a challenge to certain members of ILP

as several members around here have attacked liberalism
and liberals, as being terrorist and evil and the cause of
everything that is wrong with the world and yet…they never defend their
side or offer up why their side is a vast improvement on the
present day liberal world…have you ever seen anything they
have written that is something that conservatives/GOP/MAGA
crowd done for you that is positive and worth the effort?
Nah, that isn’t their style… to present positive concrete
tangible actions or thoughts of theirs?

ok, let us try this: name the ideas that have improved your life
from both the conservatives and from the liberals/left…

let us begin with democracy itself, democracy is a liberal idea… because
the conservatives have a hate for and still hate democracy…
they would rather have kings or dictators like wannabe dictators like
IQ45… after the revolutionary was between America and Britian
in 1782, and the U.S won, meaning democracy won, roughly
10% of America moved elsewhere… conservatives moved to avoid
the state of democracy in America… to Canada or back to the UK…

what about our modern-day ideas of overtime and paid vacations
and safety in the workplace, 5-day work week, paid work
health insurance… all of this courtesy of the left…

what about social security and welfare and Medicare?
again, creations of the left… the right/conservatives
have been trying to kill social security and Medicare since
their inceptions…and we know how the right hates welfare,
unless its welfare for them or big business, then they love it…
again, the left created them…

now think hard… think of plan or idea from the right that has
benefited or improved your life? something that is tangible
and real and has been put into action…

go ahead… I’ll wait…


well, I guess that no one can think of any progress or
benefit can occur from the right…

and I find this funny that Sammy often calls me a ''coward""
and yet, when challenged, he runs away… whereas I have
no fear going into his threads of hate and anger and bigotry
and yes, even violence… he has claimed that he is not
advocating for violence, which means he is also a liar…for that
is exactly what he is advocating for…

I guess by default, we see that there are only benefits,
and progress from the left, the liberal side and not from
the conservative, right side…



I can only take this as a feminine taunt.
Yes…right=bad- left=good.

The nuanced thoughts of an Americanized emasculated brain.

Right = Nazis
Left = Communists.

Right = reality.
Left = fantasy.
Women and children prefer fantasy entirely disconnected from reality.
Romantic idealists.
You know…Star Trek, or Marxism…or postmodernism…or Abrahamism. :wink:

Fantasy always attracts the feminine…the man-children…the desperate, the lost…the feeble…the many.
But what happens when fantasy is confronted by reality?
This is why it needs collectives…self-referential, intersubjective collectives.
Communities of brain-dead…communes of drugged up addicts - opium dens.

Be not the truth sayer…the masses will call you names…they will find something personal to subvert you…like women they will attack your manhood hoping to silence you.

This graph shows the historical/civilizational cycle from left to right dominated ages.

We can also use McGilchrist’s left/right hemisphere dominated worldviews… corresponding to masculine/feminine psychological dispositions, based on their different reproductive roles.
Feminine being the most vulnerable of the two, and so inclined towards surrendering to collectives.

Your good vs evil binary simplicity is a derivative of your Abrahamic background.
You must think that you are part of the “good”, fighting against the forces of “evil”…which is another way of saying the ideal world - your ideal world - versus the real world, represented by Nazis, fascists, Republicans, Satan…etc.

Ah yes, the ‘real’ world. That’s the one where you stated holocausts were a natural part of existence, happening from time to time, as they do, much like volcanic eruptions, to maintain the balance? :laughing:

Ergo there is nothing we can do to stop them, they are an inevitable consequence of life. Anyone who resists or complains is anti-life, a nihilist, a Jew…

Yes,…do you understand what the consequences of sheltering are?

You are the consequence.
It’s unfortunate but a fact.

I cannot lie…even if it might hurt me.

Do you know what the consequences of keeping a herd protected, allowing it to propagate unculled?
The herd becomes weak…compounding mutations begin to manifest all kinds of psychosomatic diseases…like yours.
I’m just reporting…not advocating.

Why do hard men create good times and good times create weak men…like you?
What comes next?
What do weak men, like you, and KrapOnIt, create?
You are creating it…look around you.

The last phase of the cycle is just beginning…

and both of the responses didn’t actually address the question…

I ask that, is there a right wing benefit to us as human beings…
I pointed out that liberal values have created several policies
that have benefited us… like the 5 day work week
and social security and safety in the workplace… among the
many benefits of left/liberal policies, and has there been
an equal benefit that has happened from right wing
policies and actions?

and the response I got was an attack about ‘‘feminine’’ something or other…
whatever the hell that means…

one thing I have learned is that if you can’t answer a question,
simply mystify and derail a thread with nonsense and bullshit…
as they both tried to do… I can’t tell how any pretend nonsense
about the ‘‘feminine’’ actually answers the question I laid out…

so, has there been a right wing thought, value or belief that
has personally benefited you? and if so, please explain…


If you don’t get it you don’t get it.

