- Not for the faint of heart or the naïve. Children under 25 years in mental age or psychology must be kept away.
- Handle with care.
- Verification requires honesty to self and a strong desire to find ‘truth’ rather than happiness.
1.0.0.-We are all culpable.
1.1.0.-All conscious beings are wilful manipulators in that they impose their Will, either through coercion or force, upon sensually perceived, external objects or beings.
1.2.0.-Existence is the imposition of a conglomeration of united forces we call ‘I’ or ‘internal’ or ‘self’ upon a multiplicity of non-participating forces we call ‘Other’ or ‘object’ or ‘external’ or ‘universe’.
1.2.1. -Simply taking up space requires an act of aggression and a continuing presence requires violence and sacrifice on different levels.
1.2.2.-This intuitive understanding is the foundation for all absolution myths and the origin of all dogmas concerning guilt, sin and punishment.
1.3.0.-Liberty is the desire to become responsible for ones own fate and for ones own guilt and shame or to become untouched by it instead of it being thrust upon ones back like an unwanted burden.
1.3.1.-Guilt and shame are the sensations begotten through the realization that ones nature often contradicts and confronts ones accepted virtues.
1.4.0.-Those most in denial of a possibility and resistant to the implications tend to be the ones most prone to be all the more precisely adherent to its general conclusions.
1.4.1. -Awareness is the only way the possibility of resistance or change or transcendence can become a probability.
It is, therefore, not a rarity to find the most devout follower of a particular dogma being the one least disciplined to its rules.
1.5.0.-The degree to which the manipulated/dominated agrees with the intended outcome and the motives of the manipulator/dominator or the degree to which their own beliefs about who they are and what their self-interests are corresponds to the manipulator’s, determines to what degree they will be offended or flattered by the exploitation and how they will react to it, when and if ever they consciously become aware of it. It will also determine their resistance and their usage of particular labels in describing the events and the one that dared impose his/her Will upon them.
1.6.0.-All human relationships are based on the equilibrium of exploitation.
When one side feels more exploited than the other, the enterprise is dissolved.
1.7.0.-People’s opinions about themselves or about what their self-interests really are, are just as relative and based on incomplete knowledge and subjective reasoning as anyone else’s.
1.7.1.-Most have so little understanding of self and so little comprehension about what is advantageous to them that their opinions, on this regard, can be said to be just as biased and prone to distortion as any other observers.
1.7.2.-What one wants and what one needs rarely coincide.
1.7.3.-Most people have little interest in a deeper understanding of self (introspection) and the world (exploration), if it doesn’t concern an immediate, clear and obvious reward or if there is no pressing need present. They prefer to be given the answers instead, giving rise to the phenomena of finding self in others or in objects, in other words, of lacking self altogether.
1.7.4.-It is quit possible to acquire a more precise understanding of an external Other than said Other has of himself/herself, making self-awareness a matter of great importance.
Knowledge is power and he/she possessing more of it gains a distinct advantage.
One who does not know becomes a victim of the unknown even if this unknown lies within.
1.7.5.-Self is the only phenomena we can know with any degree of certainty.
But here too, no absolute completion is possible.
1.7.6.-What we refer to as our ‘real self’ or our ‘genuine self’ is merely the parts that become consciously exposed to our reason or the parts that can be controlled by our reason. The rest are ignored, denied or thought of as sickness or disorder that must be healed.
1.8.0.-The unsavoury word of ‘manipulate’ is sometimes replaced by other, less aggressive or vulgar, terms, such as: ‘use’, ‘flirt’, ‘negotiate’, ‘build’, ‘create’, ‘destroy’, ‘think’, ‘seduce’, ‘persuade’, ‘debate’, ‘converse’, ‘control’, ‘change’, ‘guide’, ‘influence’, ‘manage’, ‘exploit’, ‘fix’ etc.
But the original intent remains unaffected. It is the imposition of a Will upon inanimate or animate objects.
1.8.1. - In fact all verbs are instances of force expression and direction.
1.8.2. - Power is measured by the feasibility of manipulation.
1.9.0.-Whether the manipulation is done consciously or instinctively is irrelevant and only serves to offer insights into the manipulators awareness and his/her overall ability, intelligence and psychological state.
1.9.1.-Women, when compared to men in a general manner, can be said to possess an intuitive talent for subtle manipulation, whereas men need to engage reason in the process in order to become any good at it.
1.9.2. -Male manipulation is, in comparison, usually of a more direct character, when circumstances allow. In recent more ‘civilized’ times, male manipulation and/or force expression has been limited to more feminine forms, resulting in the adaptation of a more feminine male type.
2.0.0.-Nobody is ever completely themselves with anybody else.
Sometimes not even with themselves.
2.1.0.-We allow the expression of only parts of ourselves at any given time and according to circumstances.
With some we may be one way while we may behave differently around others.
Most do this intuitively and may be totally unaware of the process. They may even become offended at the insinuation that it might be so and they will deny it, to no end, to preserve their positive opinions about their person.
2.1.1.-We are all hypocrites to a grade.
