
Not that I take pleasure in this…but imagine if the SATIRE kook would have stood in front of Trojans and Achaeans and so forth in some public place and told them their Gods are not real but metaphorical representations of energy and physics, their beliefs in their life after death are nonsensical and purely poetic and false if taken to be literal to whatever degree, Zeus never actually existed, the myths and stories by Homer and other poets are purely literary and their mystic and supernatural elements are purely fictional, Achilles was not a demi-god and so forth…they would have stoned the poor mad fuck like the modern Greeks had stoned his ancestor for being a bolshevik traitor…and so the circle of life and familial lineage would close for this clown…look at what happened to Socrates…and that was at a point and a location where Ancient Greek culture was most atheized and liberalized…what would happen if this kook began talking his shit and plus started slurring homosexual erotic relationships and customary adult-adolescent homosexual relationships in some Doric public square or Sparta or somewhere???hahaha insane idiots are their own punishment…sad really…its best for this kook he lives in our tolerant times and hides out somewhere in cucked Canada…

The shameless kook idiots lie and lie and then lie again and then they believe it all…a sane liar realizes that there is a level of delusion and hypocrisy past which it stops being good for him and anybody else, an insane goon lives happily in his own fantasies and freely embraces lies as a reality, even if they cost him his own life and have other dire consequences to himself.

The whole vaccine skepticism is a complex phenomenon that dullards can barely wrap their heads around and reveal the actual intellect behind every dullard’s words. I am double vaccinated and the reasons are simple…when confronted with an urgent social emergency like a pandemic that is UNDOUBTEDLY killing people directly and indirectly and has an exponential damage/growth curve with unforeseen consequences and which has done so much economic and social damage worldwide, one has to do his duty and put his brick into a wall against it and think collectively and not selfishly and compare the dangers and consequences and evidence for the damage from vaccines to the damage from the collective not being properly vaccinated and make a decision…if your country is invaded…thinking locally and selfishly makes zero sense…some things must be evaluated as a collective effort else, in every war, the men would simply go on a run and seek life elsewhere and we would perpetually live like nomadic beggars rats…otherwise, every selfish act can be excused…why not get vaccinated??? because I am young and one man wont make a difference…why go to war??? I am young and one young infantryman won’t make a difference…why should I vote??? why should I take care of my community??? but as I say…the whole thing is more complicated…in America,where health care has the reputation it has, where Christianity is dead and barbaric tribalism is very entrenched, where truth is confused and interchangeable with belief, where the only value is profit and people know of no religion nor creed other than the one they make reflexively on the go…America is a country without a SINGLE moral authority figure…not one…

There are monkey species that pair for life… … ates-earth
the idiots look at nature when it is the part of nature that suits their wicked and imbecilic delusions…there are species like this or that…an within the species closest to us,there is variability in individual behavior…you can look at chimps and say humans are ruthless and violent…or you can look at bonobos…or orangutans…you can say male-female dynamics are like in chimp societes…but the genetic difference between us and chimps is approximately the same as between chimps and orangutans or gorillas…so???the difference goes both ways…if we are different to them as they are to others that means no generalization is granted…what are humans then???that which we observe and have had observed…not that which we see in chimps or elsewhere…you cant look at another species and say this is a natural and desirable state of humanity because you are not dealing with uniformity of behavior and biological exactness…

lol this pretentious retard hahah…sad…DR. Malone = inventor of MRNA vaccine…xdddddddd, when these shitthyself idiots relax a bit and stop tensing and pontificating…you can see their quality of mind…confused autistic retards…i dont know what conclusions to draw…so i will simply freeze like a coward, hide under my bed and wait it out…until my mommy and daddy can guarantee my safety and health…and remember… these people on shitthyself ARE NOT AUTISTIC…they can handle uncertainty like pros, as per demonstrated example…

lol :confused: :confused: :confused: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: his granddad was a commie, his dad was a commie yet he is the EXACT OPPOSITE…because humans are not blank states… :confused: :confused: :confused: and yet it comes to others…and judging their families… the disgusting hypocrite applies the opposite logic…there you have it you neo-nazi twerps…your leader is 2 generation strong commie,hahahhahahah…like having a father and grandfather being life long thieves and expecting the son to be an honest knight…hahahahhaha,the commies of the world, rise up and wipe your identites clean and turn into neo-nazis!!!from one dictatorship and insanity strraight into another…tabula rasa…hahha wtf!!!

