an interest/disturbing clip about the U.S in Iraq

for mature viewers and i apologise if i’ve pissed off the mods;

informationclearinghouse.inf … le5365.htm

it’s quite disturbing footage and i’m quite suprised that it got played on CNN. this sort of thing and the recent photos out of Iraq really make me wonder about americans when they’re not at home. i think what the freak says about the kill is more disturbing then the footage of it

This video is very disturbing. I hope, though, that you don’t think that all Americans are like this when they’re not at home.

Not all of us agree with the things that our country is doing.

that clip has been circleing around the internet for a while now and it has been proven to be fake…but i can ironicly not find the proof anymore

such things happened, no doubt…

It was no proven to be fake in any way at all. American news ran a story on it with extra footage and extra information, showing that particular section to be after a firefight. Howeverm nothing they showed changed the facts presented, that the soldiers executed an injured, crawling, unarmed man, and cheered about it.

And just in case you don’t know, USA troops have just been busted AGAIN for mistreating prisoners. So have British troops. So yes, USA and British troops DO behave that way.

even though i’m sure british troops would do/have done something as inhumane as abusing a prisoner, the most recent pics of the british are a little strange as the equipment used in them are not supposed to be those issued to them as well as the fact that i haven’t actually seen any pics of the troops faces in it (the american ones on the other hand are impossible to deny even though the troops themselves are trying to switch the blame now)

do you know of a good site for the british pics that show their faces and similar details as i have not properly seen those pics yet?

The video clip aside, the pictures coming out of Iraq from both the US and British side are disgusting. From the British side, their is evidence emerging that high ranking officers knew wat was happening and let it continue, apparently there are hundreds more pictures which still have yet to be released, see sky news ! The hard work done by the British soldiers, to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqis in Basra and surrounding cities, has been completely undermined, and the US were never interested in that sort of approach anyway. The pictures we’ve seen in recent days, will serve the recruiting purpose of organisations such as Al-Qaeeda, that is truly unfortunate. Already in Iraq, the US are viewed with great mistrust as occupying forces rather than liberators, now they’ll be seen as terrorizers too. If the occupying powers were truly interested in maintaining stability and avoiding the massive loss of life which is currently being sustained, then they would hand over to the UN ASAP. If not, the US is in danger of enhancing the very network its set out to destroy, and Iraq will continue to grow into a breeding ground for individuals who hate and loath the West and all that it stands for.

The power and rush one feels through killing. Perhaps this pleasure too should not be denied in a subjectivly moral world. Do people still not see why moral absolutes are so neccessary?

I agree. But this is not going to happen until we all become more alike and grow up in the same environment. Else there will always be different opinions on the same subject, and philosophy would not exist anymore. Also Injustice wouldnt exist anymore, or would it? :wink:

Let me first say that I disagree with the way Iraq was handled.

I hope this footage is a wake-up call to all those who feel justfied in war.

This happens on both sides, and that was mild compared to, say Rwanda’s current situation.

This and much worse in war. Next time lets think about that, instead of, say, an inspiring war speech. Remember how shitty it gets for both sides.

Here a little correction on what I said:


the whole issue is typical for the power politics that have been used to promote western business interests - and use up material resources in the interest of consumer activity. The Governments have caused wars to happen (over 70 violent interventions since WWII) and have become increasingly smug about what goes on on the sidelines. Internet has become a real pain in the neck for them because it shows the tragedy uncensored.

The soldiers get caught up in the kind of scenario in the video, but they are scared 24 hours a day, waiting to get home, crying in their sleep and taking out their frustrations on “cloth-heads”. There a limits to how much you can ask of a human being under pressure - especially if they are under the illusion that they are enacting some video-game or hollywood action movie.

If you then look at the presumed higher moral attitudes that the Administration claims to have and the increasing lack of moral standards for the reservists in their daily crisis, you find a great amount of hypocrisy - or at the best ignorance - on the administrations side with regard to the plight of their soldiers.

" If the British military brass understand an inkling of their own colonial past, not least the bloody British retreat from Iraq 83 years ago, they will whisper in the ear of the little Wellington-cum-Palmerston in 10 Downing Street: “Get out now, before we are thrown out.” John Pilger


Interesting post Bob.

there’s no justifications for their actions but there are reasons and that quote at the end seems highly accurate as to the current situation there.

even if they don’t run away with their tails between their legs, the democratic government they install might just decide to chuck them out and invade other countries because they are also looking for WMD in those countries.

you can do that when you’re the leader of a democratic country.