RaptorWizard - Secret Garden of Rare Quotes

Pokemon Stadium 2- Lance Battle


Pokemon Stadium 2- Prime Cup Finals


Pokemon Stadium 2- Challenge Cup Rounds 1-3


Pokemon Stadium 2- Poke Cup Rounds 4-6


Pokemon Stadium 2- Rival Battle


God, free will, controls wisdom. What is the meaning of time? Is it to forge the evolution of all forms, high and low, the duality of creation? Part of the meaning of life may be to transcend space and time. Space is the matter and energy of the cosmos. Time is the evolution of all forms, high and low, the duality of creation and destruction. The highest dimension merges space and time into a unified whole, the infinite, timeless, formless ocean of nirvana, the luminous waters of creation. This is the Perfect One, the infinite Omniversal existence, the Cosmic God. Other parts of the meaning of life may be free will, evolution, and duality. The free will is God, the maker of the laws of nature. God, the free will, is the cause of all actions, or in other words, the Force. The Force is the magical free will of God to control the laws of his game. The only free will is the infinite Omniversal existence, the Cosmic God. God, the free will, is the ultimate cause of all effects. The effects are manifested in evolution, the means by which the perfect image of God is formed over time through multiple reincarnations. Time is cyclic or evolutionary in nature, the transformation of forms. One could view God, the ultimate free will as the Old Man, the ultimate triumph of evolution, the divine being from which all forms, high and low are conceived into creation, into existence. God, the Old Man transcends time and space, the highest dimension where all the pieces of nature merge together into a single and significant whole, a world of marble, and the perfect one. God manifests himself through evolution, which has a dual nature, with high and low forms. The duality of nature includes creation and destruction, order and chaos, life and death, good and evil, and light and dark. The only constant factor is change, or the evolution of all forms of the Tao, yin and yang. Black holes are like yin, dark and destructive, and white holes are like yang, light and creative. Time stops inside the infinite gravity of white and black holes, since evolution ends where the ultimate light and dark are achieved. This is why light is timeless. The forces of duality, yin and yang together forge the harmony of the cosmos. God, the free will, focuses the flow of the cosmos, the timeless sea of nirvana, or the luminous waters of genesis, the divine intellect of creation, the infinitely formless perfect one. God, the free will, the cause effects evolution creating duality. Nature evolves in cosmic oneness, harmony, and inner peace with God. Other possible parts of the meaning of life are black holes and white holes. Black and white holes are the Tao, yin and yang. Black holes are the destroyers. White holes are the creators. The only constant factor is time, or change, the evolution of forms. When one achieves ultimate light and darkness, time, evolution ends inside white and black holes inside an Einstein-Rosen bridge. An Einstein-Rosen bridge, the wormhole, connects yin and yang. Wormholes open to alien universes, merging all worlds into oneness. Black holes and white holes, parts of the meaning of life, are the duality of nature, the ultimate darkness and ultimate light.

“Weird Al” Yankovic - White & Nerdy (Official Music Video)


NBA Finals 2013 Preview- will.i.am’s #thatPOWER (ft. Justin Bieber) [HD]


What are the many different races, and where are they hidden, or when did they exist? What are the extra and inter-terrestrial beings and how can we access their time gates at higher subatomic frequencies, or even make the jump into the 5th dimension where they may be? How will the great purification open access to the underground cities? Surely such a civilization would far exceed the wisdom of our own. If a catastrophe of a great enough magnitude were to be unleashed, these unexplored corners of the world could be laid bare and open to our gaze in light.

Summer of '98- Gold Tribute


Originally Posted by alcea rosea View Post
In my opinion, certain roads are determined but choice between the roads is given to us. So, I think people have certain amount of free will and freedom of choice but there are also coincidences, things that happen no matter if you want them to happen or not. These coincideces could also be said to be things that are determined for us. So, I believe some things are given to us and some things we can decide.
This makes a lot of sense. Maybe we can’t choose our contexts quite so much as we can choose what we do within those contexts, at least at our current level.

