American domestic terrorist killed yesterday, not patriot.

For you, Antifa/BLM’s goals and intentions were good, therefore its means, including riots, are justified.

For you, Trump supporters’ goals and intentions are bad, therefore their means, including riots, are unjustified.

For you, only goals and intent matter, not means.

Their intentions and goals were different, and that matters. Especially in the eyes of the legal system.

And no, I don’t believe the ends justify the means (as a truism).

You believe progressive ends justify the means, you believe conservative ends don’t justify the means.

So for you, only ends matter, not means.

K: you are supporting the attempted coup of America…
it was a brazen attempt to overthrow the government by
both violence and intimation…the very fact you had, as you put it,
hundred of thousands of people, there supporting the violence
doesn’t make “a few agitators” and the rest… it is one group with one
agenda…you are trying to make a fine distinction between something
that doesn’t have any distinction…

for example, if you are with someone, say in a car and another person in that
car shoots and kills someone… you are still held liable as if you were the one who
fired the shot…people have gone to prison for that…even though they were
“innocent bystanders”… it doesn’t matter…this is another example of
the “few bad apples” theory…

if a white terrorist kills someone, or a white policeman kills someone,
he is a “bad apple” an isolated individual… if a black man kills
someone…suddenly the entire black race is violent and criminal…
with no exceptions… you will treat two equal incidents as
separate events depending upon the race of the perpetrators…
white people get a different standard then black people…
as the BLM marches in the summer and the white attempt
to overthrow the government the other day show us…

if black marchers had attempted to overthrow the government,
you would be screaming for the death of every single one of them…
inside the capital and outside…


Well you can either tell me what I think, which is incorrect, or you can listen to what I say, which is correct.

Okay, do you believe the BLM riots of last summer/fall were justified?

Not talking about the protests insofar as they were peaceful, but insofar as they were riotous.

My thoughts on the subject align with Dr. King:

Okay, I misunderstood what you were saying, you weren’t saying the riots were justified, just that you sympathize with their goals, intent and the conditions you believe lead to them more than with the goals and intent of pro-Trump rioters, and so you’d deal with the former more leniently than the latter, gotcha.
I disagree, I don’t think there’s any distinction whatsoever, but I understand now you weren’t saying the distinction justifies rioting, just a more sympathetic outlook.

I am simply pointing out that there is a distinction, and that extenuating circumstances are relevant to the calculation.

Saying nothing about practicality, I agree with the idea that racial equality is a noble goal to strive towards. I agree that equal opportunity, regardless of race or class or gender is a noble goal to strive for. I believe that having free, fair, and trustworthy elections is a noble goal to strive for. I believe people should feel, to a certain extent, their government is achieving its stated purpose. The fact of the matter is, there are way more than 74MM Americans who feel they are no longer directly involved in shaping a “more perfect Union,” and do not feel there is a legitimate path for their concerns to be heard (I believe this is common ground for both groups). … mpeachment

What am I getting myself into here?
I’m arguing with a liberal about riots!
You didn’t so much as bat an eye when Antifa/BLM were burning down government buildings for 6 months! :laughing:
You’ve got no high ground, yet here you are, up on your high horse, trying to talk down to me!
I don’t give a shit about what the Proud Boys did, I thought that one guy who bashed the police officer’s head in took it too far, other than that, I don’t give a fuck!

The national guard and police should put the kiddy gloves on for the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, like they do for Antifa/BLM.
The fact that they don’t, exposes their double standard, it delegitimizes them.

PK: It’s okay to burn down government buildings, homes and businesses, so long as you’re a democrat.

either we all get to riot or none of us do.
Before covid and the great race riots of 2020, I was in favor of none of us getting to riot, now, I’m in favor of all of us getting to riot, or hell just people I agree with.
But burning down people’s homes and businesses is dumb, don’t shit where you eat.
Going after the politicians and talking heads however, especially the ones responsible for these draconian covid laws and lockdowns, well that’s fair game in my book.
And big pharma, someone oughta pay them a visit.

K: I am going to answer your last three post with one post… to save time…

A. context seems to confuse you… BLM wasn’t trying to overthrow the
government…as was the events on Jan. 6… overthrowing the government
is a far higher crime of being a crime against the country…
and has been noted by several police departments in various
cities… most of the violence in the BLM marches, were by
right wing agitators dressed up as antifa… Minneapolis
police and the Portland police reported this…
and in fact, one off duty police officer in Minneapolis was
taped destroying windows and trying to play it off as
antifa… an article posted on MPR news may 30, 2020…
list how outsiders and extremists are among those
fomenting violence in the twin cities…during the BLM marches…

B. in fact, the police and national guard were way, way, way harder
on the BLM then they were on Jan. 6… at the attempted overthrow
of the government…to the point of being commented on by just
about everyone…virtually everyone commented upon the vast difference
between the BLM marchers and the reaction between the capital police
and the insurrectionists… the difference was night and day between the two…

C. you support the coup attempt and I don’t…
thus I do have the high ground…


Less talk, more :angry-fire:

K: your answer tells me you are unable to answer any of my three points…

thank you…


There’s no point in playing fair with the establishment, there’s nothing fair about what they do, dropping bombs on innocent men, women and children abroad, and now waging war against innocent people at home, through their draconian covid laws, lockdowns and proxies Antifa/BLM.
Antifa/BLM proved they’re the establishment’s goons by burning down people’s neighborhoods.
The Biden administration will be establishment through and through, the Trump administration was comparatively antiestablishment.
My definition of the establishment is partly bipartisan, for example, I also consider the Bush/Romney wing of the republican party to be establishment.
I consider Tulsi Gabbard to be antiestablishment.
The establishment needs to be opposed by any means necessary.
In Canada, both mainline liberals, and mainline conservatives are part of the establishment.
The establishment aren’t centrists, they’re neofeudalists.

The people most responsible for crony capitalism, regime change wars, illegal immigration, outsourcing, draconian covid laws, lockdowns and race riots, that is the establishment, don’t play nice, even when things go their way, never mind when they don’t.
Populists are at war, we’d be fools to take kinetic action off the table.
But our war is different, it’s not with our neighbors and neighborhoods, that’s Antifa/BLM’s war, it’s with the elite.