We all pretend to be more or less than what we are, particularly towards ourselves.
2.2.0.-Intimacy is a conceptual construct derived through imprecise definitions. What there is are varying degrees of agreement and varying levels of common interests, as thought of by each party.
2.3.0.-Reason is, in fact, a manipulator of Will; it is the Will harnessed.
2.4.0.-There is no ‘Truth’.
2.4.1.-There is, presumably, no absolute ‘truth’ readily available to human minds.
Some would say that the concept itself is a mythological human construct meaning accepted sensual reality.
2.4.2.-In essence, therefore, there are no truths/lies but only different interpretations upon common observations that may be more or less precise, depending on the faculties, interests, psychology and the perceptual sensitivity of the interpreting mind.
2.4.3.-If there are no ‘truths’ then it follows that there can be no ‘lies’ either.
2.4.4. –When people ask for the truth they are pleading for the repetition of their truth.
2.4.4.-Since there are no truths/lies then human interactions become a struggle of convincing the other on the superiority of your own perspective or a process of inserting yourself within the others perspective as an agreeing/enhancing/desirable element that will not shatter their structure of belief.
2.4.5.-What is most often described as deceitful is what confronts our own perspectives of self, reality and the other and what, seemingly, goes against our own understanding of good/bad or of what is advantageous to our presumed self-interests.
2.4.6.-What is more often referred to as ‘false’ or ‘hypocritical’ or ‘artificial’ or ‘deceitful’ or ‘erroneous’ is a perspective contrary to our own evaluations or contrary to popular opinions.
2.4.7. –Inevitable any attempt to disprove or to prove must rely on previously accepted interpretations that feed off each other.
2.4.8. –‘Truth’ is self-replicating and self-preserving. It is a self-contained system out of which only violent aggression can escape.
2.5.0.-Speak less, listen more and watch. Most beg to expose themselves to the world.
The solitude of conscious existence imposes the need for communion.
2.5.1.-Through speech many intimate details and inner secrets may slip out, that may contradict the intended motive.
Through opinions, insights into the others train of thought as well as their overall intellectual quality, psychology and demeanour can become apparent.
2.5.2- Listening more will also offer these advantages: {a} you will give away less information than you receive - {b} you will avoid the risk of inadvertent slip-ups, which may lead to disharmony or confrontation- {c}you will give the impression of interest and/or thoughtfulness, which will give the impression that you care.
2.5.3.-Vocabulary, grammar and voice fluctuations are easily perceived indicators of deeper processes. Through language we can become aware of the censoring mechanisms of a mind and so deduce from it what exactly is being censored.
2.6.0. - Actions are more direct manifestations of the Will.
2.6.1.-Actions are more precise and honest indicators of inner processes.
Words can be faked and contrived. Actions always demand a price and are directly connected to Will, without the interceding censoring rationale to distort or suppress internal desires.
2.6.2.-Actions can be as obvious as a slap on the face or as subtle as a finger twitch.
2.6.3. –The inner nature and character of every being is most honestly and profoundly expressed through subtle actions and unconscious attitudes.
2.6.4. –When confronted with contradictory information, where the tongue says one thing but the body another, always listen to the body first. Language is the expression of self filtered through reason-it is self and reality made conscious through abstraction- but the body is a direct manifestation of self without the filtering mechanisms of reason.
2.7.0.-Perpetuate ignorance and error.
2.7.1.-If the preservation and enhancement of self is the only focus of the mind, then enlightening and training others is contrary to self-interest.
2.7.2. - Always tell the other what they want to believe and not what you actually believe or want them to believe.
2.7.3.-Playing into the belief systems and the overall understanding of the other will make you likable and your well-being more attainable. It will make them more susceptible to your influence.
2.7.4.-Flattery and insult are always effective to varying degrees, even when the other is conscious of their intent and denies being affected.
2.8.0.-Image is all there is.
2.8.1.-It might be true that external characteristics do not tell the entire story or that they might sometimes lead to misinterpretations and misjudgements, yet being a predominately visual species, we are prone to be affected by external imagery even if we may not like it.
2.8.2. - Outer garments (Jewellery, Clothes, Automobiles, Homes, Grooming, Odours, Symbols, Tattoos… etc.) don’t express character or inner reality. They express accepted social/cultural/religious realities and what every individual thinks of their own selves and, most importantly, what they would like for others to think of them.
2.8.3.-What a person adorns himself/herself with are good indicators of what they aspire to be and never of who they actually are.
2.8.4.-Not only is what is worn important but how it is worn as well.
2.8.5.-Sometimes external decorations express a contrary reality or overcompensate for secret inadequacies.
For instance: A male wearing the symbols of machismo and strength is really hiding weakness and fragility.
2.8.6.-A good indicator of what a person is most afraid of or more insecure about can be deduced through what he pretends to be.
2.9.0.-The devil is in the details.
2.9.1. - Details say more than broad perceptions.
2.9.2. -A subtle glance, a discreet movement, a cough, a verbal mistake or a slight overstatement or understatement can expose inner workings more reliably than a promise or an agreement.
