
Yeah ‘at the waterfall’ is a pretty heavy one, bro. Might oughta skip that one and find something else that’s within reach.

Stop coming to my threads or I will leave this fucking forum for good. I dont wanna talk to you, think of you or think about myself talking and thinking about somebody like you.

“Stop coming to my threads or I will leave this fucking forum for good.”

More empty promises!

I know, right… :sad-bored:

bye bye kooks


Fuck no!

aniceguy, you are a goddamn genius, please don’t go.

I enjoy reading your aphorisms a lot. And not in some snarky smartass way.

Troof. if you wanna see an insane yank kook take a damn good beat down, this is where you come.

We’ll miss the ol boy.

dont worry i am not a kook i wont just run away acting strange, you own your actions and their traces. i am no less of a fuck up as you are else id not be here or on the shitthyself for years and thats just a fact whether I like it or hate it. the very fact that I took some of the kookish word-salads seriously in the past and held liars and dullards in high esteem and then expelled so much time and energy at fighting them says enough hehehe

thanks for that, always felt I was special but never knew how to put it into words due to my ‘condition which shall not be named’ as my step-father happens to say…whats that genius good for if i cant get any pussy???any advice there…feels like I am missing out on this civilizational collapse…even my stepdad teases me, asking me if I am not a fag by any chance and running up to me and grabbing me by the cock to check if its still there…how to get some action???smoke somthing???some pot???are Brazilian girls hot???maybe I go there on my holiday to see some action???

SATIRE you plagiarising kook cunt???is there one fucking thing you did not rip off off people you then claimed to be above??? HAHAHAHA
Life is not ridiculous…a beautiful woman actually earned her beauty…people arent simply born better without any effort or credit on their behalf…ugly people deserve to be ugly because nobody paid for their beauty…this is the thinking of the people who ridicule Christian theology…

People are unequal but the virgin pagan apologist tells us this is fine and life is actually just and people should metaphysically embrace their inequality…if a child gets a brain tumour then this is not because life is ridiculous and the universe is cold but because the childs ancestors were a bunch of lazy fucks who did not pay the price for the health(even though this is so evidently false and bullshit)…this is from a fuck who thinks Christians believing every suffering has a purpose is disgusting and unethical…HAHAHA WTF!!! I am not surprised Wagner did not bother reading this shit.

Next up, the kooks will tell us we dont actually perish but ‘live on’ in our children…this is the state of science in 21st century…

Absolutely, that is what you do.

i am sure, you are a fucking weird fuck who stalks another weird fuck phone on IG and white knights on an electronic pussy watch in her comment section, most likely hoping to get a whiff of tuna in some unspecified future, in some unspecified way. dont get me wrong…phone has nice tits and all but she is a fucking kook weirdo and a prime example of traumatised, damaged goods and she will cut your Brazilian peeps off once you get too close IF she lets you get close at all, friend. What I am trying to tell you is…she might act and look like she likes men but she does not anymore…stay careful out there…or maybe I am wrong???and she really likes you???dont give up!!!its not like the world is full of young and sane girls interested in heterosexual relationships!!!we are living in an age of DECLINE!!!catch what you can!!!maybe her sons will watch as you bang her in the living room???you fucks are SIIIICK!!!

I’ve written on there very few times, you must be paying very close attention.

believe whatever you want and make other kooks believe whatever they want…i am not bothered. would you like me to say I stalk her IG obsessively??? and feel something for her in my cheeks???like a flush of teenage love???HAHHAHAHAHHAA

Really, all I want from you is to keep writing your brilliant aphorisms.

I will do whatever the fuck I want. Online bullying might works for autistic lackeys cosplaying Hitler or Ancient Greeks but here it wont cut it, clown.

I’m not bullying you, cousin.

Maybe you think I am being facetious. I’m not. I think you are a very smart guy.

You want to know how to really take a compliment with dignity? You just found out.