
OK let me continue then:

Phoneturia: I don’t care about any of this stupid shit you are saying, I will not read or respond to it, and don’t you dare try to formulate what you understand as my position.

I might as well be talking to myself.

Abortion, apendectomy, a hair cut, whatever.

It’s because they give it a weird name people get to pretend it’s not what it is.

It should be called child elimination.

Maria got her child eliminated last month. Yeah, she just didn’t feel it was the right time, with here career and all.

Susan got a child elimination recently. The state suggested it and she accepted because she’s not sure how she would maintain it, so she had the child eliminated.

Not to mention that abortions themselves tend to be extremely dangerous and almost always have permanent consequences on the mother’s body.

Oh but it’s called an abortion.

It happens in a white room with stainless steel stuff and all the doctors have face masks.

People talk about child sacrifice in ancient cultures and more often than not they straight up don’t believe it and say it’s a folk myth. Nobody actually did that, even back then they were fucking people.

Hey news flash, abortion clinics sell the remains of the children they hack to pieces.

Hey, nothing to see here, just a woman’s right to do what she wants with her body, like a piercing.

After all all sex is basically rape so fuck those bastards and their offspring.

I downloaded a movie called Coma and wouldn’t you know it 10 mins in they are doing an abortion. I can’t really keep myself to keep watching. But the premise is supposed to be that there is a secret cabal of doctors in the hospital inducing comas on people I’m not sure for what reason, some kind of experiment maybe. Anyway, it makes perfect sense, the follow-up is perfectly thought out. If you agree that abortion is no big thing, that an unborn baby is meaningless, you are really saying that you are meaningless. So people being unceremoniously usurped and put in comas for whatever purpose makes perfect sense. Those people are meaningless. It is the unavoidable artistic consequence. In the modernist world, too, how can there be anything but a general feeling of meaninglessness, that no specific life means anything in particular? You may as well not have been born. That your mother didn’t particularly feel like having you is a good enough reason, for you not to have existed. Your significance is 0. But the reason you are meaningless is not that abortion exists, but that you decided it’s no big deal. You accorded life a value of 0, and you didn’t realize that by doing this you accorded yourself a meaning of 0.

Do this, do that, whatever. We are all effectively in a coma, life is a coma, life is death.

Of course, this is a dirty lie and no life can sustain itself considering life to have 0 value. So some meaning must slip in, but it must be one that doesn’t admit meaning, one that provides a reason for affirming there is no meaning (when this is an impossible affirmation).


Life has no meaning, so why do anything?


The question is not rhetorical. Something will be done, doing nothing is an impossibility, so it is asked in the very real sense of “what will we use as a reason to do something when there is no meaning?”


This is also how Spartans and early Romans separate themselves from the modernist nihilists.

Spartans killed deformed newborns because they wanted to have a powerful citizenry. There was meaning attached. Life was far from considered meaningless, the killing was not a capricious act, done on a whim. Destroying a healthy baby would probably have met harsh consequences.

Romans killed their sons when they brought dishonor to their families. There was a meaning attached to life. They didn’t kill them because they were inconvenient or whatever. Or because life might as well not happen if it’s gonna be hard. Life was so meaningful that they would kill their own sons for impugning it.

it always ends up with
women being the demon
cuz we love killing babies so much
like we schedule an abortion at 2 pm
and afterward we go get a fucking pedi
abortion, appendectomy, hair cut
just get it out like it’s an ingrown toenail
like she doesn’t have to live with that ghost forever
like it’s not her own body being violated time and time again
like the first thought of a being who was created to be a mother
is to kill their child
so why don’t start thinking instead
about what’s worse than death
why instead of making women the demon
you go try to find where that demon is
start to think about what would cause YOU to kill your own child
because I guarantee
that if you look deep enough
you’ll find it
when women have an abortion
that’s where they are

talking about this subject with men disgusts me

Well I’m glad you are now agreeing that it’s not a small thing.

And that it is unlikely that a mother, except under some possible severely extreme duress, would even consider it, unless her mind is not clear, thus my way earlier question.

You know, if bags of jizz get to ask anything.

lol omfg
so after all of that
you are cool with killing babies after all
i am out of here

Lol your fucking self.

Because I am not a Spartan.

what did anything that I ever said
give you the impression
that it is a small thing
you are talking to a mother

i should whack you in the head for this

I won’t go digging. The important thing is that we agree.

And the reason it is important is that it has implications regarding accessibility to child elimination.

no need to kill any babies anymore
if we just sterilize all men

I think we made progress.

no we didn’t
from the beginning
i’m saying
you don’t fucking care about children
you haven’t stopped for a minute
to actually picture a child suffering
you’re so busy thinking about fetuses being made into smoothies
that you’re not thinking
about what it must be like
to hear your child scream in pain
and not be able to do anything about it
there are millions of women who go through that
every year
all alone
these piece of shit fucking moral posturing pro life assholes
to whom this is all just theory
are not there to help
neither is the sperm sack
just an agonizing child
and his mother

so if in her son’s death bed
she swears to herself
to never go through that again
i’m not going to fucking judge her
and fuck you for judging her