This is topic 6666. No other topic will ever be.

Fuck the government.

This is prolly more than you anticipated? There’s prolly more, but I gave up.

informed consent requires right of refusal
and vice versa

bunch o weirdos acting like it’s a competition or something. p.s. the 2nd link in the last screenshot is Gates’ (#Epsteindidntkillhimself) quantum dot tattoo last screenshot 9/13/2021

9/11/2021 I remember how every flu season, hospitals were getting more and more overwhelmed with flu epidemics/pandemics, and they were really trying to push the vaccine & were frustrated that people didn’t want it. I remember the public health industry using the media to inform folks that the vaccination available was for the wrong strain or variant or was just not as effective as it needed to be. Then all the sudden the flu disappeared (from data, not reality) and here was Covid and there are new vaccine technologies, and we are mandated guinnea pigs if we allow it. I remember.


First and foremost, this is not about me or my location or data. This is about my unwillingness to throw my contacts under the bus for any contact tracing, and here’s why:

I paid attention to how we handled COVID-19 (Wuhan, China virus… novel coronavirus). I did not even go looking for what I noticed, and those things informed my google searches as I sought to sift fact from fiction. I noticed things like:

  • Universal DNRs: adn.com/nation-world/2020/0 … -patients/

  • Prioritizing healthcare away from disabled; famous/privileged folks able to access treatments not available to common folks.

  • Special interests trying to get their pork in the stimulus package so we could start parting out babies for science again.

  • Tighter restrictions on church services than other businesses (recording license plates & forcing quarantine, or at least threatening to), fining drive-in service attendees who had windows rolled up.

  • Ticketing people parked in their cars with the windows rolled up to watch the sunset.

  • Firing whistleblowers and those who break protocol to protect themselves.

  • One-way sidewalks.

  • Halting the sale of nonessential items in some places.

  • Creating a “demand” price situation with milk by making dairies dump supply and limiting how much you can buy. Kinda like the real estate market holding places vacant and cutting development.

  • Dragging people off public transportation because not wearing mask.

  • Tailoring advice during press conferences in such a way that it was not science-based, but based on what was available, in an attempt to calm fears (crowd control), or some other unspoken reason (allow it to spread?).

  • Emphasis on finding a vaccine, despite it being common knowledge that there is (and will be) no cure for the common cold, which is usually caused by a coronavirus. What changed that makes a vaccine more possible now? Are they going to cure the common cold while they’re at it? I mean…why not? OR: Is requiring everyone to get regularly updated vaccines (because it mutates) in order to reopen the economy a great way to keep tabs on everyone… like branding the herd? No more need for a census.

  • Some states are detaining people suspected of having covid. They don’t reveal which of your contacts ratted you out. Which means…they don’t need one. False positives are wrecking lives.

  • Forcing sermons to go online has led to censorship by tech giants.

The sort of things I would like to avoid repeating in quarantining the ideas of those with whom we disagree:

  • Japanese (or other) Internment

  • Blacklisting of ‘40s and ‘50s.

  • Janet Napolitano, then secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, began in 2009 to include veterans of Iraq & Afghanistan in “Operation Vigilant Eagle”

  • 2013 IRS scandal of subjecting conservative applicants for nonprof status to ridiculously higher scrutiny.

  • Protests that gain traction often get put down. Occupy movement. Oil pipelines on Native American land. Those Bundy ranchers. So forth.

  • Seizing/freezing the assets of someone due to their association with a supposed covid terrorist (or similar “us versus them” label that is bound to emerge…if not with this virus, then with the next) or because they will not comply with contact tracing. Not a far step from scrutinizing all your associations, penalizing the ones they deem extreme, and ending freedom of association.

And so on.

Junk like that happens because people are scared things will get much worse if they do nothing. So they overcorrect. But let’s say none of the above happens, and it’s just the same ol’ contact tracing we all know and love. The difference will be if they use the tracing info to require immunity or regular vaccinations, and how they certify immunity/vaccination history.

Contact tracing on the scale some want it done is an overcorrection. H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

congress.gov/bill/116th-con … 66?s=1&r=2

This bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring, and other activities to address COVID-19.

I don’t think that bill has enough sixes in it.

Kind of like the patent number for ID2020 (WO2020 060606). It mentions cryptocurrency, but its website has a different narrative.

patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/ … 2020060606


How they have previously sold ID2020: “User managed, privacy protecting, and interoperable” digital identification you can’t lose or counterfeit that will give you access to education and healthcare. They are also selling it as being more “economically inclusive” of “vulnerable populations”. See how it is being used on refugees: bbc.com/news/technology-40341511

What leaders and media will add to their pitch:

  • Rapidly certify that young and old have immunity to COVID, so that the world can…

  • Open schools and economy back up

  • Return to work & play & NORMAL

  • Vote by November

  • End the spread of germs by going cashless

  • Make response to & tracking of epidemics / pandemics / vaccinations (how much they’ve penetrated the population and who still needs immunity) more efficient and proactive going forward

  • Our information is already out there, out of our hands and beyond our control. This gives that control back. (How?)