Quote Originally Posted by Scheherezade View Post
free will is not real, to be blunt, but if you consider free will the commencement in the brain of the process of a decision that you consider to be an expression of your free will, then indeed it is free will
Okay, so I guess you think that our own mental actions move us, even if those operations were determined by a prior cause.

Quote Originally Posted by Infinite Bubble View Post
No, it is most likely illusory. Mechanisms in the brain are based on particle interaction through electrochemical processes. As such, like Hawking states in the quote below, we are governed by the laws of physics just like every other object in the universe. Sense of free will emerges due to the vast amount of factors that impact any given situation or state, most of which are not perceivable directly.
Indeed, it is too complex to map out, but that doesn’t mean it’s all destined beforehand to go absolutely one way with 100% conclusiveness.

The laws of physics are already determined. All that is needed now is a set of previous conditions that will influence the next state. We cannot know all the many parts of the previous condition, which is why it feels like we are free, when in actual fact the previous conditions determine the next event in a very specific way which is inevitable.
Keep in mind that knowing the fundamental laws of the universe doesn’t mean we can apply them for a case study of every object in space, but it could give us very accurate clues as to the overall structure of the entire cosmos and where it’s destined on a broad level to evolve.

An individuals personality, exact placement of particles in the brain, and millions of environmental factors all play a part. It feels like choice, but it’s really the sheer amount of factors that go into the initial (previous) state that add together to create the exact outcome. If you are outside somewhere with a cricket ball, for instance, and you wonder whether to throw it across the field or not, it isn’t really your choice. If you do throw it, that’s because many conditions triggered that response, and if you don’t, it’s because of the same reason. Even the thought that predicated the “choice” was created through physical/electrochemical interactions, subject to other external physical systems.
I think you’re right about purely physical systems being entirely determined, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t “meta”-physical systems out there that may act under different laws that are perhaps even subject to alteration. Perhaps metaphysics may play a part in what physical forms we assume upon our incarnations (if you believe in that stuff).

There’s just so many factors that are incorporated into the initial state. Think of science experiments. They are overly simplified and isolated in comparison to an entire present state, but it’s the same principle. If the setup is exactly the same each time, the end result will also be the same. (Not taking into account outside influences such as air humidity etc.)
This is because we can count on the same precedents applying in every case; that’s why we can formulate laws. Of course, I’ve always seen laws as something to be broken (and then reconstructed into new forms). That’s philosophy however, and not physics as we currently know it.

I should also mention that just because free will is an illusion, it doesn’t mean that the universe is completely determined. Even if God plays dice, we are still not in control of them. Or perhaps it is determined, and the whole universe was set out to go precisely in a single direction from the initial state of the BB, but QM makes this unlikely.
It’s good to see you considering alternative possibilities here; it seems like you think it’s possible that random quantum events can allow for a bit of contingency, but that it still operates independently of our wills - and since our wills can’t (under your view) control them, then we might as well just say that we don’t have free will, as we can’t determine events, let alone self-determine our own actions.

This quote is in regards to quantum mechanics, not free will. Even in the seemingly free-will-accommodating paradigm of QM, we are still subject to the laws of it, which are so minuscule in its effects relative to our scale that it is almost irrelevant on most occasions. Hawking actually believes that free will is nonexistent. To quote from The Grand Design:
Yes, I remember reading the Grand Design 3 years ago. Both of those fellas seem to have similar views and ways of thinking to yourself.

