have yall given any thought to adding some newer interesting templates to “stimulate” the development of conversation throughout this board yall have?
heres a good few
If yall need help installing either follow the instructions or give me a yell on aim.
October 4, 2004, 10:41pm
I don’t know. Is it just me, or does a website with the word “hacks” in it just seem questionable?
if your the fella thats running this forum i hope your joking because that would be a very straight forward admission of ignorance.
New templates are additions to the forums overall look
October 18, 2004, 4:20pm
Not I.
The Adminstator here is ben .
Although I am never above a straightforward admission of ignorance.
(Pax Vitae)
October 19, 2004, 4:52am
Currently there’s just Dusty Green and the default one. There hasn’t been much interest in different ways of view the forums, as most people just want the content and the default style is good enough not to cause to much offence. But we’ll have a look and see what they’ve got.
October 23, 2004, 12:50am
There are a fair amount arts related posts on this site.
Since art is a big topic and is related to philosophy (as anyhting else is), I wonder if we could have an art forum here?
(including music)