I think there needs to be a call for moderation. Too often we are pulled to the sidelines of the extremes, as they whisper in our ear the way we should be. It’s not the way we should be, it’s the way they want us to be.
To be blunt, the extremes are nuts.
A wise man once said that we are all slaves to sin. And the extremes both interpret this differently. The one extreme says, that sin is specific behaviour you must guard yourself from. If you believe in christ, you’ll be forgiven.(1)
The other extreme tells us there is no such thing as sin. Any behaviour is okay, because … “who can really say what is right and wrong?”
All of us can. BUT, that doesn’t make it absolute. While there are absolute rights and wrongs, they are still relative to our experience. While there is sin, it’s not sin in the traditional sense. Sin isn’t specific behaviour… Sin is self-judgement, and laziness. In that regard, we are all slaves to sin. We can’t even begin to know others in this state, because we hardly know ourselves. We our living our grandfathers and fathers story.
Don’t you think it’s time we made our own story? To say relativism doesn’t exist is as bad as saying absolutism doesn’t exist. Pragmatically speaking, it’s asinine. The interpretation of the bible has constantly changed over the millenia, as society has changed. If anything is a relative standard for morals, it’s the bible… at the same time, the murder of innocents was wrong then as it is today. The rape of a man or woman is wrong today as it was yesterday.
There are absolutes. And there is relativism.
The absolutist, tries looking at everything as rigid and black and white… but the world isn’t black and white. The absolutist lie, involves rampant self judging.
The relativist, tries looking at everything as gray. The relativist lies to themselves also, telling themselves that they have no right to judge the behaviour of others.
The truth like all things lies in the middle of the extremes. We should engage in self judging, but not to the extent that absolutists preach.
We should engage in judging others, if someone commits a wrong, we must stop them from doing so. If a gathering of 10,000+ people shout death to Israel, Death to America… we need to listen and stop that behaviour.
I think both parties are blinded to their own idealogies though…
(1) There is one unforgiveable sin. Doubting the holy spirit.