Genocide in Gaza?

What a dolt.

Netanyahu & the U.S. need to stop fistbumping terrorists & back Abbas against Hamas/Iran on the down low.


:roll_eyes: smh

Side note: Is Eqypt still doing this?

while “proactively” building this:

I know this sounds crazy, but it’s better than mutually assured destruction. What if we do like this big group therapy session where every time a weapon is used, we do that weird sound wave thingy that makes people shut up because they’re just so stunned… Not set to “lethal” …just set to “shut up”.

Once everything is quiet and people are listening, we pipe in on loudspeakers some positive affirmations that remind everyone of the goals they all share in common and the consequences that will come from the outside world if they don’t learn to get along and work out their differences like peaceful adults.

I really feel like this big group therapy session kind of needs to be top-down. Start with the terrorists that are controlling everything. Russia, China, and Iran.

As for the U.S., I already said what I had to say.

P. S. Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Off topic

Agreed. I don’t mind ignorance when it is well-meaning, but this is something else entirely.

It’s not that I don’t believe people deserve redemption and a second, third, fourth chance, as many as it takes. They do. But my personal “gives a shit” reservoir is seriously dry after years, decades, of trying to un-stupidify people without success. Maybe I just suck at convincing people, or maybe they really are that insane. Doesn’t matter much whichever it is, the result is the same.

They just don’t want to read mein kempf, do they Humanize?

It would be a far greater injustice for me to ignore you here, so I will at least say this.

You are a spoiled child. Or are acting like one. Feel free to keep deceiving, if that is what you are doing. I am not really capable of caring anymore past this point and that’s not entirely on you but it is still a fact.

Edit: apparently I can’t post more than once in 10 minutes here, so the following edit will serve as my next post anyway:

I realize that’s unfair, but speaking to someone who laughs about the ritualistic ethnic-religious slaughter of women and children en mass, perhaps ‘fairness’ isn’t something you are quite able to conceptualize anyway.

Double-edit, after what you just posted:

Get back to me when you grow a fucking soul.

Triple-edit: Israel has revealed itself to the entire world now. There are no unknowns, no questions left, no fences to sit on. America has obviously done the same already, long ago.

Those who stand on nothing but their own egos and the narcissistic self-worship of defence mechanisms within the growing fields of psychomanipulative mass media warfare brainwashing as ideological propagandistic soul-harvesting, have also revealed themselves for all to see. The lines are easily drawn, but then again weren’t they always.

I recall having similar ‘discussions’ with Fixed and his own zionist Trump-loving denialisms right before I cut ties with BTL. You seem to have become a little embodied copy of him in this way, he must have really influenced you. Although I believe he has grown and seen through this veil of errors by now, hopefully anyway. Fixed has a powerful soul. So do you, if you can manage to break out into your own orbit without shitting yourself in the process.

Hamanize, I can quote where you told me to read mein kempf.

I mean it was recent. You were like “you’re gonna love it, it’s a great book!”

It decidedly is relevant here.

Who in ilp is carrying the anti Israel flag?

The dude that peddles mein kempf.

I mean it won’t give felix there pause. But it should.


Hahahahaha ah yes, the soulless mein kempf haters.

Us evil ones.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who rarely comments on deadly strikes in Gaza, released a videotaped statement on Tuesday in which he appeared to acknowledge that the Israeli military was responsible. Israel launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the strikes.

“Unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “It happens in war, we are fully examining this, we are in contact with the governments and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again.”

The missiles killed two British volunteers and one American. That’s the only reason Netanyahu is speaking to it. There’s a move on in Britain calling for withdrawal support for Israel.

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Lol oh yeah, those are the quotes of an unhinged madman indiscriminately slaughtering whatever has a heartbeat.

Sounds more like you have an idea, a thought, of a genocide, and are trying very hard to fit little pieces into that idea.

Ideas that are inserted prior to, rather than after the facts that are studied, tend to be inserted via propaganda.

Such as like the outed anti Israel nazi that has been enthusiastically supporting you is likely trained to do. Socialism is notorious for it, the national socialists even had a ministry literally called Propaganda Ministry, headed by that famous “lie 100 times” guy.

The reason they effect this propaganda is, precicely, to try to affect things like international support.

Fueled by idiots like you who just want to feel they are super righteous and don’t give a fuck about reality or people or anything.

You wear your cynicism like armor.

Clarity of mind always appears as cynicism to the fanatic.

Fanatically compassionate. Fancy calling that derogatory names. Talk about perverse!

We appreciate your passion, Bob.

A lot of Israelis hold Netanyahu personally responsible for failing to anticipate the Hamas attack which Israel says killed 1,200 people. Israel’s military response has now killed more than 32,000 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry.

Thanks RRG.

By the way, I know this is obvious, but I will state it anyway, because, why not? Sometimes the obvious needs stating.

What deaths may have been caused by Hamas were caused with the intention of causing death. What deaths may have been caused by the Israeli military were caused with the intention of securing a military situation, and guaranteeing the safety of Israeli citizens, the only prerogative of the Israeli military, its only reason for being.

The Israeli military knows very well that those murders were conducted precisely to provoke a reaction from Israel, and inflame it into propaganda for the idiot “fanatically compassionates” of the world. But because the task of the Israely military is to guarantee the safety of Israelis, and to do this it had to react to the murders, it reacted anyway.

While Hamas struck, people chanted “death to Israel.”

When Israel struck back, people chanted “peace with Palestine.”

Does it make a difference?

Not if you are a socialist fanatic, with no care for anything but your own free of charge feeling of self righteous ecstasy.