I have vague negative feelings about AI-generated posts, but I notice that I have a hard time expressing why. I can list a few reasons that seem good but that aren’t my actual reasons:
- It feels dishonest. If I thought I were speaking to a human and found out I’d been speaking to a bot with a human intermediary, I would feel deceived. But this feeling will go away as AIs become normal and widespread.
- It feels like something is lost. The way current AIs are created makes their thoughts and opinions a kind of common denominator of all the humans who produced the training data. This will change over time as we get more customized and specialized AIs.
- It defeats the purpose of a forum. If I’m just talking to an AI, why not go straight to the AI? What am I getting out of coming to a forum? A kind of roulette as to which AI I get?
- I don’t want to use an AI. If I’m the only one on a forum that isn’t using an AI, will I look increasingly foolish as the quality of AIs improves? I write slowly and deliberately, and I can barely keep up with the humans who post here, let alone the superhuman robots who can tear my argument to shreds in little more time than it takes to post it.
I think my real reason is that the future is scary, AIs will rapidly and drastically change the world in ways I can’t predict, and now they’re on ILP, a website that until 3 months ago hadn’t even installed server updates in almost 20 years. It’s unsettling when a scary global trend lands at home. They probably won’t make discussion worse, they’ll probably make it better. But they’ll make it different.
A tension has always been that it’s different things for different people. Some people are curious, some are lonely, some want to prove themselves, some want to self-promote, some just like to use words to draw angry words from other people. There will be people whose purposes align with posting using an AI, especially as part of the process of figuring out how AI will fit into their lives.
Another thing to think about is what we should or can do about it. There’s no reliable way to detect AI generated text, and that’s going to be more and more true as they improve. We can ask nicely that people don’t, or that they cite the AI when they post AI-generated text. But we can’t make anyone do that.