America needs HATE if it is to survive

Fuck I’m tired, tired of arguing about this shit.

This think tank criticizes them from a liberal perspective, which is why it’s tolerated by wiki for now at least, but Davos men can be just as easily criticized from a conservative or libertarian perspective.
They don’t just bribe and coerce governments into deregulating when it suits them, they bribe and coerce governments into regulating when it suits them.
I know you guys trust wiki so I started there with its more liberal approach.
The point is the globalists exist, but yea you go on thinking they’re just free market capitalists, go on thinking government is always benevolent.

Woah woah woah buddy. I don’t argue with u and wouldn’t dare. You know that. Ur like a walking political sciences course. I’m good.

Naw bruh it’s just my opinion based on my limited research.
Just get sick of always having to go back to the drawing board/square one in these convos, rarely, if ever making any headway, I need to start talking to more likeminded people or just stop talikng for a while altogether.

I feel you. What u gotta realize is that you’ll only ever find a few like minded people to have good discussions with about these subjects at a forum somewhere… but that’s as far as it goes. If u think you’re going to start a renaissance at ILP, I got news for ya.

But if ur deep in this shit, start writing and try to find publishing opportunities somewhere.


I don’t think the globalists ever wanted to own America. The plan from the start was to collapse the west and to develop the east. One world means one socio-economic standard – millions of desperate people willing to do anything to survive.

They started to dismantle America in the 1970’s when Rockefeller and Brzezinski (Democrat) created the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was specifically set up to bring Asia into the global ‘new world order’. Nixon and Kissinger (Republicans) prevented the Chinese communist regime from collapsing after their disastrous Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward. They met with Deng Xiaoping and offered him a deal he couldn’t refuse. If China would adopt state capitalism, they would make China the world’s factory. Xiaoping accepted and proclaimed “To get rich is glorious”.

Nixon and Kissinger then encouraged American corporations to move to China, to give them all their intellectual property and to train them up in capitalist management systems. Bill Clinton famously gave China ‘favorite nation’ status which meant that American government agencies and corporations would be encouraged to choose Chinese products over products made elsewhere and continued the de-industrialization of America by pushing NAFTA.

None of this is conspiracy ‘theory’ and none of it is an accident. It’s all by design and lots of hard work.

What you just described is them owning and preying on America by outsourcing millions of its manufacturing/union jobs.
That the American right has taken a bit of a national populist protectionist turn as of late has deeply offended them, it means the globalists are beginning to lose their grip on America.
To the degree they lose their grip, they want to see it punished, which’s why they’re fomenting racial division.
Of course they don’t give a shit about blacks or immigrants, but if you betray them by protecting jobs from mass immigration, being outsourced or taken by illegals, they smear you as a white supremacist.
They want the cheap labor and to continue diversifying, dividing and conquering.
No form of nationalism is to be tolerated, not ethnic, civic or economic, the globalist class sees it as an impediment to their interests.
Conversely to the degree a nation permits the globalist class to prey on them they will be rewarded and temporarily propped up.

I’m certain that you are laughing and cheering with your Marxist brethren; you are vile scum along with the rest of them.

I feel like most of the liberals/democrats/marxists/communists on this forum do not read.

Or they read what I say, feel the compulsion to ignore & attack, while admittedly Gloom says the same thing (more eloquently and decisively) and they listen, which is fine with me.

If the Globalists cannot capture USA, then they will destroy, and that’s what they’ve been doing for decades now.

In 2012, Obama signed some bill that allows the CIA and NSA to run psyops on the American population, which is when the “fake news media” really started revving their engines. America is witnessing the effect of these psyops right now. They are responsible for 2020, BLM, Antifa, and now this Christmas Parade massacre. As Trump correctly stated, “The Fake News Media is the enemy of the people”. He was right then, right now, and will be right in the foreseeable future, until alternative media overtakes MSM, which is happening quicker than expected. MSM has lost trust of Millennials and the newer generation which is more apt and quick to scan the internet for viable and reliable news sources.

It even happened in this thread. One poster asked me for info from UK. I only needed to go to 4chan which is a “hostile kid’s meme” web forum, and I get more accurate and immediate information there then on any Alphabet ABC CBS MSDNC CNN NPR bullshit network. That’s been happening for a couple decades at least.

The Marxists and retards on this forum want to vilify me, because I call them out and resist them at every turn. That’s fine, and my choice. These people are indeed and in face Evil. They are not accountable for their own actions. They are controlled by forces beyond them. They get their news from CNN, and are instigated by propaganda. They do not know what is true or false, and don’t care. They are Anathema to Philosophy. They should not be on a Philosophy forum, or anywhere posing as “free-thinking”. Yet, we all find ourselves in this situation. The battle commences on all angles and sides. All resistance matters, as innocent American lives are now being slaughtered, and laughed, mocked and ridiculed, by scum like Sculptor, smears, Kropotkin, piguous, etc. They think slaughtering a bunch of American children is ‘funny’, because that is how lowly USA and Western Civilization has degraded.

