
In any given moment, one is able to deal with the challenges that are present or one is not able. One succeeds or one fails. The one who succeeds is superior to the one who fails.

That’s true, do you mean falls as in death? Like natural selection?

Or just failure in general? One can overcome failure and become stronger from it later.

No. You fail by fucking up … by not having what would be beneficial … by not having food when you need food … by not having money when you need money.

It usually takes more than one fuck up to die, but string together a few failures and you may be dead.

I view genetic or hereditary superiority as cultural and social constructs.

Well is common sense genetic? Because I can see a lot of people dying because they lack it. Perhaps not all of the failure is due to genetics, I was just meaning the superiority aspect between peoples genetic capabilities. But I do get what you’re saying now. I guess it just depends on when and how they fail in order to be killed by it, or the consistency of it.

Well not all of it is right? Like tribes who live in the wild, they don’t rely on social constructs as much as one living in the city

The two will have completely different skill sets and survival methods.

Perhaps intelligence really is partially bound to environment. A more comfy environment negates the need to continue to learn, not to say people don’t enjoy it, like us here. Once an environment is comfortable enough, people usually just carry on with daily routine instead of having to really survive like those in the wild or a place that tests you.

There’s the natural world and then there is the imaginary fictional constructive world of civilization.

I don’t view civilization as an extension of the natural world but rather instead an aberration.

If you were a king, then you would be quite content with civilization… Correct? :evilfun:

I wouldn’t want to be king, I wouldn’t want the responsibility.

The power I want is one of a profiteer working in the shadows. Those types of people live longer considering kings are assassinated and replaced quite frequently.

I’m all about unnoticeable invisible power. I would never become a politician.

So, a profiteer working in the shadows of a civilization. :wink:

You’re a romantic. :smiley:

How you figure that?

I view it as cancerous as well because it slows our progress in evolving, it creates corruption, destroys wonder, and well… What we see today.

Well a king is public, most exposed for being controlled, manipulated, killed, etc.

I prefer anarchy (people ruling themselves) over appointing a Sauron to rule. So if I were king of civilization I would distribute all of my power to all corners of the world, equally. Or at least distribute it wherever I “rule” anyways.

That is what actual politics is about.

A competition over who can distribute the most wealth/power in the best method in order to take care of it’s people in the best way possible.

What we see, the current reality of fake politics - Millions of dollars spent in propaganda campaign ads. (Most often the usual smear campaigns in order to ruin and destroy your opponents image.)

I agree Arty. Well, I agreed before your edits and whatnots. HHH, you would not distribute anything equally. You’re a taker, not a giver.

Civilization is the plastique, resembling a mannequin from another world with lots of retarded degrees of choices that amount to nothing valuable. The important dreamers are dead. The thinkers have taken over and created Hell, here, now. With their words and lies using those words and oh, how manipulation is reveled in.

Not the thinkers, it’s just the successful. The good fortuned have conquered the world, they created a place where not even the thinkers can get rid of them.

I am a combination of the dreamer, thinker and perhaps the hard worker/jack of all trades.

To backtrack for a sec, philosophical rig(dig)-ression
from the point of view of French psycho-existential
analysis, by way of segmentation of body parts, is viewed as a deliberate fetish, but more so a tour
d’force originating from the basic strands of social fragmentation.

The symbolic -memetic-splitting of body organs , corresponding to the idea of them as machines, can alter such correspondence through symbolic-machine interaction, reducing the particular genetic trait’s facility from an intentional-human to a deterministic machine like specialized focus. (Fetish). This focus of interest, cuts up the general idea into specific disconnected genetic parts.

Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you someone who complains about the stupidity of people?

If so, then why would you distribute “your power” to those stupid people?

Backing away from Arty’s ego Name and explain in the plain use of the English US/British language of words (No GIFFS, Pics, other abstract imagery or numerals) one dream of yours that you manifested in concrete form, neither theories count nor hypotheticals counts, into “our” reality for which I will respect you. I’m still leaving you buttloads of wiggle room, so be it! :smiley:

People aren’t so stupid anymore when they don’t have a stupid leader leading them. When they have to take care of themselves, they suddenly learn to figure it out. I had given an example of this above, the whole nature vs human constructed society spew.

So you’re asking me to explain a realistic dream I have?

There was a post a looong time ago I made about it, I don’t remember where to find it now… but I guess I can re write it. I have come a long way since then anyways… I would say at least.

To create a society based off the peoples needs first, wants after. A society of which religion (the systematic/control aspect of it) would be abolished, leaving no imaginary gods or forced systems to fight over, no sins to judge, no heavens for reward, no extortion and coercion to control. People may believe in a god if they wish, but the entire coercion/heaven and hell concept will be frowned upon. You can’t truly change ones belief of what they want to believe, but you can make sure no wars start over it.

A society in which the philosophers and academically accurate peoples will pave the way for the people (Not leadership, but teaching and setting examples), there will be no secrets, no matter how frightening or uncomfortable. There will be encouraged growth and advancement for our species, a respect for our home planet, and other planets when we make it that far. Technology will be praised, the past will be remembered and respected.

A society where greed will be abolished because everything will be given for free. What people do not realize is that the resources this planet has to offer are for everyone, or no one… There is no lower or higher, sure the jobs may differentiate and some may be more complicated than others but that is how it always will be, complicated subjects/jobs are only complicated to those illiterate in doing them. The smarter you are the more complicated of a job you may do. There will be plenty of jobs for everyone to do. This system is not going to be about conquering the world, it is going to be about creative exploration, cutting problems at the roots, technological leaps, medicinal leaps, etc. People argue “There will be no incentive for the working man” there is much incentive. Do you think a working man would rather drive a car? or a hover car? would a working man rather be killed from an infection, an organ failure, a stab/puncture wound? No, they would not, unless they’re suicidal/nihilist I guess. The incentive for the working man would be to advance our species, as it should be. Not to gain a dollar to feed themselves and buy a video game or whatever materialistic object or memory some place they wish to gain. Organ transplants are definitely possible, the study of robotics need to advance in order to perform the more complicated surgeries, I am afraid our human hands are not steady and accurate enough to perform all surgical procedures.

This is all I can write for now, I have plans to go somewhere… But this is just a basic idea.