All women are asexuals and lesbians.

My core thesis is the women are not inherently, biologically attracted to men and only are attracted to men as a result of social conditioning.

I believe that the only entities biologically attracted to men are gay homosexual men, however half of gay homosexuals are not biologically attracted to men and it is only the result of social conditioning.

I will support my thesis with the following evidence.

On internet sites women are often reluctant to go on them, because they are afraid of men flirting with them sexually. This indicates an inherent sexual repulsion at men.

On sex websites the vast majority of women require payment in exchange for services, however the vast majority of men do not require payment from women.

But on these same sex websites, women interested in other women, do not require payment for sexual services rendered.

So you may ask, if I am a transsexual, why is it still hard for me to get a girlfriend?

Well the answer is quite simply all women are against all males and witch for all males to be lumped into one box which they can easily control.

Scientists have conducted studies, showing women images of women, women demonstrated slightly more arousal at the female images than looking at the male images.

The vast majority of women use lesbian porn as their first porn.

So you may ask yourself, why is it then that most women are straight or claim to be straight?

The answer quite simply, is for transactory services.

Put yourself in a woman’s shoes, while more modern, 2017 women love working and being workaholics who never relax, ancient, feminine women of the 50’s were actually rather lazy homebodies. Estrogen is a chemical that causes rest and relaxation, testosterone is a chemical that causes drive and the energy to work.

This is why, women are attracted to rich football players and doctors, they will gladly sleep with them but pay attention to this…this is all done with the subtext of future financial compensation. If a woman sleeps with a rich man, and is not rewarded in any kind of way, watch and examine her fury, her fury is very predictable because it makes her feel cheap, cheated, used, any kind of sex a woman gives to a man is always under the notion for some kind of compensation, whether it be financial compensation, compensation for security, or compensation of conversation and emotional support.

Now let me show you a kind of man who is attractive to women, that women may sleep with with no financial compensation.

Notice how these men are not masculine looking, in the sense of being ugly, but masculine in the sense of, they seem like they are dangerous fighters.

Here is an example of a typical average man, who is masculine looking, but would probably offend women by flirting with them, and be listed under the National Sex Offenders Registry.

Once you see this, it becomes obvious women are lesbians.

A woman is attracted to a black man with a nice silver watch and a suit, but as soon as he loses the suit…the attraction flatlines.

Why do women gang up to report streakers (naked men) to the police?

Would men gang up to report naked women to the police?

No, because naked women are not disgusting to men, but naked men are disgusting to women.

So you may ask…but when women tell stories about their sex life with men, they seem geniunely excited.

Let me tell you about my ex-girlfriend, she left her phone at my place and I checked her texts to see if she was cheating, not only was she cheating but she was not shameful of it all…And I read her text and do you know what, I learned an important lesson about women…
In her texts, nowhere was there anything about love…the sexual experience was all about the “excitement” it could bring to her, physically.
Essentially, it was an impersonal act, an amusement ride, simply she was there for the ride, it wasn’t about any kind of romance at all.
There was no need to be actually attracted to the person, since it was simply for sheer, mechanical pleasure.

Why is it that Han Solo had to wait until the third episode before Princess finally caved? In reverse, would a woman have to try that hard for a man to cave for her?

Are women attracted to men, or the idea that men are attracted to them?

Are women, fully comfortable with men?

Why is it that men are modest, afraid to expose their bodies, but women dress in a provocative, sexual way, as if they are comfortable with and recognize the beauty of their own bodies?

When women post pics online, they exactly know what poses are the most sexy…How is it that women know what poses are the most sexy of a female body, but men, often have to debate on “what exactly about men” attracts women?

When a man takes a picture online, under a mask of confidence deep down is insecurity, he is never totally sure if his picture is attractive or not. Yet women, inherently know what they have and flaunt it. How is it, that women inherently know what they have is sexy, while men are not ever sure?

Women’s rational minds are not attracted to men…that is why there is no flirting in the workplace. In order for a woman to be sexually attracted to men she has to be in the bedroom or alone with the man dressed up or naked. She must feel powerless to resist. Her rational mind must shut down in order to be attracted to the man.

If women were sexually attracted to men…WHY do they complain about men flirting with them at the workplace? Why, as a man, do you feel afraid to flirt with a sex which is supposedly attracted to your gender? Why is it that women often break up with men, over the silliest and nonsensical of reasons? Why is it that men have to go through hoops, and learn 20 techniques of how to act and what to say, just to get a date? It all reeks of someone who, you guessed it, isn’t actually attracted to men, and is just an elaborate social facade to keep men in a delusional state of wanting to work hard, so they can reap the profits.

this is a really amusing post.

