
The way I see it, globalism isn’t Americanism, but they are related.
You could say globalism is a necessary consequence of Americanism.
Globalism came out of America, like America came out of Britain, and Britain came out of Europe.

The old European ruling class, the clergy and nobility, weren’t quite as entrenched in the British isles as they were in the rest of Europe.
Britain became a constitutional monarchy in 1688, greatly reducing the powers of the clergy and nobility.
And of course in America, the old European ruling class were even less entrenched, and it was able to fully rid itself of them, becoming a republic, inspiring many other nations in the Americas, Europe and the world over to become republics.

This liberal democratic republic, this quasi-meritocracy with its vast resources gave those able and willing to work hard and smart the opportunity to accumulate far more wealth than they ever could in any other place and at any other time in unrevised history.
Some were more talented and tenacious than others, some were luckier and more cutthroat, more ruthless than others.

Overtime a handful of individuals like John D Rockefeller (America’s 1st billionaire with a fortune worth nearly 2% of the national economy) grew monstrously wealthy, becoming America, and the world’s new ruling class.
They were banksters, captains of industry and media moguls.

By the mid-late 20th century they were becoming extremely socioculturally disconnected from their hosts, perhaps more so than any previous ruling class.
After all they’re the owners of multinational corporations, they’re the globalists.
By and large they began to turn on the nation, the liberal democratic republic that made their rise possible, and its people, first with monetarism and corporatism, then with woke, or rather political correctness.

And it’s not just the overclass, the upper (middle) class has also globalized, not only are they highly economically mobile, but geographically, they’re use to changing schools, jobs and residences many times throughout their lives, so many of them feel they have little-no loyalty to their nation, they’re cosmopolitans.

Ultimately the globalists aren’t American, even tho many of them hold American citizenship, as well as British, French, German and so on.
If America were to steeply decline, they’ll probably be just fine.
The globalists don’t care about America, they’re working on building a NWO, their Great Reset.

Ultimately what they care about is international organizations like the world bank, the world economic forum and the world health organization.
What they want is world government, with a world court, currency, anthem and flag.
They largely came out of America, and Britain, and France, but they’re just using them now as a launchpad.
They want world government based first and foremost on corporatism, and secondly on political correctness (scientism-technocracy, allopathy, psychiatry, climate change, population reduction, transhumanism, big brother, gun control, mass surveillance, ‘anti-racism’, feminism, queer theory).
These people aren’t conservative or traditionalists, not even in the economic sense, let alone the sociocultural, they’re both radicals, and elitists.

Political correctness has borrowed a lot from woke, from Marxism, especially cultural Marxism, but it’s not Marxism, ultimately it’s just whatever benefits the corporations dressed up as something else, it can masquerade as conservatism too, but woke is the preferred mask of the corporatocracy for the time being.
The very moment woke conflicts with their interests, they’ll ditch it for something else, or nothing at all, whatever suits them whenever.
They use woke like popes and kings used Christianity, they take the parts from it that can be used to fortify their reign while downplaying and discarding the rest.

And Austria.

Americanism = open borders, open markets, multi-ethnic, multi-racial, culture-of-no-culture.
Individualism - men with no pasts, only a present and a future.
Last Man = two dimensional man. Man as a self-creation - tabula rasa. Man as a vacancy awaiting occupation. Man at the end of history; end of philosophy; end of the world.
Fashion, Trends market forces determining identity.
Man with no biology, no nature
Nature = sum of all past nurturing.

Americanism = Messianism
Man will be saved, i.e., liberated from himself, form his determined past.
Marxism liberates him from responsibility and collectivizes will.
Americanism privatizes it.

Globalism = world government. No borders, no ethnicities, no races, no genders…only individuals, only consumers, only citizens of the world.
Americanism is Globalism.
They called it that to deal with the reactions. So, when other nations unite, like EU, or Russia China, it is called Globalization.
All reactions to globalization become part of globalization so as to reduce resistance.
World = a marketplace within which money is messiah - medium of salvation.

