American domestic terrorist killed yesterday, not patriot.

I’m not necessarily saying I’m in favor of a coup, but for populists, kinetic military action oughta be on the table.
We cannot fight the elite with one arm tied behind our back, and make no mistake, we are in a fight, they brought it to our neighborhoods 1st, with their Antifa/BLM thugs, it’s time to bring it to theirs.
Those big pharmacists, politicians, blue or red, and talking heads most responsible for the draconian covid laws, lockdowns and race riots, shouldn’t be able to rest easy.


judge for yourself. the woman gets shot at about 34 mins.


Antifa/BLM are domestic terrorists.
You can’t separate republicrats, especially the Biden/Bush wing of the republicrats, from Antifa/BLM.
Therefore republicrats, particularly the Biden/Bush wing, are domestic terrorists.
They’ve been poking the bear (the people/populists) for decades, especially the last year.
They cannot cry foul when the bear finally takes a swipe at their heads.
Republicrats, especially the Biden/Bush wing, are war criminals.
Whatever harm or disruption befalls them and their close allies in politics and MSM, they had it coming.

After everything that’s happened in the last year, I refuse to be put on the defensive.

History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes…

Are you trying to imply something?

Marxist history rhymes too.

Trump has never called for violence.

Dems spent 4 years contesting 2016, come on.

Well look at these peaceful little buggers:

Yea, out of hundreds of thousands of protestors and in light of everything that’s happened in 2020, statistically you’re bound to get a few dangerously crazy people, it doesn’t mean anything.
And the Trump admin quashed it, quick, because they’re the party of law and order, for what it’s worth, meanwhile dems are the party of mayhem and anarchy.

False equivalency. They never attack the capitol and tried to stop Congress from functioning.

For 7 months, far left rioters and terrorists burnt and seized federal, state and municipal government buildings and police departments, they ransacked and set neighborhoods ablaze, while democrats did everything in their power to roll out the red carpet for them.

It doesn’t say he was arrested in the Capitol or anywhere in its immediate vicinity during the capitol uprising. Did he make it inside the capitol or was he arrested at his hotel in Washington before the incident since he was making threats before the incident? The article is very unclear to me what the man’s involvement was regarding the capitol building siege. He was going to attend, but did he make it inside or is the story simply implying that he stormed into the capitol armed and heading to kill pelosi. Were any of the 13 people arrested actually inside the capitol during the seige? They imply a connection to the actual siege but I’ll bet they were all arrested before the incident. Let me know if any of the 13 were involved in “sieging.”

Not to mentioning murdering police and others.

But all of that was ok — because they were offended.

Yet, they attempted several non violent coups to remove a seated president, to overthrow the government.
The constitution is due for an amendment to include non violent coups to overthrow a government ( Russia hoax, impeachment, etc.)

More false equivalency. The impeachment process was conducted according to the US Constitution.