Quote Originally Posted by INTP View Post
Lets put it this way, if during the big bang something would had been just slightly different, at least some particular atom somewhere wouldnt had formed like it did. So that small difference which one atom has isnt that relevant during that time when it happened to the overall picture of things. However that small difference of one atom would most likely had made something different because the atoms interaction with other atoms would had happened differently. Basically the whole thing is just one big chain reaction that spreads wider and wider, and even subtle differences to some of those reactions at one point might get amplified over time and one difference of an atom might cause whether the star had formed where all the gold in our known universum is from was ever formed or not and without gold there might not even be earth as we know it(since there is quite a lot of gold in our planets core which most likely has at least some small effect on earths magnetic fields and our whole civilization would had gone differently is that gold wasnt there).
As I’ve said before, your logic often overwhelms my mind. I think though that you’re depicting the “Butterfly Effect” (small changes lead to big consequences) in detail.

So if something would had gone even slightly differently during the big bang, at least something in our current world would be different. Even if there are some form or multiverse thing going on, that wouldnt rule out the fact that everything which now exists, exists and is the way it is because things were as they were during the big bang or some multibang or what ever. Even if there is some big bearded guy over the clouds who knows magix, the reasons for it being are caused by similar chain reaction which i explained.
Your big bearded guy, or “God” you seem to think is also subject to laws above his own powers, that of course (in your view) predetermine what God determines to do with our universe, which in turn predetermines what we want to determine with our own willpower.

TLDR version: yes all your thoughts are physical reactions to begin with and the physical reactions which caused your thoughts were dictated by the big bang.
But we don’t know if the brain is the sole source of our life force; I know that we can stimulate the brain to make us do things, but that doesn’t exclude the possibility of say a spirit in negative matter or whatever giving our brains (receivers) commands. Just like technology can be a controller for the brain, so to could our “higher selves” be guiding our brains.

Quote Originally Posted by superunknown View Post
The quantic dyanamicism of the human mind broke the universe free of its tether!
This view sounds more promising; you’re allowing for the idea of “breaking chains” (a possibility the above posters were more closed off from).

I used to like that concept, that the universe was open to future possibility but closed once past - that was my zipper of reality theory.
I myself still subscribe to this theory (even if you don’t anymore), but I’m not sure a zipper is the best metaphor; maybe it’s more of a “multi-faceted crystallization”.

Quote Originally Posted by Saturned View Post
In regards to humanity: We have free will. Saying otherwise is rationalizing away blame and consequence of actions. “The universe made me do it!” Etc
Yes, it would seem more rational to act as if we do have free will, regardless of whether or not (or at what level) we actually have it.

If you want to talk about the free will of physics… Then no.
Physical mechanisms by themselves are in bondage, but perhaps metaphysical forces could act on the physical.

But as always there are obvious cause and effects. Become a magical vat of pudding and the only outcome is to be consumed by gluttonous forces.
Your reference to “pudding” (which can be shaped) may actually capture much more than you think it does. It’s like there’s a formless material before ourselves, some kind of wishing well or pool that can transform into any entity imaginable (and substances like this aren’t exclusively solid; they can take other states and assume more “floaty” forms).

Quote Originally Posted by Nicodemus View Post
I talked about it a while ago with the late erm: here.
Okay, well I guess I can springboard this to the idea of whether or not the past is determined. Maybe reality has various “save files”, kind of like how in video games they can be repeatedly accessed to get different results upon directing the game with alternative commands. That’s just a random idea; I’m not saying it has any basis in reality - but then again, we really don’t know!

Quote Originally Posted by JAVO View Post
Everyone has free will except those who have relinquished it by limiting themselves to predeterminism, whether ordered or chaotic.
This simple statement is fairly elegant - willpower is all about tenaciously handling ideas that we envision and seizing the moment to mobilize new actions made immanent, transforming old worlds and making new ones spring into being. Of course, to move mountains, we have to believe that it can be done, even if it takes eons for its accomplishment.

Quote Originally Posted by mingularity View Post
Disclaimer: I didn’t read anything written above, except the thread title.
Freedom used with little effort and full honesty is better that little effort and no honesty - at least under the former, there is promise for improvement and a respect for truth.

That said, we know we don’t know enough to know whether or not we have free will.
I am in complete agreement with you here. We’re still way too ignorant to have definitive conclusions that can actually describe our cosmos with full clarity of vision.

