
The world will not end…the intelligentsia will not expire…there will still be great books and great minds…but they will be buried under heaps of pretentious thrash and millions of cretins who have a voice and audacity.

Nobody will come and avenge anything or anybody;not nature, no chaos, not Jesus, not anti-Christ, no Hilter, not not fucking-body. Justice is in our hands and nobody elses and our failures to those wronged and sinned against to seek justice for them on their behalf will permanently echo into the eternity as wrongs and failures on our behalf. So if you think you see some great injustice or corruption…you better get to work buddy…

Just because you show the consequences(or you think you do) of behaviour does not mean you show the universal desirability of the behaviour; you are projecting your preferences on everybody else. … rcus-world
watching these two autistic idiots not realize the woman was arrested because she had a white, completely transparent shirt that made her boobs and nipples 100 percent visible on a beach during daytime where kids and granddads come to play is amusing…just shows you…the idiots are so fucking autistic it is scary…they have zero clue what is happening around them and why…ZERO…

“… but they will be buried under heaps of pretentious thrash”

I had a friend who worked with the lighting/wiring crew for walnut Creek pavilion back in the 90s and he worked with the stage stuff underneath the platforms. There were a bunch of horrible local metal bands arrogantly trying to be discovered, and they had like three stages going at one time. I think COC was there. Well anyway he was under the main stage doing something while they were playing and the struts broke on one side, sending the left side of the stage and two whole bands down on top of him.

Talk about being buried under heaps of pretentious thrash!

Not to believe in a God and after-life is one thing…to be hostile to this idea or spend your life-fighting people’s ability to believe so is bizarre and suspicious.

Autistic boys find belief in God disgusting but begging on the internet either through streaming or shitting out political content perfectly fine. What kind of perfectly healthy and young man asks or accepts donations for himself and incentivizes it and thanks for them??? Pathetic to the bone.

“Not to believe in a God and after-life is one thing…to be hostile to this idea or spend your life-fighting people’s ability to believe so is bizarre and suspicious.”

the more severe and immediate problems of taking religious modes of thinking to the extreme, are obvious, but a more elusive problem of religion, some claim coughmarxcough, is that it interferes with social and economic progress… but in such a subtle way sometimes that you don’t see it directly like you do a jihad or something. Religion as a soft pacifying elixer, an opiate, to keep any revolution asleep.

When asking about the first gods, u r asking about the beginnings of the brain police.

I dont talk to perverts and child molesteres, fuck off you piece of shit. You lost your humanity and dignity and thats your problem now, not mine.

Is there a difference between an invented god or one that made invention a common name?

None that I can see.

Guys, dont forget…Ancient Greeks were naturalistic atheists. We simply invented God…and then brainwashed ourselves to believe in him despite knowing it is bullshit. Autistic neo-nazis have proven to me how one proves God does no exist and is a delusion.

My great-grandfather was a school principal, a prominent partisan(I only found out last month)…died in a concentration camp…my grandad worked for over 10 years in a clay mine as a punishment for anti-Communist partisan activity, his older brother spent 17 years on a double-death sentence for the same…I know who I am, no paedophiles, perverts, bastards, traitors, revolutionaries in my family.

An idiot does not sound any different to a genius and it takes the same time to read what he has written down as it does to read what a genius wrote.

Idiots think the human kind had the kind of scientific knowledge which actually only became available within the last 100-200 years since the Nil civilisations and because of that, they think that their belief in a God or Gods was unjustified. The progression about humankinds ideas about God went like this: initially, God was a dangerous and predatory creator-tyrant who meddled directly in our lives(Zeus and his bastard making, Egyptian beliefs of plagues, Judaism and its myth of hell on earth etc.), God then became a shepherd and a loving creator who took humankind under his wing who did not intervene in our matters until after-life(Christianity, Buddhism) to finally become a divine clock-work creator(Kant, Leibniz etc.) to then something all together different(current state of imagination); each stage was the outcome of the human kinds advancement and of shedding of further and further prejudices and biases.

A peasant can have more class than a king. Class is about what you have not done, not what you have to do…So relax out there…if somebody has something to say about you, some issues…if you have not cheated on your partner, fucked your friend over, lied, ran on your children or anybody else close to you who needed you dearly, ratted, sold drugs, raped, thieved and so forth…then you have nothing but a head to hold up high…whatever the cunts of the world might want to think and say…

Except they absolutely were not.

What’s next??? Are you going to tell me they also weren’t as prohibitive and demeaning towards homosexuality and other types of sexual deviance as Nazis??? That it was socially acceptable to be in an erotic relationship with a teenage boy as an adult man???

Nazis were super gay.