A Discussion of Moderation

I do indeed… the Angles had a massive influence on the integral structure and infrastructure of Great Britain, with whole swathes and/or parts of the country being named after them… including TV and radio broadcasting networks, a Religion… tho I’m RC, and then you have angles… geometry, and angling… fishing, amongst (so many) other concepts and objects.

I am not so learn-ed on all things Saxon I’m afraid, as my European lineages descend from the Angles… tho I have visited ancient and medieval Saxon towns, villages, and churches etc. in England. My mother’s maiden-name actually means English, but I only found that out last year, when I was researching the more in-depth origins of my ancestry.

Are you implying your interest… along with that notion? a calm and objective demeanour would certainly be a prerequisite for the post.

The Angles settled in the Midlands, East Anglia and the North of England, while the Saxons settled in the South. This is still reflected in dialectical differences between those areas, and in names of counties, for example. The Angles, who, unlike the Saxons, migrated here as an entire tribe, were more numerous and for centuries were the dominant element in the population, and gave their name both to the language, English, and to the country, England. The term Anglo-Saxon dates from the time of Alfred the Great, who wanted to distinguish the Saxons in England from the Old Saxons who remained behind in Europe.

@Maia: Ahhh, that’s where the Saxons mainly are… in the South.

I did not know that the Angles migrated here in almost their entirety, but that would explain their influence on all things English and the language and Place names themselves, due to their dominant presence… of numbers.

Maia said: “The term Anglo-Saxon dates from the time of Alfred the Great, who wanted to distinguish the Saxons in England from the Old Saxons who remained behind in Europe”. —that’s the pivotal moment in time and the reason behind the why that I was seeking. Saxons still remain in Saxony, but Angeln still remains uninhabited to this day… since the Angles’ mass-migration to England.

My mind is now at peace on the matter, thanks. :smiley:

Note to Wendy:

See how it works?

Just like the “telephone” game. There’s the thread’s OP…and then the posts at the end of the thread. You tell me how they are connected. :wink:

No one, other than a moderator or “The Moderator on High”, can stop you from derailing thread after thread, but that wasn’t my only complaint about that particular copy/paste. My other problem with that Satyr paste was bringing unwanted, and quite frankly, overt harassment of an ILP member from another forum into that ILP member’s thread so that you are essentially harassing him as well, creating unnecessary drama. If Satyr interests you so much, bring over all the threads where he calls you a chimp amongst other creative names and place them in the sandbox where we can all weigh in, rather than hiding the shit where he holds you in high regards in the rant house. Or perhaps you would welcome my connecting the dots with copy/pasting Satyrs colorful posts about you in your non-rant house threads?

No, I decline an ILP moderation with thanks. :smiley:


I believe you are a good man, Otto.


Yeah probably, it’s a responsibility. I like having things to do and being organized. I used to be on here pretty frequently tbh. I have modded sites before but for games mainly.

Who even is this guy and what is everyone’s infatuation with him, who cares bout him lol. His philosophies sound nihilistic and like a superiority complex, there is no such thing as superiority in nature when all exists from shit, it’s really that simple.

An appearent superiority complex may hide as a nihilistic ploy, to underscore the malificious shadow of a Superman wannabe. Which only applies to those intentionally or inadvertably masking a suppressed shadow of themselves.

Doubly attributed apologists are singularly excluded from this mix.