That said, would you do anything differently either way?
Well, if we did actually discover the existence of free will at any level, surely we could harness some tricks in its arsenal, whereas if we went on ignorant about it and/or free will were nonexistent, then our horizons will remain clouded.

Quote Originally Posted by Stanton Moore View Post
First off, I am aware of the research that states that ideas are formed around 300 milliseconds (or whatever the exact number is) before they reach consciousness, and I understand the concept of biological determinism.
I understand that in terms of physiology we differ biologically from other animals only in the details.
I also understand that recent research has shown that animals possess consciousness (although this is obvious to any human who is owned by a dog), and that our own self awareness can be seen as an extension of this naturally occurring phenomenon. Again, we differ from animals in degree.
However, I find the ridged adherence to biological determinism to have missed the most salient point: that human consciousness is not only different in degree, but also in kind. The works of Einstein, Newton, Tolstoy, Michelangelo, Nietzsche, Curie, Schumann, Gandhi, Darwin, Beethoven, Verdi, Yousafzai, etc, etc, are not the product of biological processes directly, but of are merely underpinned by them. There is no biological necessity for the theory of relativity, or a symphony, or great works of kindness, or most other things that are uniquely human.
As a person who can feel and think and is conscious, I also find biological determinism to be anti-social. It may feel comforting to sum up all human activity in this way, it may seem as if the unsettling vagaries of life and the world are somehow obviated by this kind of ‘willful’ (sic) reduction of possibilities to mere processes, but in the end, it produces nothing that extends humanity or enriches it, or increases understanding or civility. It is rather a call to Machiavellian self-interest, to dog-eat-dog politics and violence (which of course, we see as natural). I prefer to think more of my species and the individuals in it as more than animals with self interest maximizers at the top of our spines.
Gratuitous smiley:
This is a great testament in favor of having faith in higher causes, of acting with the force and feeling of our true character. This is the “I am that I am”, the personal God of love. With the power of love on our side, anything is possible!

Pokemon Pikachu and Caterpie sweet scene (Pikachu und Raupy)


pokemon movie 3 ending


Pokeshipping were a miracle :heart:Collab with James7Lily7Potter​:heart:


Science operates with working predictions. Mysticism can’t currently be mapped, if ever.

Maybe some stuff could shift from science to mysticism, but unknowns still exist.

Some of them may even defy the laws of existence altogether.

The universe may have been intelligently designed in a way that things evolve, but that doesn’t make its source benevolent and worthy of worship!

This is a good idea against the laws of cause and effect moving in the foward direction applying universally in every context. Time at higher levels seems much like a multi-faceted crystallization.

I actually value the “constructivist” NT approach over the “imaginative” NF one, as the former uses a system, and the latter uses a flow. I much prefer the idea of being a builder rather than a swimmer.

Yes, I’m well aware that people of any type have promise to do great things in different zones. But I’ve found that we often learn much from asking fool’s questions.

Existence, mind, time, space, journey, ethics, Heaven, God, creation, ultimate, truth, dreams, love…

One time in Europe when I was 14, I got a bit of wine, but nothing more than that, ever. The reason I’m good at generating thoughts is because I put more focus there. I guess it’s kind of like how good athletes get that way by training, not by drugs. It just seems like we can put ourselves into meditative states by making the journey into inner space rather than being catapulted into it, as in the former method, we gain more experience and see more horizons. I’ve heard how many artists in various fields can get more creative when they’re using mind-altering substances, but it’s more rewarding for me to do it without the artificial support. Even in sports, the true champions would rather triumph over the challenge of winning on the road than at home.

Maybe a bubble doesn’t have to be a boxed in space; it could be a saddle or something along those lines. Different bubbles with different laws and architectures right? Or maybe we could whirl around endlessly in other bubbles.
Okay, like the bubbles split off from each other maybe, and can take alternative courses of direction.
Wait, I thought bubbles just pop when they’re done for, but I guess they do dometimes have to get stretched out or punctured for that to take effect.
There’s nothing wrong and everything right with good paradoxes to blow things open!

