I’m doing a research paper for my first philosophy class. I have chosen to compare and contrast the various views of the Ancient Greek Philosophers. My prob is, we only covered how Socrates, Plato and Aristotle viewed Justice, and not very thoroughly I’m not even sure how to distinguish between Plato’s and Socrates’ views, if there are any distinctions. Also there was mention of others’ views, but with little detail. Could anyone offer some insight or advice?? Or web sources that I could check into?? Or if you could just provide some names and general theories on justice in ancient Greece, I would be very gratefully. THANKS!!
I found some info here right away while doing a search.
I’m sure you can find a lot more info. Just type in the names and the subject in one of the major search engines. But if you want to really learn something I think you should go direct to the source. I only think that you can get a good comparison if you first get an overrveiw of each persons model.
Good luck.