Alcohol is... god?

does God hide in the alcohol molecules? In the interactions chemically between it and us? In that beautiful brown refractive color inside the glass? Or whatever color it is for you?

Can we see God in the leaves of a tree as much as in the peak euphoria of the first sip and swallow of whiskey? The electric soul discharge? What is this magic mysterious religious liquid? How did man discover it, cultivate it, worship it, learn somehow to control it? Surely its discovery should have led to the destruction of humanity, yet it didn’t.

God is power, and soul, and eternity, and… vantage. Infinite imaginable expanse. But collapsed into the super-immediate, holographic. Fractal and self-replicating. Necessary. Like a good scotch whiskey.

After all it is called “spirits”, is it not? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Insert lots of epic close up pics of whiskey here, too much for dumb ILP to manage.

At request, ive moved it back to religion and spirituality.

You’re supposed to test the spirits and hold fast to the good. You held fast to the ones that poison your liver.

But this topic is a legitimate discussion about religious ideas.

No idea what that means, sorry.


Fuck off and stop trolling my topic.

Humans have been associating altered states of consciousness and the drugs that cause them, with divinity/religion/God, since forever. This is a legitimate topic.

If I posted something about meditation being god, that would be taken seriously. But posting about alcohol being god isn’t, for some reason. I suppose it has to do with the social stigma about drinking alcohol.

Would be nice for people to get off their high horse, get out of their own way, curb their egos a bit and try to be objective. But that would mean gasp being philosophical! Oh no, the horror…

Let me prove it to you, this is a serious topic and belongs in Religion-Spirituality:

See, I could have made a post about meditation and its possible connection to god/divinity and no one would bat an eye. But doing it about alcohol is somehow insubstantial or unserious? Like I said, humans have already been associating god/divinity with mind-altering substances since, like quite literally, forever. Since there have been humans. This is a legitimate serious topic of Religion/Spirituality which deserves further exploration and discussion. Just because you personally don’t like the idea for whatever reason (maybe you are a recovering alcoholic, idk) doesn’t mean it is sandbox material.


Did you choose liver poisoning over life giving for spiritual reasons?

Meditation never ate my uncle’s brain to death.

Refocussing attention never took my best friend away.

Prayer never destroyed anything that didn’t need to go.

Alcohol is dehydrating… so the higher the proof, the more dehydrating it is… so for every one part of spirits drank, 10 parts of water needs to be had, to compensate for the diuretic effect -for beer cider and wine, it’s between 2 to 4 parts per 1 part of drink.

This… :slight_smile: lol


I’ve not drank spirits in months, but if I did, it would be in the form of a cocktail…

Only kombucha and no-intervention wine for me… il est bon! :wink:

I’ve met a lot of people who have a choice with alcohol.

Drink it and be normal and die a horrible death.

Don’t drink it and live a horrible life.

Alcohol is like any other substance…. All biochemistries are different.

Some people die eating a peanut. Some people subsist on peanuts.

Every apple seed has cyanide in it.

Too much and you’ll die.

There are happy drunks and angry drunks.

For some, alcohol is MEDICINE.

If you really want to know if alcohol is not right for you, check 3 things…

1.) angry drunk
2.) black outs
3.) hangovers

I’ll now add the 4th one that puts a person in a strange position…

The vomit cycle.

If alcohol helps you and you’re in the vomit cycle it’s nasty. First, you have to get rid of your bile before you drink. It’s a nasty cycle because you don’t feel like eating…. When you don’t eat you vomit more.

preliminary thought:

treasure is hidden, kept, stored up

light is not hidden, but shared

but not with those who would trample it

it’s okay to lie to a would-be murderer

It’s a serious issue to look into, the connection between these chemicals and their effects on us. Why would our consciousness be so distorted by these things? How does that make sense in evolutionary terms or in a spiritual way?

But more specifically: to what extent is “distorting consciousness” some kind of parallel or indicator of spiritual experience, divinity or transcendental/higher truth? We tend to assume this is the case, but is it really? If so, why? Imagine you die right now and suddenly you meet God – what is that actually like? What does it feel like, look like, smell like, etc? What is the substance and quality of such an experience?

Maybe it’s somehow like being high, or euphoric drunk. I have no idea. I do think the fact that alcohol and other drugs so consistently distort our consciousness in such massive and interesting ways has got to mean something. If not necessary about the drugs then about our consciousness itself, the fact that it can actually be distorted like this is pretty interesting.

Why would someone choose liver poisoning? That’s dumb.

I’m not your uncle, and meditation has also caused harm to people. Nothing in (too much) excess, right? I know the story of a Taoist monk who, making a mistake during one of his meditations, suddenly went blind. Stuff like that happens. Ever try to do a Kundalini tantra meditation? Lol, well go ahead and see how that goes. I am quite sure there are some people who do not survive such things.

If you want to minimize the power of meditation as “refocusing attention” then I’ll minimize the power of alcohol as “having a sip of whiskey never hurt anyone”.

Or you could just try to be honest and complete here on the actual playing field, instead of trying to cheat.

No idea what that is even supposed to mean. Black magic, curses, voodoo, these things are also real and not that far off from the realities of prayer. It all hinges on your personal intentions and on the level of power you cultivate.

Kundalini tantra sounds like a kind of reflective deconstruction. Has my mind ever been blown up paradigmatically/architectonically? Yes. Obliterated.

Something tells me that tantra stuff is on the level of lsd… or, sure, alcohol.

Unnecessary. And not necessarily life-affirming.

rehab facilities are often full of freshly minted christians

Really? Any theories as to why?