
Notice how the autistic boy whines that females have an inflated standard for partners…just the way he does…he is a tiny, obese, Mexican twerp with autism who is a kookish, genocidal neo-nazi(???) and who wants females to submit to him and allow themselves to be beaten and treated like infantile, inferior beings with no mind or will of their own…yet what do you think his woman would look like???would he go for a 4.5 feet tall, obese, average, immigrant girl with a mental disorder???OF COURSE NOT…he would not even look at her…dismiss her as an immigrant inferior (???)…would he go for an average Mexican girl???maybe…most likely…but then again…he is out of their league…he is short, he is obese, he is dull, he is kookish, he has no love nor affection for females, he is brown…what is he expecting to get???what kind of girl??? a sweet, feminine white female with big breasts and nice body??? is this guy crazy or what??? for a woman like that you have nice, smart, white men who are 6.1 and are willing to love them lining up…an average girl is not that attractive…leave your internet…go out in the streets…go nightclubbing…look at an average girl…they are not pretty at all…they have neither ass nor tits…weird faces…masculine features…and THATS average…if you are below average male…you are not even getting that…NO COSNPIRACY…why should females date somebody who is out of their leauge and who is a kook who hates women???

do whores in USA pay no price???haha…you have no fucking clue…whores pay consequences…do you know how porn stars are treated and live???wake the fuck up idiots…easy money is never free…what is Kim Kardashian known for???philanthropy???her undeniable physical beauty???her fashion???her business???or that she got rammed by a negro and then released a sex-tape??? are you people fucking stoupid or what???autistic kooks are seriously confused…

He giveth compliment (of sort) with one hand, and taketh away with the other…

Heart-attacks and death-by-choking… the stuff that fantasies are made of… what a way to go. lol

i like the direction you are going with this magsj, your fantasies are well freaky mommie…

What disgusts me…heroes are amongst us…the firemen in America or Australia who risk getting churned alive…the soldiers risking everything…the volunteering mountaineers…not autistic kooks with a deathwish but proper men with loving families…risking it all…and the pile of human shit has the audacity to come on the internet, anonymously and safely, and psychoanalyze and insult such people and have the grey mass with little awareness or honor dissolve and pollute the honor and memory of such people…if there is something id snap such twerps necks it is for this…there are still things holy…ideas which are holy…institutions which are holy…fucking nihilism disgusts me…not the shitthyself kooks nihilism(interchangeable with monotheism and anything left of Hitler) but nihilism proper as in lack of belief in values and things above the selfish satisfaction of one own desires and needs. do your own thing…leave your wives…cheat on them…be a little mean dick…a materialistic immigrant…run on your children…dream of white sharia law…of some slaughter on innocent people you dont even know…go fight somewhere and die if you want leaving your elderly mother to go insane…but leave holy out of your fucking dirty mouths motherfuckers.

i deserve a great woman…does not matter what kind of man i am…and if i dont get her…and she does not tolerate my autistic antics…there is an evil conspiracy against me…or alternatively, if i did not get a good wife…there are no good wives(because MODERN women are fuckall worth and are just looking for coal to burn left and right) and the whole relationship is one big lie, deception and fuckery…reasoning of a 16 year old boy…of a mentally broken kook…of blinded fanatics who refuse to look at the facts…these kooks might have grown hairs on their balls but their brains are child-like still…Id not date a disabled person though I am disabled myself…because to have two disabled dim-wits is impractical…yeah…way more impractical than a non-disabled person having to lag behind a disabled one in their relationship…selfish fucking thinking per usual for the neonazi autistic dimwits…id not date a short ugly fat girl though I am short and ugly and fat…just rotten weak characters…what if those who accuse everybody else of having shit genes have shit genes themselves???what if the world seems rotten and diseased to them because IT IS THEM who are rotten and diseased and the rest of the world is normal???would that not be the biggest and saddest irony???that the rejects and weirdo misfits packed themselves up on a tight internet space to create an echochamber against the world that deems them inferior???would that not make me a weirdo misfit???haha…tragic…

the retard thinks if he can watch a documentary on chimps and then find out commonalities between us and them then he understands everything…he is so thick and so uneducated he thinks after chimps, homo-homo sapiens felt on the earth and the idiot is completely unaware of the loooong, long evolutionary trail from a chimp to homo-homo sapiens which involved many non-chimp, two-legged proto-humans…its just that they have gone extinct(maybe besides aboriginal natives) and all the variety and development has been lost…the retard reads on his simple english wikipedia that chimpanzees share 96 percent of the genome with humans and thinks this must mean nature has made us practically the same…what percentage of genome do we share with bananas you retard???60???does that mean we ought to watch documentaries on how bananas grow to peek at some insight???hHAHHAHA…you know what…you fools are really genius. i will leave you to your genius!!! wont disturb such genius!!! wouldnt want to spoil the great things to come!!!hey-hoooo!!!

