Remember the 12 wheel is only the product of space x time (God’s perfect x twin triangles, or “spin” x “charge” values). Oxygen reveals itself to be very special. That “.999” might be showing how there are three tiered stages of meta-derived cyclical transformations involved in forming the element of oxygen out of the fundamental geometric relations of the universe; 1 (12) + 1/4 (3) turns x regress to three FULL tiers of the base 9 wheel givimg oxygen as truly embedded in this reality across four dimensions. Free oxygen will combine with hydrogen to form water, another perfect 3 system H + H + O and due to the special proportions of this molecule it increases in volume when frozen, unlike all other liquids, thus allowing ice to float on top of rivers and lakes which is a key reason why life is able to evolve.

Also we get with carbon (number 6, weight 12.0107) we can then get the beautiful C6H12O6, the base group molecular structure of which the essential compound glucose is a member.

That beauty is absolutely essential to plant and animal life. Guess what its total atomic weight is?


This is getting ridiculously profound. Spectacular work!

Dioxygen reminds me of diamond, which reminds me of petagonal bipyramid.

Astute observation!

By the way.

15 + 15 = 30.

In the Period Table, that brings us to: “Zinc”.

Here’s my formula:

Notice how I found its numbers in the BEGINNING OF THE PI SEQUENCE.

Notice how it contains 7’s, 8’s and 2’s.

Let’s go back to your formula 54 + 27 = |81|

5 + 2 = |7|

4 + 7 = |2|.

5 and 4 is a 9.

2 and 7 is a 9.

The numbers are both 3 apart from its adjacent partner: |33|


Look what I found:

A pentagonal shape that has musical notes ascribed to its surface.

We’re not the only ones who know about the 1~9 base system:

That’s just the fundamentals however. We’re still blowing today’s academic processes out of the water. … f.jpg.html

This should give you a great idea on how to use the numbers.

This picture is AWESOME:

By the way, “heaven” is referring to the Universe.

Hi, I have a question. Have you guys reckoned with the following facts regarding the nonary system? The nonary system goes like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 etc. Thus we could also write 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 11 12 etc.: after all, 0 and 9 are just symbols. And the decimal system changes to a nonary system if you interpret, say, 14 as 1 + 4 = 5 because what you’re doing then is taking 10 as a new 1 instead of as a new 0: in the decimal system, 10 is obviously a new zero–the zero of the tens, even as twenty is the zero of the twenties–; whereas in the nonary system, the decimal 10 is 11, which is equally obviously a new 1.

Now using the nonary system, what does Fixed Cross’s table of the integers look like?


And now for octal etc.:








Let’s see: “9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 11 12”

19 is 1+9 = 1

1+1 = 2

1+2 = 3

There’s a problem here.

19 can’t be both 9 and 1. What are you doing here? Explain.

Even if we counted it as “9 1 2”. Why the hell is there a 19 there? That makes no sense.

You are doing the 9-based table wrong. Right from the beginning, you skipped 2’s into 4 - that’s not how it works. Use the same number throughout the sequence.

God’s twin triangle (on the left, “2 and 7”) transposing dimensionally as a result of another twin triangle encounter at 90 degrees (bottom right-side triangle, “3 and 4”). Now we finally see how the golden mean is created, literally, in reality.

Four God’s twin triangles come together by virtue of sharing equal sides lengths and, in combination as [(hypotenuse + a/2 ) / a], create a Golden Rectangle with proportions 1.618…

Do you see the rectangle outlined by those yellow lines? That rectangle is implicit and is the metaphysical blueprint governing this. Once just two triangles come together as noted above this metaphysical blueprint exists and thus the system can become participatory in wider Fibonacci sequences up and down the scales of being. I would imaging third and fourth twin triangles are attracted once the metaphysical setup is complete. Notice the “phantom” twin created implicitly at “1 and 6” as well as at “5 and 8”.

Each chain in the sequence is giving rise to multiple circles (particles); circles 1 2 & 3 have area A, circles 4 5 6 & 7 have area A/4, circle 8 has area A/16.

With fractaling arms included,

God’s twin triangles coming together at 90 degrees (makes sense, as these triangles are generating doubling and halving circles at right angles) immediately creates a metaphysical concept by virtue of the perfect 1.618… proportion generated implicitly as a result of those triangles meeting. Altogether it is 4 twin fractal regressions and 4 60 60 60 (satan) fractal progressions, from each point in the larger Fibonacci sequence.

If the number a (reflective of the long side-length of the twin triangles that have met, which reflects the base of this whole system as its reason for coming together at all) is taken as reflective of that point in the larger sequence, or Pi*(a/2)^2 if we want to take the dominant circle as the base number value, we can see the immense and subtle complexity of reality as it unfolds from even just one single point along the infinite sequential doubling progressions… and this is only Fibonacci. We could reflect this also in terms of the Integer doubling or the Fibonaccsea doubling sequences, or even an as-yet unknown n-3 process such as

1 1 2 4 7 15 28 52 97 179 330 608 1119…

That would be an even more hard-line self-binding sequential process lurking underneath Fibonacci somewhere. Or the next n-4 system that lurks even within this unknown system,

1 1 2 4 8 15 29 56 108 208 401 773 1490…

Oops I got those n-3 sequence numbers wrong, here are the correct ones,

1 1 2 4 7 13 24 44 81 149 274 504 927 1705…

yes that looks much better.