The Future - What needs to be done???
Lets look at society - Most of us live with the luxury that we are good people because of our Morals - or vice versa.
The problem is - that within our own cliquestic (I have to admit I made this word up - however you get the point) societies we satisfy our morals all too easily - hey me too! We do what we can for charity and have the mordacity to feel superior about a contribution that we have made that when all is saidand done, will have no lasting effect on our lives. Is this really a Contribution??? What has been contributed…?? Only something that would not be missed or indeed acknowledged if not contributed. If you deny this and you believe you are a better person then answer this.
A Moral Question.
Say you had £100 in the bank and £100 cash you are on your way to the Party of the century - without doubt the greatest night you will ever have! On your Way you past an alley - you hear a sound - its a child’s cry. You investigate and find that three IS a child - not looking so good - So you use your expensive mobile phones to alert the appropriate authorities feeling good about the fact that you are the saviour of a life - as you wait u are informed that the medical relief is delayed - you must perform a procedure that will use up £150 of your cash (if anybody queries me about the purpose of the money - then GET A LIFE - its hypothetical) So at this stage every one left with the choice of leaving a baby to die or parting with the cash would probably part with the cash. And after a further while your told - “still can’t make it” you need to spend the rest of your cash or even go into £100 debt or that child “IN YOUR ARMS” Dies. You’d pay up ‘No Problem’ Right? - OK …
So Because of You there is a young life that otherwise would’ve been extinguished!
Feel Good?
What if the child was ‘IN YOUR ARMS’ and you needed to sell everything you had - would you let it die???
You’re a good Person!
Now what if it was a child u couldn’t see???
U would give up everything for a strange unknown child??
No? How much then what is the price of redeeming your soul
But how many would upon reading this would make an instant contirbution of £20 to a charity that could probably save a number of kids lives in a place we will never see?