Daemonic ☯

That would be a ‘no-thanks’, Mr R.

Btw., I like the new avatar.

You can just call them black people :confusion-shrug:

Because not all black people are N., and it’s not something unique to Blacks; though they make up the majority. I’ve seen Whites, Asians, Hispanics, etc act like N. To be a N. is a state of mind, not a race — not according to my definition, anyways.

Erik, are you scared of other races?

No, I’m not; I’m of mixed descent myself ( Caucasian + Indigenous Latino ). I’m not a racial-phobe; I simply find the aesthetics of this sub-culture to be fucking insulting and tasteless.

How do you feel insulted?

Insulted, i.e., annoyed by how petty and ridiculous they act, dress, talk, etc. It’s a sub-culture that glorifies base animality and derides intellectualism.

I see.

We have that whole gang-culture thing going on here too… made up of differing ethnic groups too.

In the 1950s and 60s group culture was all about music; Teddy Boys, Mods, Rockers, Hippies, saude-heads.

It’s a regressive step that they are now more racialised.

Those days were about class divisions, now it’s about ethnic ones.

I love how the media capitalizes off the racial tensions in the West — sensationalizing and milking it for every last drop.

I see so many ridiculous comments on my Facebook page about how evil the White man is and how unfortunate the Black man is…

The sad thing is that these comments come from Caucasians, Caucasians who have drank, nay, been drowned in Leftist cool-aid.

Most of these liberals are simply self-righteous, pompous morons, who don’t even really care about the supposed down-trodden blacks.

Most of them are simply arrogant tartuffes, who like to be seen performing righteous deeds.

The only difference between a liberal and a conservative is that the first gets paid by checking the ‘yes’ box on new government policy bills and the second gets paid by checking the ‘no’ box. That, at the end of the day, is what they do or do not do. Everything else is inconsequential and very expensive for us tax payers. I could do five politicians jobs at once and still have time for tea.

None of those idiots are honest, have any idea what is better or worse, or really care about any voter. Of the two camps, the liberals are the more smarter (did I just say more smarter?), because they tell better lies and with greater skill. More machiavellian. Only liberals have to really win the hearts of voters; the conservative platform is already the default stance of the typical american mind. Less government is better… although they don’t know what that fully entails. These are those generations raised on the laymen conservative narrative. So, unless a person is really moved by a cause for government, they would vote republican naturally.

The rhetorical task is greater for liberals. The conservatives don’t have to explain anything. They just use the debt excuse over and over again (as if the the value of fiat capital means anything).

reminds me of riley bowen

in short a tard who wrote boring novels filled with fancy words and philosophy terms but was in actuality and practicality a parrot n a tard.

I remember when the internet, in particular, Youtube, was predominantly pro-liberal and anti-conservative.
This, of course, was during the Bush administration. People didn’t like Bush, so that sentiment made its way
onto conservatives in general. Then Obama came along and everyone, so it seemed, deemed him to be the messiah.
After Obama’s second term, we start to notice, on the internet, a shift from an anti-conservative majority to one
that is anti-liberal. If you surf through Youtube, you will find a lot of anti-SJW (social justice warrior (a pejorative for leftists)) content.
The “Alt-Right” are the antithesis of the SJW movement. They are a rapidly growing movement that just obtained a major victory
with the election of Donald Trump as US president.

Anyways, I just find it interesting how the population made a radical shift from
Left to Right.



The internet is just antifascist of its very entire nature. We the peoples thought Brock Obama was going to be less fascist than he was, as we were still naive, we did not realize that anyone who plays clean, is dirty as a sock.


There is probably less than five percent of the world’s women in population density that you can expect to have any kind of intellectual conversation with. Don’t expect much from women as I certainly don’t. (Mongoose of course is an exception.)

Women mostly survive through social mechanisms, physical appearances, and through their own subjection/objection to men. (Extremely few exceptions with this.)

Get use to not talking philosophy or anything of actual intellectual relevance with women. You’re going to have to go full dumbed down conversation with them if you are wanting to socialize with them.

Just my experience anyways…

Try simple conversations like music, television, or works of fiction with them. Avoid political conversations as most are completely brainwashed by the political establishment and will bitch upon unpopular views being expressed. You have to simplify things with most women.

Approach a majority of women of all ages as being eternally fifteen years old mentally where they’re unable to mentally transform beyond that. Once you do that you’re all set Erik. :wink:

Also, if you jump down the hole, you’ll get an extra life.

The Joker wrote:

It’s not just females. Males too ought to be included in this; a lot of them just talk about football and other mundane shit.

You’re right about females being brainwashed by the political establishment. It’s unfortunate. Lame-stream media, like The View, create these obnoxious drones that repeat everything they hear from Oprah Winfrey.

I’ve encountered some females who break this rule, however. Gems they are.

It seems you found one too: Mongoose.