What she had witnessed was unforgettable, which was visible by the expression on her face. They…
…had looked up from the carnage left on the heavy, cross-shaped table, to which their latest victim had been nailed hand and foot, their lower faces stained bright crimson, teeth glowing almost supernaturally bright in the half-light cast by the slitted windows… Then suddenly Doug’s vision seemed to distort, like a haze of white-noise signal flutter breaking up the picture on an old TV. Voices seemed to swim up through the ebbing greyness that blurred his mind:
“Pull him out !!! PULL HIM OUT - DO IT NOW !!!”
“Jeeze - just when it was getting interesting - c’mon - let’s give him another minute or two…”
“UNPLUG HIM YOU ARSE !!! - remember the last two, he’s trying to create memories that he doesn’t have ! He’ll fuse ! We can’t afford to fail with another subject ! QUICKLY…”
With a wrenching pain Doug’s conciousness receded to a tight ball of inky black - then instantly slammed back into reality. The rubbed the back of his neck where the cortex-shunt had been removed, his head felt like a baloon filled with dirty water, feelings of old guilt and remorse still ghosting through his psyche, he clenched his teeth and gripped the armrests as they slowly faded.
“You Bastards” Doug moaned “What are you trying to do to me…?”
A week ago Doug, halfway through a 20 year sentence for the killing spree that had started so long ago with the brutal slaughter of his ex-wife, had volunteered for the revolutionary new treatment offered by Dr. Giggleheim, on the promise of a drastically shortened jail-term. he was beginning to have second thoughts. An guard shoved the stubby barrel of his sidearm up under Doug’s left ear.
“Easy does it soldier - no sudden moves - Billy, get the cuffs on 'im…”
‘Fuck-this’ he thought to himself as they led him down the grey-foamed corridor to the communal pen. ‘I gotta get outta here…’ At that instant his foot seemed to catch on the very air itself - he lurched and tried in vain to clutch his head which had seemed to suddenly explode with pain. He blacked out - the spongey floor leaping up to greet him. After an instant of non-time he came to and, through watering eyes, looked up.
A naked vision was before him, Marla re-animated, pearly skin radiating an ethereal light… beaded with clean sweat and clotted blood. In her pale hands she held the crushed remnants of the brains she had pulled from the egg-shell skulls of the two guards. She reached behind him an broke the cuffs as if they were pizza-crusts…
“Hey baby, long time no see…” her voice was pure pleasure…
“Monsters” Doug groaned, “Monsters from the id…”