I’m a narcisisist and I know that. It’s pretty easy to tell when you have faith in yourself.

People who act arrogant as a show of toughness aren’t real narcisists; they’re just throwing up shields.

The best discussions that really blow things open invent their own rules.

Ah yes, purple was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force, into its very soul!
The constantly radiating Transcendent Power is instantiated in objects, persons, events, and ideas, relative to the purpose of the arresting force.

I don’t go by auras. That previous question just had a fabricated answer. I know in science though that when objects get increased heat energy, they start changing colors. Perhaps if we could change what our minds project, then our overall spheres of influence can reflect in new ways. Maybe that’s why the mind is everything, as it can detect these contrasts, and even initiate them.

For reference, I just made a private blog recently where I have 14 groups of ideas that each contain 10 questions, which are Existence, Mind, Time, Space, Journey, Ethics, Heaven, God, Creation, Ultimate, Truth, Dreams, Love, and Dragon.

The natural order is an evil cycle of eat or be eaten. The Creator has cursed and forsaken us all!
If there’s any kind of hunger we should be feeling, it’s to take God’s place and restore a new Heaven to this worldly Hell!

In my opinion, a visionary constructs worldviews that are ahead of the times and invents revolutionary ideas that can transform paradigms.

I think that hate is the offspring of greater love, since it gives us a motivation to change what we hate, and as such, when it gets better, then there’s more to love.

That guy atop the pinnacle to me looks like a man with a vision to accomplish great things and an ambition to stretch out across the horizons.

It also seems to symbolize conquering the world and discovering our self-mastery.

And then there’s a kind of haze as well, which adds an element of mystery, makes more space for it all.

The point is that the sky is the limit and how we can explode beyond all of the boundaries; there’s nothing that we can’t do!

Some speculate that the changing and dynamic ways of the natural order is the prime cause for evil and suffering, since when we can’t shape ourselves to better deal with change, then we experience negative effects directed towards both the duration and quality of our lives.

Don’t forget that we also have written records and inventions as testaments of what we have archived and achieved, not to mention the possibility of lives beyond this one.

Some see intelligence as our ability to solve problems as presented by various contexts, being able to transform our thinking to make (and maybe break) the boxes.

The universe is indeed very vast, and what happens in one part of it may in time effect events all throughout the entire cosmic order.

I see mind (consciousness) as the “X-factor”. There’s some big questions though as to whether or not this variable can be directly calculated, and if so, how close we can get it. Stars however are pure physical systems, and as such can be plotted by the numbers. But perhaps with life, the numbers are much too limited and trapped by paradoxes.

Yes, I much prefer to act in natural ways around girls, even with those that I might be sexed up by rather than making calculated advances. It just seems that if people are really meant for each other, whether for romance or friendship, then it should build up through meaningful interactions. I believe real love revolves around higher virtues, like sharing happiness and wishing well, not sex.

My new avatar: Hyper Ultimate Dragon God

Eva Brann: “If Heraclitus was a physicist, he, like Newton, was at the same time also a mystic.”
J.M. Keynes: “Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians.”

“Love doesn’t lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled… but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love… that’s what they should teach you to beware. But love itself will save you… not condemn you.”
―Jolee Bindo, to Revan, when discussing love

A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics

The amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions.

Thou art my delight and the warmth of my heart; [24]
Thou makest me without fear of Fate or of Death;
Thou breakest the chains and bars
Whence few come forth free.
Seasons, years, months, days and hours –
The children and weapons of Time – and that Court
Where neither steel nor treasure [25] avail
Have secured me from the fury [of the foe].
Henceforth I spread confident wings to space;
I fear no barrier of crystal or of glass;
I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite.
And while I rise from my own globe to others
And penetrate ever further through the eternal field,
That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me. [26]
~ Giordano Bruno