Left feminizes; right masculinizes.

Left squanders what was given; the right has go pick up the pieces and build up again.
left lives in theories and fantasies; right lives in reality.

You have the mind of a child…or a woman…a woman is an adolescent man, psychologically and physically.

Hellenism = masculine.
Nihilism = feminine - e.g., Abrahamism, Marxism, Postmodernism.

Feminine is associated with order/chaos - nature.
Masculine is what orders the chaos.

Masculine values: honour, pride, order, discipline, authority, integrity, realism, fairness, exploration, distinction, dominance, discrimination, truth, clarity…
Feminine values: safety, kindness, equality, comfort, protection, preservation, forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, oneness, survival, deception…

The masculine right builds empires, creates, innovates, philosophizes, challenges…the left then tries to disseminate its resources to preserve its stability.

K: and this doesn’t answer my question, does it? what specific right wing
values, beliefs or policies have benefited your life? I have pointed out
several specific cases of left wing values, beliefs and policies that
have directly benefited people… do you have an right wing values,
beliefs or policies that have benefited directly benefited people?


What the fuck…
This fucker wants me to share my personal values.

I gave you masculine values, dork.
My personal values are none of your business.
This isn’t a gossipy get together, woman.
This is philosophy…it deals with generalities that apply to all.

What about this goes over your head, woman?
This benefits everyone.

This woman wants me to give her a Marxist reply on how the right evenly benefits everyone…when the right benefits the species, at the expense of the weak.

What about culling benefits a herd?

Even a mother’s love can be destructive to a child…
Sheltering atrophies the spirit…producing these kinds of psychotics.

These Marxists still don’t understand why Marxism was never practiced and could never have been practiced…and when they tried it failed miserably.
They don’t understand why their Utopia is based on a delusional understating of human nature and nature in general…and why it can only exist as an imminent state that is never realized.

You can’t reduce a human to the level of an ant, or a bee - nature’s perfect egalitarian societies.
Perfect equality…Marxist Utopia.
What is lost? What Socrates called Daemon…

K: and you have listed a very nice set of values and yet, you still haven’t
answered my question… what specific right wing values or policies have benefited
people? I can even add democracy as a specific left wing value
that has benefited people…in your lovely list, what values
are specifically ‘‘right’’ wing values and how do they benefit people?


The terms “left” and “right” in politics are an antiquated division which originated during the French Revolution in the late 18th century. In 1789, during the early stages of the revolution, the National Assembly in France was formed, and different political factions began to emerge. Supporters of the monarchy and traditional institutions, who sat on the right side of the assembly, were generally associated with conservative and royalist views. On the other hand, those who supported radical and revolutionary ideas, sitting on the left side of the assembly, were associated with more liberal and progressive ideologies.

Today, the left is often associated with progressive, liberal, socialist, and sometimes communist ideologies, while the right is associated with conservative, traditional, and capitalist viewpoints. In truth, we face complex issues that such a binary system cannot address, so the yes or no, take it or leave it, black or white attitude is completely obsolete. Those who adhere to such terminology tend to be ideologically motivated rather than looking for a solution based on facts.

Numerous issues question the applicability of radical and revolutionary ideas, and there is also a clear necessity to overcome habitual reactions in many cases. Often, we find so-called conservatives suggesting solutions that seem radical to the so-called progressives, and on the other hand, progressives suggest conservative measures to combat environmental issues. The main difference seems to be that right-wing policies often appear authoritarian, whereas left-wing policies seem permissive to the degree that makes people feel insecure.

The terms “left” and “right” in politics are an antiquated division which originated during the French Revolution in the late 18th century. In 1789, during the early stages of the revolution, the National Assembly in France was formed, and different political factions began to emerge. Supporters of the monarchy and traditional institutions, who sat on the right side of the assembly, were generally associated with conservative and royalist views. On the other hand, those who supported radical and revolutionary ideas, sitting on the left side of the assembly, were associated with more liberal and progressive ideologies.

Today, the left is often associated with progressive, liberal, socialist, and sometimes communist ideologies, while the right is associated with conservative, traditional, and capitalist viewpoints. In truth, we face complex issues that such a binary system cannot address, so the yes or no, take it or leave it, black or white attitude is completely obsolete. Those who adhere to such terminology tend to be ideologically motivated rather than looking for a solution based on facts.

Numerous issues question the applicability of radical and revolutionary ideas, and there is also a clear necessity to overcome habitual reactions in many cases. Often, we find so-called conservatives suggesting solutions that seem radical to the so-called progressives, and on the other hand, progressives suggest conservative measures to combat environmental issues. The main difference seems to be that right-wing policies often appear authoritarian, whereas left-wing policies seem permissive to the degree that makes people feel insecure.