Here is my main message to everybody, but especially to Gloom…

The US “Deep State” or The Establishment has changed its loyalty, no longer serves nor protects “The American People”, but rather is loyal and subservient to their Benefactors at the Davos Group. Why? Because the Globalists fund US political campaigns TWO TO ONE the rate of public funding. This aligns Congressmen, Senators, and especially the President, along with Federal Agencies, to foreign interests. This is why, since 2001 and the Bush Administration, an exponential shift has occurred, to where “The Establishment” becomes more and more willing to risk the safety and security of its own citizens, for private monetary gains of the Bureaucrats, who will not pay the price for their mistakes, will not be identified by the MSM, and will never be held accountable for their corruption.

When I say “History repeats”, I’m not issuing a cliche or cool meme. I mean to say, almost all of this happened the same way during the rise & fall of the Roman Empire. Thus everything happening can be understood from a historical vantage. America, if it wishes to know, can begin to understand what will most probably, or certainly, happen next.

What happens when a Bureaucracy becomes too corrupt and aligns itself with foreign interests for private monetary gain???

The civilization collapse from within, and the masses will turn to any centralized authority that can protect them (The Church, if not The State).

And there is no sign of reversing course. The momentum is already too great.

Prom, you’re wrong to think ‘Marx/Lenin’ offer any sort of feasible solution or can even diagnosis the matters at hand. They can’t. They’re outclassed, outdated, and irrelevant to a Postmodern-Technocratic Era. Your ideologies are outdated.

Hey prom, here’s a story about being screwed by lawyers, might interest you…


This is very true… I’ve witnessed these changes over the last few decades… Manufacturing and Services, moving away from the West, and into the East.

What is required of the East is very clear, what is required/expected from the West… not so much.

Who are the globalists?
They’re billionaires, the largest shareholders of megabanks, multinationals and their representatives in business, media and politics.
Naturally they promote policies that benefit them often at our expense.
They largely control most of the major political parties in the western world and many in the developing world.
They’re political, often as involved in politics as businesses.
They bribe, blackmail, extort and assassinate politicians.
It doesn’t matter if you vote labour, liberal or conservative, what you think of as your politics is in fact their politics.

That they promote deregulation and free trade, the movement of goods and people across borders, can make them seem like libertarians in addition to globalists, but they’re not, they promote government intervention in the fiscal and social domains insofar as it benefits them.
They want to minimize regulation of themselves while maximizing regulation of us.
They’re monetarists and corporatists, they print money from nothing and loan it to government at interest.
They’ll support high taxes so long as there’re sufficient loopholes they alone are able to skirt around, giving them an unfair advantage over their competition with small-medium businesses.
They’ll support welfare so long as the vast majority of it is corporate as opposed to social.

They use the American and world military to plunder and crush any nation that dares oppose their interests, or Israel’s expansion.
They support starvation wages, cheap labor from mass (illegal) immigration and outsourcing.
They look upon all the world’s resources as their own.
They wish to privatize all agriculture, housing and natural resources, buy them all up, driving up prices and renting them out to locals.
They know mass immigration, especially without assimilation is a weakness, leading to social atomization, isolation and the erosion of communities, making it exceedingly difficult for the people to organize to protect their interests.
They sow discord between races, men and women, to deflect attention and blame.

They keep the masses just educated enough to run the machines and just ignorant enough not to critically think.
Just healthy enough to live and just sick enough to be perpetually dependent on their high tech drugs and surgery, at least until now.

The globalists are moving into phase two of their agenda.
With the advent of Ai, increasingly the machines are running themselves, and so phase two involves culling 90% of the world’s population within the coming decades and centuries, with all the poisons in the air, food, water and increasingly fake medicine.
Eventually they mean to do away with liberal democracy altogether replacing it with a scientific dictatorship or dictatorships, with overt plutocracy and technocracy instead of cryptocracy.
In my estimation they’re neither communists, nor fascists, but they are authoritarians.
Their ideology, insofar as they have one is what I like to call global corporatism.

The ultimate objective is to create a new patrician class with a pleb counterpart, where government will grant enormous sums of welfare, not to their corporations, but to them directly, because they’re highborn, where officially they have all the rights and we all the privileges/duties, transitioning us from global corporatism to neofeudalism.
This project is a centuries long one.
They’re obsessed with leaving an intellectual, material and genetic legacy.

For Hitler the master race was blonde haired blue eyed Aryans, but for these people it’s their class, the masterclass, that they’ve gotten to where they are through some combination of talent, tenacity and ruthlessness.
They believe this planet is theirs and are already setting their sights on others.
They are those who profited the most materially off capitalism and classical liberalism.
They wear liberal, progressive and to a lesser extent liberal and progressive conservative masks, they’re not really any of those things, they use, misuse, abuse and discard liberalism and progressivism whenever it suits them.
They hide their misanthropy behind fake philanthropy.
They prefer sophistication to overt aggression whenever possible.

