White European preservation policies

If you recall, I’ve already said that I don’t believe a multicultural society should allow religion to be part of any social justice system. So the answer is no. Practice your religion in your home, church, synagogue, or mosque. But in open society ALL religions as well as non-religions must have equality before the law.

I’m okay with all of that. There is no metaphysically correct measure here. And different countries are different contexts.

That’s common in the US and pretty much mandatory if, for instance federal money is involved. I think it’s stupid, but no lives are lost.

A lot of it is political correctness nonsense which has nothing to do with immigration.

Hot now :

  • “Gender is a spectrum”
  • aboriginals
  • cleansing our environment of the sexist, racist founders of the country by taking down their statues and renaming buildings and streets which bear their names.

We don’t have strict requirement in Canada. It’s being done to make “newcomers” comfortable. Although if you ask Jews, Muslims or Hindus, they are not actually bothered by references to Christmas at all.

A part of culture and heritage is lost. ‘Diversity’ is lost.

I get that, phyllo. Except that i don’t think you actually expunge Christmas from the hearts of those who cherish it. And i agree that a lot of this is PC. Liberalism run amok. But it exists also because the majority of people are not afraid of newcomers and use official government policy as a sort of overreaction to the fearful ones. However, as your own examples sometimes point out, there is sometimes an equilibrium reached.

The holiday parade in my hometown is a holiday parade because we can’t get the army band to appear if it’s called a christmas parade. But no one actually calls it a holiday parade, and Santa appears every year.

…^^ excusing and enabling the aggression and power lust of others in the name of PC.

Or maybe I just think there are more important things to worry about than the name of a parade that celebrates the birth of a god that I don’t believe in. You theists tend to squabble over a bunch of nothing.

Btw, Germany should expect a substantial influx of commercials and films portraying the coupling of very healthy Arab men expressing subtle sexual interest in the highly intelligent, sexy white female main focus as they combat the evil white male protagonist. The art world will also have an influx of brown and white color mixes along with portraits of Arab men sexually paired with white women. The intent is to subconsciously influence the young (“hypnotize”) into uncontrollable lusting for the cross breeding to the point of the elimination of the white race.

This happens already. Since about one year you will hardly ever find a blond man with white skin in the commercials, the women are always blond and attractive. The new promoted male ideal of beauty has black hair, brown skin and a beard. In films, the criminals are always Germans, whereas the Arabs are the good guys, falsely accused. I suppose the video Joker posted here speaks for itself.
If Merkel wins again the elections next Sunday, which is very likely, it probably won’t take long that the only party, who openly fights Merkels immigration politics, will be declared to be anti-constitutional.

Why do you suppose so many people long to be lied to and manipulated in such ways?

One reason is that it’s considered socially low status to not tolerate those poor “refugees”.
“Look at me, I’m fine with all that, I can be fine with it because I am economically and socially so secure.”

The reality is, as with many other forms of social signalling, that it’s more smoke and mirrors than genuine security but you gotta show no “weakness”.

“Look at me, I’m fine with all that, look, look at me!, I’m so secure, will ya look at me finally?!”

Plus there is this deep fear of being thought of as “right wing” and “xenophobic”. They are conditioned to regard anybody as evil, who dares to question those lies.

Bottom line: The fear of being judged a bad guy - the fear of other people: “Sure I will go along. Whatever you say because I am one of you good guys.”

You will also be labelled as “fearful”. Worried over “nothing”.

And guess who gets to choose what the general population believes to be the good versus the evil (the “serpent in the tree”).

“Gutmensch” - in English: “good (hu)man”, “do-gooder”, “goodie”, “bleeding heart”, “starry-eyed idealist”. Dictators want “optimists”, not realists, the conclusion of this false dichotomy is: "realists = pessimists "(which is - of course - false). This people can be found everywhere, especially in Occidental countries. Many ILP members are also examples of such false optimists. They all are victims of the propaganda. And they all are perpetrators when it comes to the avoidance of using their own brains.

Do not forget those who are blackmailable because of their workplaces. They lose their jobs if they do not agree.

How many ILP members are paid ILP members?

Obfuscation (with misdirection) and Extortion.

There is a BIG glaring hole in this whole discussion. It is almost embarrassing to watch reasonably intelligent people create false narratives because they are blind to the obvious. The ASSUMPTION that mixing people of color = bad, tainted, less, etc. There isn’t any serious scientific study to support this. Oh yeah, there is plenty of junk science claiming white superiority along with a shitload of anecdotal crap that has been de-bunked a hundred times over.

The same goes for all the shit that whites are superior because of nature/nurture/cultural advantages. Another load of BS without any serious scientific support.

Too many are simply seeing what they want to see instead of confronting real facts determined by peer reviewed scientific study. Really? Is there any genuine thinking going on here?

Most of the thread has not even touched on mixing races … most it has been about culture, laws, religions.