A point of constitutional philosophy: implicit protections.

First of all, am I supposed to agree to all that beforehand?


I expect you to go full-retard against it, but I am trying not to be judgmental. Benefit of the doubt, remember.

Never go full retard.

I will say this: in the original democracy, only people who were businessmen first were trusted with government positions.

But you paint businessmen as inherently evil. Why is that?

Not evil. Self-serving.
Because it is their job.

I think your are conflating psychological with moral concepts, and getting the benefit of neither.

am i?

I dunno…

What organsm is not self-serving, Phoneutria?

Are you not, is your husband not?
Is your whole family not?
Your animals?

Why should businessmen be exempt… why should Americans be exempt?

Thats leftist thinking pur-sang; I should be self-serving but … certain others should not.

But thats the genius of the Constitution. It formalizes self-serving as an absolute (which in nature it is) and thereby brings about the notion of absolute compromise, and with that, liberty.

Good old, fresh old, liberty. Aint nothing like it.


A President’s job is to be a servant of the people.


THAT’S how politicians get you.

Dirty no good rotten fucking bastards.

You don’t even believe politicians do this. You just prefer when they keep up the charade.

A president is no such thing. He is a representative of his people and their interests.

Ir will have escaped many what Parodites’ main contribution was: to place Plato in the esoteric realm where he belongs and rip him out of political structures, where he has done more damage than can be calculated.

Anyway, now it is me that has no interest in further debate and bow out. For similar reasons as you expressed.


I will do war on men, but not on girls. Like, not on women, though this sounds to me redundant enough to be silly to say, “won’t make war on women.”

Take all the offence you want, I don’t even care.

It was the ol Fixed Cross that got us into this mess. Shoulda let P speak for himself.

You can be all the right you want, but if you’re lashing out at girls you’re a spaz.

Peace out

I’m being white-knighted in 2020.

Let me be fair to you though, pedro.
None of them would say any of that to my face. None.

It’s all aesthetic Phon. Nothing moral or feminist about it. It’s what FC calls my postmodernism.

Funny to be accused of white knighting when I’m pretty sure my opinions fit under “rancidly reactionary misoginy.”

And also, you know, my pleasure. Have some mercy on us when you take over the world from the testosteroneless maggots surrenderring it to you.

Right because, a girl isn’t responsible for her actions. She’s not actually a person. Just an ornament for Pedro to romance.

All this is very much below me. Below my contempt.

Phoneutria please. You came into a guys thread and started slinging insults about him and his mother, because you felt his sentences were too long. It was fucking sickening.

You would never say anything of that to his face. I gave you back a liiiiiiiitle bit of what you dealt out. We all know what would have happened irl if you pulled that shit.