No need for ethical codes at all…lets just do what we want and expect everything to work cohesively and cleanly…lets take pride in the fact that nobody must force us to not torture animals or humans… :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: what a mark of a good genetic and familial lineage :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:lets scrap the laws too whilst we are at it…why obey anything if you know what to do already???and you have the power of objectivity over mere mortals??? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: or lets elect an authority figure…like Stalin…or Hitler…and lets do what they want instead…like true alphas…
another thing…what about those who would torture animals and would be stopped by religious laws and ethical codes imposed on them???isn’t Christianity a great thing if it stops these freaks from doing so??? why focus on one end of the stick…ohhh,i forgot…i am dealing with a family of commies and neo-nazis from Canada…BYE BYE…

Communism and Nazism are much more similar than either and democracy…as stated by Hitler, Goebbels, and many others themselves. Both systems ignore actually biological realities and have their own version of nature and science, both systems trample expression of human will and human intellect, both systems excuse the decrease in the quality of life of a citizen as a price to pay to build a future utopia for all its participants, both systems have an all-powerful elite one can count on ones fingers which control all aspects of private and social life, both systems are innately misanthropic and hold disdain for the human species, both systems are anti-religious, both systems have resulted in great and pointless genocides of their own people and other and both systems have collapsed spectacularly and rapidly and so forth…so, it does not come to me as a surprise that an idiot from a family of Bolsheviks would steer to nazism…the same psychology…arrogance, disdain for others, stubbornness, misanthropy, thinking you know best what is best for yourself and everybody else better than they do, delusions of grandeur and special talent which has a messianic stink, vast underestimation of others and overerstimation of oneself, total refusal to argue and take people with different opinions seriously, moral dismissals instead of rational ones, jerk-off, male exclusive echo-chambers, gathering rejects and misfits in the early stages and radicialising them against the majority and the ones which are sucessful especially, finding a scapegoat social group…so forth…from one insanity into another…from your ancestors holding their noses in one anus, to you pulling it out for a second just to poke it in a different one with the same stink…

When the idiot is calling Marxists degenerate and nihilistic morons which brought down pagan paternalism with their inferior natures??? is he also including his father and grandfather???

Both beliefs are comparably ridiculous…that there is a God that causes your suffering as that there is no God and all your suffering is for no good reason at all and could just as well be non-existent and the world would go on as normal…the belief in life after death is just as ridiculous as the acceptance of the fact that we perish permanently…the difference is that the religious beliefs breed fortitude and steadiness of the living whilst the naturalistic pseudo-religion breeds nihilism and resignation and moral cynicism in the masses. you cant live your live if you fear death too much just like you cant live your life if you have no fear of death and loss at all…what the religions of civilizations produced was a psychological balance…between the fear of death and its lack…

Jesus Christ promises nothing in this life to his disciples and followers, he only posits demands and trials.

The myth that Christianity was a slave religion that spread in the poor and desperate has been completely disproven by modern archaeology; the early Christians, once Christianity began to spread, were middle and upper classes within big cities and the poor and backward villagers were predominantly pagan. The violent persecution of pagans is also a myth; there is zero evidence to support the belief that Christians committed more aggressive crimes against Pagans than viceversa.

Once you look at them critically, you cant even bring yourself to hate them anymore…its just sad and disturbing. Stupidity mixed with insanity is not a laughing matter.

Idiots talk shit they themselves dont believe and take seriously.

You can deny you are mentally handicapped but everybody except your kook buddies will see it anyhow.

There are no Catholics in America yet the Americans are the world’s experts on Catholicism and Christianity in Central Europe.

On the far-right, neo-nazi internet scene 3/4 are autistic…and so are those at that far-left…look at Greta Thunberg…look at the reddits of both groups of people…they are the same people minus their political orientation…

What fucking arguments and conflict??? stop fucking lying through your teeth irrelevant of who you are, you fucks…stop lying…stop talking about things you know shit about as if you are an expert and a sole authority and stop talking shit and making up lies and dubious speculations and presenting them as facts and truths…whats that got to do with my or your belief???or goals???or religion???or whether we like eachother or hate eachother???stop fucking lying idiots…for your own sake aswell as everybody elses…

The only thing my parents showered my head with was to never lie and to respect others and never ridicule weaker people…nothing more. I was not brought up to be anybody or save anything.

Three main ways a man can loose his human dignity permanently: grassing on others, having affairs and by criminal and bandit-like misconduct.