I can’t totally disagree with the content, though the title gives a false impression of what that content is.
It is quite simple: people are interested in what they are worth - what someone is capable and willing to do to for them. What they can bring about. Women especially calculate this through men - what kind of men can they get, and what kind of things can they get this man to do.

A “bad boy-businessman” is the ultimate catch for the average young woman, a man who can physically and financially do whatever the fuck he pleases, and he chooses her. Thats the ultimate validation, “love”.

Males and females are both sexually attracted to women/females because breast-feeding is the source of sexual eroticism. Women are naturally bi-sexual for this reason, attracted to men and themselves. While males are one-sided, attracted to women. You are correct that sexual attraction to males is the result of social conditioning. But there are other factors, such as capacity for and threat of violence.

For example, women instinctively seek-out alpha-males as means to identify who is most capable for violence, and therefore, one who can keep beta-males, delta-males, and lower males (creeps, stalkers, rapists, etc) away from them. Beautiful women detest lower-hierarchy males, and don’t want to be around them (male desperation) at all.

I disagree, homosexual men, gays are also “sexually attracted” to males because of social conditioning. You have an accurate intuition, but missing key elements of what you’re after. You don’t understand how females are attracted to men, sexually, when and why. But you are missing your own hypothesis. How are females socially conditioned to feel sexual attraction to men, and how would that social conditioning be opposed to biology?

In other words, what’s the difference between society and biology?

Biologically, females rally around alpha-males, leaders, and authorities. As I mentioned before, beautiful women despise desperate men, beta males, delta males, lower on the hierarchy of men. They feel “creeped out” when a male, unworthy of her attention, advances on her, flirts with her, or more. And so women flock around alpha-males or other authorities, as a means to repel the lower males away. Lower males are scared of alpha males, because they threaten violence against them, which the lower males cannot respond to. Thus alpha-males are “Controllers” of violence, those able to initiate, and also justify violence.

This is how and why, evolutionary, females reinforce society, laws, and social standards (status quo) which criminalizes desperate and lesser men, as means to punish men from advancing on beautiful women, when it is not on the terms of the women. Women control and dominate society naturally, using sex.

So then what is the “social conditioning”. It’s extensive and requires mountains of explanations. Because alpha-male position and status is coveted, males will naturally be competitive among other males. Males fight each-other for position. Hence males are competitive with violence and physicality, which females do not and are not. Females compete among other women, differently than men. Female competition is more psychological and pathological, emotional and psychological abuse. A woman can convince average men to kill themselves: … unced.html

Women also convince men to murder boyfriends, husbands, or other males they repulse and despise.

The “social conditioning” of male sexual attraction is that male-slaves to society are promoted as “Ideal” when, in reality, that is very far from the truth. The System/State teaches young boys and males that if you’re a “good boy”, and ideal citizen, then women will want you, and that you will receive sex. This is the “White Knight” stereotype. But in reality, females are rather repulsed by the ideal of a tamed man. A tamed man is “no fun”. And women want to “have fun”, and so they seek out the “bad-boy” for the “excitement” you mentioned.

The “bad-boy” breaks rules, goes against society, rejects social-conditioning, etc. representing Rebelliousness, wildness, and chaos. The bad-boy is “unpredictable”, and keeps a beautiful woman “on her toes”, she “doesn’t know what to expect”. He “flips her world upside-down”.

After her sexual escapades, modern women want to “settle-down” in their 30s and 40s with the “nice guy”. But young, beautiful women, in their 16-26 phase, despise the “nice guys”. Young, beautiful women, in their sexual prime, want to exercise and discover their sexual power.

You have the right idea with the “being socially conditioned to attraction to men” though. But you lack insight in most other areas.

I appreciate your civil response, however I don’t lack insight in “most other areas”.

You see I know how the woman thinks. Or at lesbos, bigirls, etc.

Joker seems to have the hots for Lexi, but why.
Lexi is a strong bad boy business man.

But why are girls attracted to strong bad boy business men?

Women are hedonists and decadents, what they want is to live “the good life”.
In fact the entire female psychology can be explained as someone who is obsessed with obtaining and living “the good life” at any price.

This is why, modern women are obsessed with getting jobs and money, they will endure slavery just to get a shot at the good life.
Rich women will date poor men, because they are bored of their men and to them, the “good life” is more about moral virtues and happiness than money.

Women want to be in a nice house in a jacoozi and pampered by a man.
But the thing women can’t stand the most, is boredom.

