I post this here because of issue’s impact on both politics and social policy.
I am sure that if you live in America you have been exposed to some form of argument that contends America is in moral decline ( which I take to mean America has moved away from previously accepted behavioural norms and practices).
I would like to ask some questions pertaining to this and see where the discussion leads.
1)First, obviously, do you believe America is in a moral decline?
2)If you believe so would you care to characterize or list those norms and practices you believe are representative of being truly ethical?
3)The term decline brings with an image of slow descent, if such is the case, what or when was Amercia’s moral zenith and why would you argue that such is the case (asuming that someone does)?
4)Would you recognize or admit the possibility of a gulf between idealized norms and practices and the actual behavior as practiced by the majority of people?
5)What numbers are sufficient to justify the claim of a moral decline? By this I mean, how many people must be acting in manner X to give credence to the claim that an entire nation behaves in a way similar to manner X?
6)Assuming you believe that a moral decline is occurring, what would you advocate as a means to combat this? Or do you believe that such a thing is beyond repair?
7)What epistemological foundation ( or should I say criterion) do you use to qualify your arguments? Empirical, Rational, Faith, some form of outright subjective reasoning, or something else entirely?
Are you aware of any attributes of this supposed moral decline that are or were once considered virtues by other cultures or perhaps even our own? Also are you aware of any attributes we might consider virtues that were once considerd unethical by other cultures or perhaps even our own at another time?
9)Do you think of morality as being something static (it is always wrong to do X, always good to do Y) or do you think morality evolves and /or de-evolves (what was wrong today can be good tomorrow, and vice versa).
10)Do you believe that morality is something that can be represented by words, or by actions, or by both, or perhaps by something else, or by absolutely nothing?
11)Finally, what norms and practices do you think will become accepted in the future, if any?
An advanced Thank You for any and all replies.