I wonder how you ought to build a relationship based on indifference with a woman…indifference to what specifically???her needs, her wants, her cheating on you, indifference on if your children will have one or two parents???what the fuck are you morons mumbling about???the indifferent guy goes out nightclubbing…what happens…nothing…because you need to try hard and approach and be persistent to pass the shittests and get anywhere…the indifferent macho is the nutter who stands in the corner and plans a mass murder…the indifferent guy is the guy who gets no pussy…the actual indifferent guy who actually gets laid is a badboy selfish cunt…an emotional manipulator…a rough and exciting trip for certain type of a girl…if you are truly indifferent…you wont get anywhere…unless you are very rich and let her swipe your card endlessly…or famous…you dont get to act like a famous celebrity or a millionaire if you are not one…and even if you were…you just getting pussy just by being there comes with serious consequences…wake the fuck up from your dreams…

A fucked up life can break you and make you want to believe the dreams of the better live you fantasize about and wake up from are real. When the spirit to fight is broken, skepticism, pessimism, and finally nihilism tainted with rageful and vengful reflex follows. Nothing to laugh about…the world is the way it is but does not have to and never did…a man or a woman running himself down because of what lives in his own head…sad…and deserves compassion…sun rises for everybody, but not all can catch it…the worst thing is to fucking become your own enemy and chase your own tail…

Accepting yourself has nothing to do with self-love…everybody would want to be smarter, healthier, more beautiful…and if they say they would not they are lying…accepting yourself is about realizing you are what you are and THAT this is the life you have and simply making peace with it to live better and happier…if you stutter…you dont love your stutter…but if you cant change it…you might as well accept it and make love to it…and enjoy yourself instead of running your psyche down…resilience and emotional maturity…if you are balding…it is what it is…but why worry??? if you have a big nose…or whatever…dont spoil what you have by worrying about what you lack…easier to say than to do but its worth it…living and dying happy as a lepper is the art of life if there ever was one…this insanity about telling yourself that you cant have flows is dangerous and foolish…bad breath is one thing…perversions and dangerous mental illnesses another…to accept a part of yourself as inferior and undesirable or of lesser desirability and still make love to yourself is best.

The men in the trenches of WW1 were not like the Trojan heroes…Evola(who was a giant hypocrite and a wannabe)was wrong…they were pig-meat in a slaughterhouse…if he saw such splendid opportunities to develop oneself spiritually then why did he not go to the front???all the lies the cuck boys spread about him loosing his legs by walking around during air-raids are obviously false…what should you think about a man who preaches what he does not follow???and a man who poisons young boys souls with ideas which will lead to their demise whilst himself living to be old???

My direction, being one of sardonic-sarcasm… in response to your summation of an imagined reaction that I may likely have. Not much of a fantasy though, was it… of heart-attacks and choking-on-false-teeth.

i dont know maggie, choking and heart attacks sound WELL SAUCY moms. I think your mind is not in a right kind of place, it must be in some dusty kind of place. some kind of tea and biscuits followed by intestinal problems kind of place MAGSJ…do you shoot your local cats yet???

Sounds very Pulp Fiction, but what of philosophical fact… for this is a philosophy site, after-all.

Sauce is saucy and you are being over-familiar.

Alice in Wonderland?

Don’t get me drawn into these endless exchanges moms… c’mon let’s go on a real date and talk about retirement plans! London town baby kiss kiss

If you want to irritate me, try harder… and smarter, but I doubt you can ever achieve the latter, which is that of being smart.

Yes, London Town… a place you proclaim disdain for, and yet there you still reside. What diatribe will you bore us with next? Waiting…

idiot, the fact that you are upset and angered(and throwing a bitch tantrum) about me talking about talking about things which are completely normal for people your age means you are annoyed by it. and for london, i dont have a unified opinion. first of all, it is a city run by queer police with a lesbian, female leader and a Muslim mayor who took over from a crook and a man with 7 children after 3 divorces calling himself a conservative person and having the well off, countryside and innercity spoilt baby-boomers believe him…secondly, if you dont have somebody who was already here who purchased the property when it was cheaper and you are a young person who isnt making a top 10 percent of income for your age bracket, you are fucked and have no future(since 2013 the banks in UK give out real estate loans based on your income AND expenses, meaning if you want to have 2-3 children like a normal couple should by 30, they wont give you enough to fund a decent house for an average family) here BUT the fact that they have allowed investment on the property in London meant that this city was the only big European city which did not dip during the 2007 crisis…its also a city where nobody is nice and smiles and says hello on the streets unlike in Netherlands or many gaint European cities and lets not forget it is consistently in the top 5 lonelies cities on the planet…but generally,the atmosphere is nothing new…SOCIALISM, baby boomers loading up on the backs of the young and the immigrants and complaining about them, degenerate hypocrites taking advantage of the hostility towards immigrants and the young to stay in power, toleration for drugs and crime, semi-anarchy, whores, queers, weirdos,rich mixing with the poor…but having zero contact…there are advantage too…good secret service, a real democracy and the freest country in Europe by far, civil and proper police force(which people abuse), left-over architecture from the golden days, marble in places you would never expect, infrastructure making Poland look like one big village…and ONE BIG THING…MOST BEATIFUL COUNTRYSIDE IN THE WORLD…just take a drive down south london and go into Kent or that county west of Kent, on the right side of Seven Oaks…like heaven on Earth in summer…you will never see such beauty in Germany or anywhere else on the main-land Europe…ups and downs…

America is 10x better than any country in Europe by the way(since many idiot white dickheads criticize America whilst also living there and have an obsession on making it look like some burning, degenerate, dictatorial shithole…)…I will just throw it in there…10 time easier to get a loan, both business and personal, incomes ACTUALLY adjusted for costs of living unlike in Europe, Lockean understanding of freedom, the freest and most democratic place in the world, places where weather is nice, food cheaper, less centralized idiocies, property prices within reasonable range, proper infrastructure, oil reserves…

…a fact, you say? then humans must be clones, because according to you we do/discuss the same things at the same ages… but then there is the unencumbered type, so not all is applicable to all.