Traditional America is not Globalism.
This is the Trump-phenomenon, “America-First”.
The hypocrisy here, though, is Trump’s rabid pro-Israel stance,
Along with the intermarriage of Ivanka with Kushner.

Rather, it’s more astute to point out that,
Trump tapped into the demand on the political-Right and Conservatives,
For traditional values such as Patriotism, Nationalism, Pride, and Morality.
Traditional Americans want a return to “American Greatness”,
For example, when American-products were superior, durable, and repairable.

The fear of Traditional Americans is the loss of culture that they created,
During the first few centuries of Colonialization.
They fought hard for their victories; they struggled for them.
To equate them with this new ‘Global’ Chimera is offensive and insulting.

Don’t know what “traditional America” is.
I know what Americanism became, during the 20th century, and how it was marketed to the world through Hollywood, pop-culture and the media.
It sold itself as a model other nations should emulate…or be forced to imitate.

Just look at what they did in Afghanistan…they were selling feminism and transsexuality to primitive Muslims. Corrupting the children of illiterate herders with centuries of their own traditions.

America has had a messianic mission since Wilson’s presidency.

Cowboys and Indians, Pioneers, Industrialism,
Most things attributed to America before the 20th Century.
Owed to the Anglo-Saxon Colonialists and their Protestantism.

These would be the current “Far-Right” aka. “Isolationists”,
They would cut ties with Israel, and defund global “Aide”/bribes/blackmail.
Basically Nationalism, not Internationalism.

Like I’ve said…American culture was emerging up until Hollywood and pop-music was marketed to its original peoples.

Now we’ve got cRap and Hollywood postmodern propaganda…and porn…and pop…

America was appropriated.

An aside: Pax Britannia (Latin for the era known as British Peace), when Britain was the world’s sole superpower and there was relative peace between the great powers and prosperity, lasted about 100 years, from 1815 (end of the Napoleonic Wars) to 1914 (beginning of WW1).
I’m not expecting Pax Americana, which began in 1945, to last much longer than that, which would take us to about 2045.

No certainty, but all these points: America approaching its 250th birthday when most empires begin steadily declining, world reserve currencies not lasting much longer than 95 years, all the cultural, political and socioeconomic upheaval we’re witnessing playout in America. China and the Great Reset. All these are red flags America’s glory days are behind it.

Chine’s social credit system is already taking over.
When an Empire declines it doesn’t leave a void…not for long.
In this case the transition will happen gradually.

The US took over from the UK during the Wars…nobody noticed.
Britain has been America’s puppy since…was part of the EU and prevented the development of a closer union, like Germany and France originally wanted.
The US used the UK to prevent European development into a United States of Europe, with a common army and foreign affairs.
BREXIT was the best thing to happen to the EU.

As China rises it will slowly push back US dominance, leaving space for other unities to emerge…like Turkey’s desire to unify all the Turkic nations across central Asia, or the EU, or Russia re-establishing her Soviet Empire as a Eurasian multi-ehtnic Empire.

China’s alliance with Russia is a big threat to the US…and with its postmodernism there’s no way it can maintain dominance for long.
The people it allowed to immigrate into the US have become the cause of its accelerating implosion.
Like they say:
No good deed goes unpunished

More opposite of true than true.

The US “America” is defined by its unique and extremely relevant Constitution - primarily the issues of individual rights and separation of powers.

Globalism (the Emperor’s NWO) cannot tolerate individual rights - nor any limits placed on their power.

America is based on a lie…“all men are created equal”. Double lie.
They didn’t practice what they preached for a long time, knowing it was a lie and that if they did they would be destroyed, but now they are forced to.
They are being exposed as liars, by those who actually believed the lies.

Most Americans no longer believe in freedom. Look at the ass clowns around here…all Americans.