3.0.0.-Loss of control exposes weaknesses.
3.1.0. - Moments of loss of control –emotional distress, inebriation and/or sleep- are invaluable in witnessing hidden imperfections, insecurities and fears.
3.2.0.-The other will, sometimes, urge a more honest connection based on trust.
This is driven by the desire to gain advantage or to compensate for a disadvantage by becoming aware of hidden vulnerabilities, for future reference.
3.2.1.-No weakness is ever forgiven even if it is shared. It is merely tolerated, and when circumstances arise, used towards ones own interests.
3.2.2.-The methods used to facilitate the willing exposure of inner ‘truths’ from the other are: {a}the telling of one, already known or less relevant, personal fact so as to be rewarded by one of theirs, {b}the feigned complete acceptance of the other as they are and the placing upon them of, supposed, complete trust, {c}the building of trust through long term exposure and patience, {d}compassion and tolerance.
3.2.3.-We tolerate, like and are compassionate towards those that share the same level of weakness as us.
3.2.4.-Once we perceive a strength or a weakness in the other that exceeds our perceptions of our own, then envy, hate and a loss of good-will ensues.
3.3.0.-Respect is a hidden intimidation.
3.3.1.-The exposure of weakness, by one side, leads to a lessening of respect, from the other side, no matter how understanding or compassionate or forgiving the other is.
3.3.2.-With women, in particular, respect must be maintained or else sexual interest in the male is lost. In other words, the male must show just enough weakness and vulnerability so as to offer the opportunity to the female to do likewise-giving the impression of a deeper intimacy, trust and the opportunity for release and communion- but this weakness and vulnerability must never be allowed to exceed the females perception of her own or else she will begin thinking of herself as superior.
3.4.0.-People don’t want to know who you are but who they want you to be.
3.5.0. - Patience and persistence are of the utmost importance in interpersonal relationships in that the time requirements of each individual to become comfortable and trusting are varied according to history and genetic predisposition.
3.5.1. - Patience, along with persistence, is the key to success.
3.5.2. -Patience is another word for tolerance.
3.6.0. -Indifference: The foundation of achievement.
3.6.1. -The ability to lose all caring as to the outcome of events and to cease to hope for particular outcomes is, ironically, at the route of all success.
3.6.2. -What we call ‘confidence’ is a state of apathy reliant on the ability to find alternative resources or to continue existing without particular resources.
3.6.3. -Confidence is attractive, especially to women, because resources and the control of them is nature’s most desirable trait.
3.7.0. - Uniqueness is a myth.
3.7.1. -What is, most often, called ‘uniqueness’ is a subjective evaluation of belonging to a less numerous group.
3.7.2. -All distinction is based on exclusivity.
3.7.3. -All humans fall within general groupings even if they would like to think otherwise; this because there are finite emotions and drives within each human being and so their combinations are, as well, finite.
3.7.4.-Character is determined by the degree to which particular drives and emotions are suppressed or enhanced.
All humans possess the same basic character in that they have common drives, needs and emotions. What differentiate them are experiential circumstances and genetic dispositions that hinder or allow some to become dominate and others dormant. This makes past history essential in understanding the inner working of each mind.
3.8.0. -Being underestimated offers an advantage which makes exploitation more feasible.
3.8.1. -The natural tendency to seek out recognition or immediate domination should be tempered by the understanding of the costs and the advantages of more subtle means.
3.8.2. -It is easily feasible to nurture the natural inclination of all beings to look down upon the other. Once personal ego and pride have been mastered then the price is more readily paid, if of course the possible rewards are sufficiently desirable.
3.8.3. - The highest compliment another healthy mind, can pay you -in an unconscious recognition of your dominance- is to call you an equal or as being ‘like you’. It’s how they honour you and save themselves the insult.
3.8.4. -Women, in particular, require a sign of vulnerability to offer themselves up as a reward in return. They need it as a safety-pin, an emergency brake, a way out so that their surrender will not lead to their total annihilation.
They call it ‘sensitivity’ or ‘intimacy’ or ‘sympathy’ or ‘compassion’ or, most often, ‘love’.
3.8.5. -No matter how fragile, weakness always needs to know that it has a secret control over that which dominates it, in order to shelter its own ego and sense of self-esteem and in order to justify its subjugation to itself.
It may call it ‘privilege’ or ‘right’ or ‘distinction’ or ‘importance’ or ‘being special’ or it may call it ‘love’ or perhaps ‘hate’.
3.8.6. - A clever man will offer artificial signs of weakness to appease a woman’s need to remain in control of his power over her. If he shows no such sign or if the signs are insufficiently advantageous to her supposed self-interests and for her need to remain relevant then she will choose to discard him as unpredictable and defame him as unwanted.
3.8.7. -All weakness is only attracted to strength that is controllable or that offers the possibility and opportunity of being controllable. In the back of its mind it hopes and wishes to usurp it or to make it its own or to use it to make-up for what it lacks. No weakness would willingly surrender to a power that will insult it or destroy it outright. A sense of saving face must be maintained.