How they have previously sold the quantum dot tattoo: “Store vaccination history in kids” (covered by media December 2019) scientificamerican.com/arti … vaccinated

So are they going to kickstart this by paying us a stimulus via the ID2020 quantum dot cryptocurrency tattoo every time we get regularly vaccinated? Will they freeze/seize our assets, or at least prevent us from work/education/etc when we don’t?

“Immunity Passports” who.int/news-room/commentar … W7AUQj7g1E

“Immunity Cards” politico.com/news/2020/04/1 … sed-178784

If you look more into all this stuff, you will see Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, the CDC, and several other names/organizations that come up repeatedly as working together on this over the last two decades at least. I think it is ironic they did a war games type thing in October about a novel coronavirus. Whether or not this virus was an accident, this is THE MOMENT they’ve been waiting for. They want this bad.
centerforhealthsecurity.org … /event201/

But let’s say they’re all completely innocent, are making zero profit off of any of it, and are not setting out to initiate a global mechanism for crowd control. Let’s say no overreactions happen at all, we’ve completely learned from history and will never repeat past mistakes. Let’s say it’s dumb superstition to be creeped out by the repetition of the number six. That said… What’s the big deal with any of this? Maybe nothing. But you’re giving a lot of trust by “just saying” everything in this paragraph. Have they earned that trust? Because once this system is in place, there is no going back. I will not enter in.

I have no idea how much Trump is aware of all the details. I have no idea if he is a pawn, or if he is helping orchestrate things, and only pretending to disagree with Fauci, the WHO, etc. I am neither a Trump supporter, nor a never-Trumper (though, I used to be). My gut tells me he is a pawn, but I am too far removed to be certain.

P.S. Hitler and Nazi B.S. You didn’t think I’d write this whole thing without mentioning it, did you?

Worth a Look:



thelancet.com/journals/lana … 67-193X(2100111-3/fulltext

journals.plos.org/plosone/artic … ne.0241327

kff.org/report-section/raci … sue-brief/

www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/45- … 04-eng.htm

I emailed & snail mailed the Rockefeller researchers & Dr. Collins on 9/11/21 & never heard back. Excerpt:

How many of the Pfizer-funded Rockefeller studies use (deactivated) engineered virus? Is that not engineered using gain of function? Is that not potentially how something could have originated from the Wuhan lab?

Did you control for the possibility the “previously recovered” already had “super” immunity before receiving the vaccine?

Have you already stockpiled the experimental magic bullet for the engineered anticipated super virus, in partnership with WHO?
must say I do not like your blue prints centerforhealthsecurity.org … tions.html

npr.org/sections/goatsandso … ndividuals


Pretty funny how there’s both an HR 666 and an HR 6666. One of which having to do with further creating the 1984 prison planet society to control and surveil everyone and subject them to constant communist-like propagandas, and the other of which having to do with pushing “covid testing” which as we now know was only about three things, 1) indoctrinating people into the “new normal” of the biosecurity state where they have no civil rights unless they comply with government edicts, 2) marking people by putting nano-scale particles like graphene and god knows what else directly up into the blood-brain barrier in a quasi-mummification deep nose probe process, and 3) collecting DNA samples that were sent to China to be used in creating the next generation of engineered viral bioweapons that specifically target large segments of the American population as well as being able to be CRISPR-engineered to target individual races, ethnic groups or families.

But don’t worry, nothing to see here :-k :-" :-" :-" :-"

This oughta help, lol:

2022- Year in Review :laughing:

They’re actually alien cyborg reptiles from beyond the observable universe and pitting everyone against each other based on our prejeduces so it will come to a head we have to resolve and they can feed off our harmony. Yeah. They feed off harmony. It’s inevitable. Resistance is how you get there. Eventually.

vampires are deviously hungry. The imbalance consumes most of their energy

ana kata to the infinite well

Dopelanger, thought so, well possessed you are on point

dons tinfoil hat and kevlar scarf

Well played :laughing: :laughing: =D>

Gamer? lol jk

ilovephilosophy.com/viewtopic.p … 9#p2894989

You know how the periodic table of elements has a way to differentiate between elements found in nature and elements synthesized by humans (noting of course that sometimes we discover things by mathematization that are only later confirmed to be descriptive of natural processes…).

I want the table of bacteria & viruses that makes it obvious which ones were first discovered by human synthesizing or reverse engineering.

You know that guild of mad scientists doesn’t just let it die with the discoverer who is too prideful to keep it to themselves.

For example, this one:
npr.org/sections/goatsandso … ndividuals “a virus engineered, on purpose, to be highly resistant to neutralization. This virus contained 20 mutations that are known to prevent SARS-CoV-2 antibodies from binding to it.”