I’m also in the process of reading that book. Eugenics for economic solution is noting new. Hilter just made it unfashionable, but soon no one will know who he is.
Primary schools could ditch traditional lessons in favour of teaching children how to use social networking sites such as Twitter, it emerged yesterday.
In the biggest education shake-up for 20 years, pupils would no longer have to learn about the Romans, Vikings, Tudors, Victorians or the Second World War.
dailymail.co.uk/news/article … culum.html
A councillor has been suspended from the Conservative Party after suggesting euthanasia as a way to cut the cost of caring for vulnerable children.
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/engl … 317618.stm
Baroness Warnock: Dementia sufferers may have a ‘duty to die’
telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ … o-die.html
I think Huxley wrote, when we see waxed bodies in art galleries then human life has been degraded. Was he right?
Charles Galton Darwin’s - The Next Million Years (How to Kill Off Excess Population) (1953)
scribd.com/doc/236608/Darwin … ation-1953
” But there is also the possibility of an internal revolution. This would come about if means were discovered of deliberately altering human nature itself … here it must suffice to say that the prospects do not seem at all good. There is first the extreme difficulty of making such changes, and the probability that most of them would be for the worse, and secondly, if by chance a revolutionary improvement should arise, it seems all too likely that the rest of mankind would not tolerate the supermen and would destroy them before ever they had the time to multiply. It is mainly the belief that there will be no revolutionary change in human nature that emboldened me to write this essay.”
“Still for the sake of the distant future something can be attempted more profitable than has been usual hitherto. Attempts at improving the lot of mankind have all hitherto been directed toward improving his conditions, but not his nature, and as soon as the conditions lapse all is lost . The only hope is to use our knowledge of biology in such a way that all would not be lost with the lapse of the conditions. The principles of heredity offer an anchor which will permanently fix any gains that there may be in the quality of mankind.”
Despite being concerned about the over-population of the world he had four sons and one daughter.
Then peaking into history we see the poor houses in the U.K were really ways to kill off the poor.
I once saw an add for Eugenics in the USA on YouTube, made in the 20s or 30s. I can’t find it now.