Corporations are becoming increasingly woke.
We’re entering a new era of corporatism where political, and medical correctness has infiltrated business, just as business interests have infiltrated politics.
Unfortunately we’ll no longer be able to escape politics now, it’s everywhere, in what we consume and how we produce it.
Corporations are behaving more like government and vice versa.
You won’t be able to fully participate in the economy, if at all without being politically and medically correct.
All cults were obsessed with both moral, and physical purity.
Where government fails to impose political and medical correctness due to the violation of our rights and freedoms, banks and corporations will take it upon themselves to impose them.
This is the meaning behind Klaus Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism.
It’s not enough that they’re rich, they want power, to control your every thought, word and deed, always for their benefit.

Libertarian, and authoritarian leaning populists, left, right and center are just starting to arise to challenge them as they did in the early 20th century.
In some cases populism may lead to our emancipation and empowerment, in others to tyrannies every bit as bad as the present one, albeit less sophisticated and more overtly aggressive, thuggish and brutal.
The globalists will attempt to use the coming crises real and imagined, socioeconomic and environmental to bring all the world’s nations to heel.
Democracy will be tested to its limits.
Will it be restored to something like its former glory but with a modern bent, or will we lose it to the globalists or other authoritarian elitists, perhaps all of the above, different outcomes in different nations/regions.
This is a question only decades of time can definitively answer.

Just a reminder that there is a subjective “rooted in dasein” left wing rendition of this in turn. Here from back in the Obama presidency. But that scarcely matters. When it comes to the economy and foreign policy, America is “owned and operated” by a deep state ruling class.



It seems a coalition of Nations and Ethno-states, with strong ingroup preference and defense, and deep cultural roots, will need to align with one-another to repel the increasingly sophisticated and powerful advancements of these Globalist interests. Without immediate organization, the global mega-corporations will continue to gain exponential money and power, along with media control, to enact their plans country-to-country. Currently they are unopposed. Any opposition that forms, in USA for example, is immediately turned against each-other, as they have successful divided & conquered this nation. If any significant group does rise-up, they can easily be slandered, targeted, defamed, and then gaslit. They are putting immense pressure on “white Americans”, so that Western countries and nations can be suppressed wittingly.

I hope that foreign leaders and governments recognize the dominion of these globalists, at least. It is difficult to judge which countries have signed-on, and to which aspects of their agendas. Eastern Europe shows some promise, as they are the ones most recently victimized, and most ruthlessly in recent history, so they will have the attitude, contempt, and distrust necessary to oppose them: Hungary, Poland, Belarus, perhaps Russia.

I couldn’t agree with you more here.
Some progressives have identified, criticize and oppose the globalists in their own way.
In America, if they had any sense, they didn’t vote for Joe Biden.
Some of them voted for Bernie Sanders, Andrew Yang or Tulsi Gabbard (she was the best of the lot in my view), then for the green party after their candidate lost.
It’s up for debate to what degree the aforementioned candidates and the greens are compromised by the globalists, even some progressives think they’re completely compromised.
In Europe, some of them voted for leftwing populist parties such as Podemos in Spain, 5*/Lega in Italy, SYRIZA in Greece and so on, while others didn’t vote at all, because they think politics are a waste of time, they may’ve just tried to improve things interpersonally or by supporting non-for-profit organizations, while others are black pilled and think trying to improve the world at all is a complete waste of time.

I don’t consider my rendition of the Great Reset/NWO to be strictly conservatarian because I have some progressive leanings on some fiscal and environmental concerns.
That’s why I identify more as a populist, and there are progressive renditions of populism as well as conservative and libertarian.

The divide and conquer stratagem isn’t just racial and sexual, of course it’s cultural and ideological too.
The globalists want rightwingers believing the deep state is strictly a leftwing affair/enterprise and vice versa, when it’s neither.
No one wants a corporatocracy.
If anything, what may be able to unite the left and right is more what they’re against than what they’re for.
We could work on opposing policies both sides agree just benefit corporations while compromising on other issues, but on the other hand, ultimately compromise may not be possible, in which case secession is infinitely preferable to civil war.

The bottom line for me is, as long as we keep playing lesser of two evil politics, supporting a corporate conservative or corporate progressive one or all of the mainstream media outlets are championing, nothing will ever change, we have to take a chance on outsiders least likely to be compromised, 3rd parties and independents.

Re. the OP… don’t you think that America has enough hate? which is the underlying cause of the ongoing current problems.

Perhaps displeasure would better be reflected in indifference, rather than hate… the choice is obviously your’s.

But if you ask Shillary, Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian asset, like Trump. :laughing:
And we know how much tangible evidence they had to substantiate that accusation: 0.
It’s a conspiracy theory, just like the idea Jan 6th was an insurrection orchestrated by white supremacists.
It was a peaceful protest that turned into a riot.

It’s absolutely necessary for them to portray anything just outside the narrow parameters of the establishment box as a boogeyman, because increasingly everyone knows neocons and shitlibs have nothing to offer, they only take.
Remember playing lesser-of-two-evil politics got us to this point: worse off than we were before.
If we don’t take a chance on outsiders, I guarantee you, it’s all downhill from here.

No, these enemies are killing Americans and laughing while they do it.

They should fear us, not us them.