If a woman is with a rich man, but he is boring to be around, she will feel intensely uncomfortable.

As a woman, I can attest to this. I can also explain why women are not attracted to creeps and rapists, it is because they are boring. Most creeps have a one-track mind, they only care about sex and eating mcdonalds, women want above all to have someone they can relate to. That is why some beautiful women will date a poor man who is down on his luck, but not date a middle class man who is boring to be around.

Someone like Nikola Tesla, would have an impossible time finding a woman he could relate to, and thus died a virgin.

And this is also why, criminals tend to have no trouble getting laid, because they know how to give a woman a good time.

But there is a certain awkwardness to the common whore, the show girl who is at auctions holding a rich man around his waist. You can sense the awkwardness, like half of her isn’t really attracted to him and she’s really just socially coerced into feeling that it is acceptable. And this is what I mean by women are generally repulsed by most men. A woman will see a crowd of men, be mostly repulsed, then look for one cute man out of the crowd that they are moderately attracted to, then realize that he is their only option, then their moderate attraction will turn into a heavy attraction and she will rant and rave about how he is the cutest man alive.

A lot of that is true.

I rarely see an attractive women with a regular alpha type man without a fake smile.
Most men cant see fakeness in women smiles, they don’t want to. What is the use?

It gets so far with the fakery that women are startled when they find themselves truly attracted.
This makes the game somewhat complex at the high end.

This is true, and very observant. The only time a woman is fully attracted to a man is when he has some feminine features, or is foppish such as Elvis or those marines and cowboys I posted. This is why once you get out of highschool it is much harder to find love.
Some women are attracted to masculine looking men like this, this is mainly a fetish for his muscles.

But are women truly attracted to really masculine men like this? Can’t say.

Women expose their lack of sexuality for men when they embark on quests for Mr. Perfect.
The case of Mr. Perfect is that a man must not only be rich, but he must also be popular.
He must not only be rich and popular, but also good looking.
He must not only be rich, popular, and good looking, but either cleanly shaved or a very well groomed beard.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking and well shaved, but also have freshly showered and not smell of the outdoors.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, and smell good, but also, share the same tastes, interests and have a compatible personality.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, and have the right personality, but also have good, stylish, hair.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, have the right personality, and stylish hair, but also not be shy, he must be confident.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, have the right personality, stylish hair, and confidence, but he must also be fun to be around.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, have the right personality, stylish hair, confidence, and fun aura, but he must also be funny.
He must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, have the right personality, stylish hair, confidence, fun aura, and funny, but also have the same political views, and preferably the same religious views as well.
He must must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, have the right personality, stylish hair, confidence, fun aura, funny, and similar political views, but also be charming and good in bed, and have at least a medium/large size penis.
He must must not only be rich, popular, good looking, well shaved, smell good, have the right personality, stylish hair, confidence, fun aura, funny, and similar political views, and be sexually charming, but he must also be a gentleman, politically correct, and obedient with the laws of the land.

If a man required all of these before allowing himself to date a woman, he would surely be gay.

In fact, most straight men could find a mr. perfect as well, possibly even with less requirements.

A dummy alpha…they are a dime a dozen. You forgot intelligence and honesty. Good looks (includes well shaved, the hair, smells good, the stylishness) needs to be first on your rundown. Then personality (includes confidence, charm, intelligence, fun/funny factor, gentlemanly, honest, belief systems), social status (many good relationships with friends, family, co-workers, active part of a community), then economic status [usually economic status can be somewhat ascertained through the good looks category (cleanliness, orderliness, quality of style] (job, owns and maintains possessions with care, lives independently, educated, has savings, has credit, has ambitions, sees goals through).

Good looks (and what it entails), Personality (and what it entails), Social Status (and what it entails), Economic Status (and what it entails). If you slack on what all is listed in the parenthesis (on what entails means) then you fail that category and are shut down immediately by the female who won’t process your application any further.

With so much to list, how can you blame me for forgetting?

And you blame me for calling the world insane and wishing I was born with a vagina.

Basically, I was looking for a gif of a bunch of plastic men being printed out in factories and scanned in a conveyor belt going through a scanner, at the end of the belt it has a sign which says “Perfect” and then the digital sign changes to “Imperfect” and they are sent to a fiery furnace.

Are men too lazy to improve themselves? Damn!

If women were nicer, more fair and reasonable, and actually displayed a genuine interest in men, men would be have a much more positive outlook and be a lot less lazy. As it stands, most of them don’t really enjoy being viewed as a worthless slave forced to cater to an entitlement complex.