A workintg political system?

What exacally does it mean for a political system to “work” ?

My opinion…

Having the majority of people agree on it.


Having the majority of people agree to live by it.


An effective system that helps for the progression of the race or country because god knows only people under your flag are good.

a system that promotes stability and fairness.

What is Fair?

the people decide what govenment they wish. I didn’t say it, but I believe it to be true.

John Locke,
“Man by nature is free”

The government then should be striving to maintain that freedom. And freedom, in this sense, would go down to the very basic concept of the word. So in maintaining the freedom of the individual a society of people is born. Such as democratic societies, communist societies, parliament societies and monarchical kingdoms.

my opinion of the “perfect government” is unrealistic. as much as it pains me to see how all leaders of the world are corrupt (to some degree) i think it is true. a benevolet despot (like a dictatorship) run by a person who honestly cared about the well-being of the people would be the best society. there would be no poverty, and as long as the people werent greedy bastards who cared only about self-wealth, there wouldn’t be people trying to scam each other. unfortunately, in a world as shitty as ours, this isnt possible. the dictator would start trying to become rich, as would the people. then it would turn into a democracy which i think really sucks (see my new thread “Democracy doesn’t work”.)

the only perfect goverment is fudalism(with out slavery only Internmentisnt this where people’s debts get so much they have to be somebody’s slave till the debt is paid off) True is it based of war, but so is America’s economy. Fudalism allows the wealthy to be wealthy the poor to be poor and the middle to do what ever they can. Plus it leads to higher ethics and morals. Most of our moral codes extended from the transition of civilization from nomadic through fudalism to federations.

A “working” political system is any system that achieves in toto all the goals and sticks to all the values that it is intended to.