ancient astronauts

the golden airplane. stone astronauts with breathing aparatus. art influenced ufo theory. I would like to propose a thought on this subject starting with the “golden airplane.”
isnt it strange that the ancients would form in gold a model of a modern airplane? stranger still we have put it in the ancient astronaut category. problem one: it looks like a modern plane. how could the ancients see into today and fashion something that exists in our lifetime? there is only one solution really, the ancient astronauts are us. we, visited them perhaps through a rip of the fabric of “time” our time. somehow they seen us. was it a vision? can we see the pyrimid? it exists. but when? but how? what if they are still there in a different realm working away at the pyrimid. could then the ufo of today be a vision of ourselves in the future or is it sensible that the ancienct stone astronauts were an alien breed of people from another time and planet who just happened to fashion the airplane and the space suit the way we do now? I believe that somehow perhaps by design we can peer through time for a fraction and see what lies next to us, the mystery of life. could bigfoot then be seen through this rip in time? does it exist just not along side reality? our next door world? such things are hard to put into words I hope I have come close to making my point, my vision.

You seem to be ignoring a few explanations:

  1. Although astronomical, ancient Egyptians formed those models in that shape by chance. (this is the least likely, but still possible)
  2. Ancient Egyptians developed a mystical ability to see future events accurately that was lost as the empire crumbled.
  3. Man kind had already invented the airplane before, but some sort of event set us back into the dark ages and all of that technology was lost, or more likely, intentionally destroyed.

I daresay nobody here is going to have anything to say about “bigfoot”. I happen to know what you are talking about regarding the artifacts that resemble in the exact likeness of a plane (never heard the astronaut one though). There are also drawings in the pyramids of planes and helicopters. As non-mysterious as this is, I think that #2 is actually the most likely. After all, Egyptians were mystics through and through, and it doesn’t seem that anybody made any big deal of the planes and helicopters that we can tell just as a people who did not know what they were or if they were real would’nt. Consider that if it were a mystical vision, nobody at the time would be able to confirm or deny the vision. Since actual planes and helicopters would have been a very major event in Egyptian history, and there is no such record of any event occurring, then #2 fits the evidence the best. The only evidence that any planes or helicopters existed back then are a couple of drawings on the walls of the pyramids and a model or two. If there were indeed planes and helicopters back then, then it goes without saying that they would have done more then just draw a couple of pictures about it. So it stands to reason that these were prophecies, not events of that time.

Mystics and prophecies , well that hardly seems possible. Rip in time and space, that too.

How about another space faring sentient species? They traveled here, found violent sentient apes decided to mess with their heads and convince these apes that they were gods. That seems most plausable. Perhaps these sentient beings marked this planet on their maps and every so often sneak in to check on our progress. Little nudge here , little nudge there, send someone to be the son of gods and or other mythical religious leaders…
that seems much more likely than Mystics, prophecies and rips.

Or perhaps it was mere coincidence that the shape of the figure resembled a plane. Perhaps they had toy airplanes or paper ones like kids of our society make. I can’t ignore the fact that it was capable of flight, but I mean you could see a bird, try replicating it, and then just alter it slightly to get this gold airplane. The astronaut statue thingy is a little more complicated. But it could resemble low tech scuba gear. I’m sure there is some more convincing explanation out there. I think jumping to such conclusions as time travel or prophets seeing the future is a bit much. Aliens perhaps. I really like those ruins that were built out of that material that can only be cut by diamond. The blocks had such small cuts and were so precise that we could barely do it today.

The ruins of Puma Punku is what I was referring to.

anything is possible and everything is! I find it difficult to believe that becoming human over the corse of 4 million years compared to the modern human today that only in the last two hundred years we have advanced so much that the speaking stone, quartz, electricity, space flight have only just now been discovered. tooting your own horn? so advanced homo sapiens were only born yesterday? that is a huge gap of reasoning. if the world existed as it does now throughout most of our human legacy what then do we say about prehistoric humans, their brains were uncapable to grasp such technology? we are the only ones smart enough to do it? to dream of it? to make it real? or is it? real?

I doubt we could reconstruct puma punku.

Here folks, here is the video “ancient aliens” which examines the ancient astronaut theory. it’s a very entertaining and interesting documentary.

But there’s something you should know. There are 2 documentaries floating out there, ancient aliens and ancient astronauts. One is an original which tends toward optimism, and the other is a counter documentary using much of the same footage, but casting only doubt on the theories in question.

I recommend watching both if you can find them. I’m fairly certain that ancient aliens is the supportive optimistic one and the other is the skeptical pessimistic one, they are very similar and i don’t have time to watch it all…

This is a fave topic of mine - I will comment soon…