Globalism is individualisms to the extreme.
Individuals with no biological identity, no ethnicity, individuals as consumers. Numbers.
With no past.

I don’t think so - I think it was based on an AGREEMENT - “We hold these truths to be self-evident…”

I think it is like declaring - “The administration of ILP shall hold that all ILP members deserve to be heard—”

It might not be true at all - but regardless - it is a statement and promise of how the governance is to behave

Only true in a small way. How things were interpreted was a big part of past “sins”. But the promise of governance behavior was NOT - “We your government promise to perfectly manage your lives in this country.”

The agreement was that when the government does NOT follow the agreement - the military shall not serve that government and you are not obligated to obey.

That is very very different from “Well you lied along time ago so FU - let’s all try Authoritarian Communism - and if we don’t like it - we’ll just vote them out of office.” :confused:

They are in a war - media propaganda - medical invasion - military threats - largely from outside and largely from traitors and insurrectionists (the entire O’Biden WH) - we can’t expect them to be very bright, sane, and civil - but if they lose that constitution - we are ALL bloody Fckd.

  • And no control over their lives at all - not really any different than slaves - disposed of when no longer needed (pretty soon it seems - ZERO democracy) - merely horses serving people who are quickly inventing better automobiles for their use - not yours.

American constitution is based on lies, mythologies - concerning creation of man and equality - and an abstraction - freedom.
There is no blood, no shared past - other than 300 years with a Civil War in between, no shared traditions - other than some Protestant traditions that are now commercialized.
Protestantism itself was a rejection of earthy authority.
When times were good there was no problem.
But now bad times are starting and that is where diversity will prove to be a weakness.

The empire would have collapsed anyway…all empires end. Nothing lasts forever.


It is a restriction on the government to prevent extreme abuse (real world communism) - even if born from 100% fairy tale - it is a binding agreement between people who don’t want to be abused and their chosen - potentially abusive - government.

It is a agreement that the government shall behave AS IF the fairy tale is true.

Fake News -

They all shared the abuses of European authoritarianism and all agreed to be rid of it by accepting a constitution that disallowed authoritarian abuse.

“No problem?” - :astonished:
They damn near entirely starved to death - most died trying to get away from Europe and start a new life - You would probably not survived - but perhaps that is not “a problem”. :confused:

“Now that bad times are” being created - by those same European minded authoritarians - as well as the Soviets and CCP. And “diversity” was never their strength (that has been merely a sly part of the propaganda).

They are betting that with AI and androids/robots doing the work - the empire will thrive eternal - or at least until they feel like God - after which it is all irrelevant.

Communism is not European.
Spengler…Communism is the granddaughter of Abrahamism…he aid Christianity but Christianity is the daughter of Judaism…and Judaism appropriated from Zoroastrianism its dualities and monotheism marrying it with what it took from the Egyptians, who also had a monotheistic Pharaoh, forgot his name.

Pagans became monotheists as populations pressures increased and more stringent controls were required.

The singularity is the secular version of the one-god.
But humans can only conceptualize in binaries.

Order is meaningless if there is no chaos.

I think yes and no -

Karl Marx (supposedly) invented/named “Communism” - but it does have obvious commonality to biblical history - same plan - different name (enough to fool damn near every liberal).

So unable to come to a conclusion over what is more probable…okay then.

Liberals are driven by emotions, not reasoning.

Commonality is in world-views, motive…
They substituted terminologies.
God = State
Proletariat = meek who shall inherit the earth.
Capitalists = Satan
Exploitation = nature’s injustices.

Freedom = Salvation.
Humanity = world; world = humanity.

Messianism is common.
they cannot tolerate competing deities, nor competing systems. They must become global.

Fuck dude. I hate how much you lie.

Communism was FOUND when Europeans started exploring the world. LONG before Marx!!! … 1#p2844681

Talk about propaganda !!! The term communism has been abused by western and eastern countries BOTH for mind control!!

Freedom is preached against (except in political speeches condemning the other side).