A lesser God

Do you think this world was created by a lesser God?

  • um…
  • er…
  • well…
  • maybe…
  • Yes.
  • No.
0 voters

The world is a mess. Nobody would say the world was perfect, or even near perfect.

When we think of God we tend to think of a perfect being. Certainly a perfect being would be able to create something that was perfect or at least nearly perfect. So why is the world such a mess?

What if this world was made by what we might call a Junior Creator, an Apprentice Creator, or simply a lesser God? That could explain the mess and the general sloppiness of the world. While some parts of the world are a work of genius, some are just shoddy and mediocre.

What do you think?

Hi zanderman,

We don’t need a lesser god. That creator implies perfection doesn’t make perfection a necessity. It might be that a creator capable of making a perfect world chose instead to create something way less than perfect just to see what would happen. It would seem that humanity didn’t aim for the moon and land on a mountain. It look’s like we took aim at the manure pile and hit it dead center. Perhaps we are simply a failed experiment, or maybe we need a little more practice in humanity. I tend to believe we are much closer to our beginning than our end - assuming we don’t destroy the planet first.

It’s also possible that this is as good as it gets, that perfection is reserved for the creator. If we even had the capability of perfection would that not make us as god? I sort of like it the way it is. Putting together a perfect creation would be a lot of work - and I’m too damned lazy. (imperfect)


Thomas Aquinas.
“Gradation found in things. Among beings there are some more and some less good, true, noble, and the like so that there is something which is true, best, noblest and consequently something which is uttermost being and this we call God.”

Argumentum ad nauseam

This reminded me of the quote from Pax Vitae’s .sig

“The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this to be true.” - James Branch Cabell 1926.

Also I just realized that my “lesser God” may be little more than an inferiority complex, projected large.

It would seem that the only ‘God’ you can be talking about is the God that is the all knowing, Seen as ‘all knowing’ shows a sign of perfection. So why would this all knowing create us in aid of simply seeing what can happen. Doesn’t he already know what’s to happen? Or would you propose that this ‘God’ has limits?

crap double post!

two reasons I can postulate:

#1 God created an imperfect world to test us, a perfect world would not do that.

#2 our world is a direct reflection of the people living here. god does not live on earth currently, the earth is not perfect. Thus the reason the world is such a mess can be answered firstly with #1, and secondly with #2. we conform our external surroundings to our internal self. so if you want to make the world a better place you need to get off your a** and do something about it. (not directed, directly at you Xanderman.)

he created “humans” as a vessel for our souls. not to see what happens but as a way to have our souls grow and mature into …

(I don’t know the answer for that still pondering.)

I wholeheartedly agree with this. If anybody wants to make the world a better place then they have to do something about it.

(The use of this “God” is taken from a Christian view)

But surely what we see as “perfect” depends on our own morals, opinions and preferences?

Indeed as scythekain has pointed out or promoted the idea that an “omniscient” God would know what would happen even before we were born. He knew what would happen in our pathetic little lives as he was making the universe.

Besides… surely we are too insignificant for “God” to worry about us much. Yet, the word “omnipotent” means he can do anything. If this world was to be perfect then he would have done so. This a test on our own morals? But this is contradicting with “omniscience”, because we can’t escape what we do, he already knows what we will do and we don’t. So we blame ourselves for forgetting our wife’s birthday or whatever. Is it not His fault?

If God is “omnipresent” then why he does not help people that live in desperate economic needs or people that slash themselves because of severe depression? He sees everything yet he seems to do nothing. Is this a lack in his power? Has he exhausted himself just trying to keep the universe alive with life?

Again, i believe if there is a God that he has any of these abilities. A “lesser” God seems to be more reasonable considering suffering and the pointlessness of life if he is omnipresent and omniscient. So, maybe we are just an experiment? The most entertaining thing that could ever be created.

and since we are selfs are not perfect how can we know perfection?

maybe to give us the chance to surprise him who knows? I certainly don’t pretend to know the full nature of god.

considering that would be your fault for not writing it down, no you can’t blame god for that one. :wink:

if he went in and helped like that would it really take faith to believe in god? because then god would be objective.

I’m honestly sorry you feel life is so pointless.

if god came down and helped us whenever we “felt” we needed help what would we learn?

relating this to your parents what if every time you got in a little bit of trouble they swooped in to protect you, and if it became too dangerous remove you from that situation. would you ever be able to self sufficient? would you grow?

  1. Imperfect humans created ‘God’ through imagination, hence the reason he would seem so human.


[i]What if this world was made by what we might call a Junior Creator, an Apprentice Creator, or simply a lesser God? That could explain the mess and the general sloppiness of the world. While some parts of the world are a work of genius, some are just shoddy and mediocre.

What do you think?[/i]

To be honest, this creation story holds more weight than many others, judging by the circumstances we can see. If we look at our conditions here, and trace back a story, it would seem more likely that this had happened (or something like it), than a perfect God created this alleged masterpiece.




Do you really think that this world is a masterpiece?


scythekain seems to know me very well.

I was being sarcastic, as evidenced by the word “alleged.” Would I really go and draw up an argument to refute myself with the last two words? :stuck_out_tongue:



At the bottom of all this is the question, “What is the nature of creator?”
Since I’m not privy to conversations with ‘god’ (even through my hair dryer) it doesn’t seem likely that I’ll ever know. Whether it is the all knowing, all seeing, all powerful creator, or a collection of entities making committee :unamused: decisions, the world is as I find it. I suppose it’s entertaining to ask why it’s the way it is, but finally, I can only take what I find and do the best I can with it. It may be a pitifully small gesture, but I have to be satisfied with doing my best.


I consider sarcasm to be of the hardest things to convery with text alone.

I have seen stranger things. :astonished:


Yes. My speculation amounts, as it often does, to so much “flame and air” as the priest sings in Man of La Mancha. That is to say, nothing. :smiley:


Don’t apologize for flame and air. Occasionally you will innocently poke a hole in some pretentious balloon with those kinds of questions. Of course, some of us pose those kinds of questions - and we aren’t being innocent. :stuck_out_tongue:


Tis why ILP needs a sarcasm tag.

I use my own



but for some reason people still take what I say as objective truths that I’m trying to shove on them. I say

what the hell ever.