
When I have my child, if I do…no words, no language…only grunts and reality…he will know what is what…sticks and stones…the deepest philosophical or empirical truths begin with a dismissal of language and sitting on a tree with a stick, flinging shit and grunting…forget the overman…the chimp-man…10 bananas is a better answer to your questions than 5 bananas…sticks and stones…and shit flinging…what you can see flying in the air is the truth and all else is a delusion…21st century Canadian by the way… :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
by the way::: do you know the only absolute??? blind people know NOTHING. if they never saw a tiger and somebody explained it to them through ‘words’…they will think its a cabbage…or something…words,schizophrenia,9/11…bananas…

The kook is too funny, he sees connections and proofs of his insane word-salads everywhere…because…he really sees proofs and connections everywhere, in his schizoid head…
how is Buddhism connected to Hinduism? is India not an overpopulated country? is Hinduism in decline there because of it and are people suddenly becoming more and more Buddhist??? if anything, its the opposite and as the overpopulation became a larger and larger problem, since the British left, the nationalistic, ‘neo-nazi’(quite literally) and Hindu tendencies progressively intensified…was the post-Roman Northern Europe an overpopulated sink-hole, brimming with people like China?, or was it an empty land full of forests and individualistic tribes???and yet, Christianity spread there very successfully…lets look at China, where Buddhism did not penetrate…out of…the vaastly overpopulated Tibetan mountains and Mongol deserts…China had a massive population for thousands of years and yet…no Buddhism…pagan, folk religion…and in the Tibet, with fuckall people or in the Mongolian steppe with fuckall people…Buddhism has been doing well for thousands of years…fucking waste of time kook liar…he is finding thousand new ways to revive the old neo-nazi tripes that the neo-nazis stuffed his paranoid kooks head with…Christianity is a slave religion, that emerged in an overpopulated and degraded Roman slums and became an opium of the masses…typical neo-nazi lie and completely untrue…but the kooks will find 100 ways to imply it is completely true, despite it simply not being true…

Also…the kook forgets one thing…Hinduism(as we know it now) and Buddhism emerged at around the same time…and during the appearance of Buddhism, Hinduism was having a golden age itself…and the kook also forgets that we dont actually know the extent of influence on Ancient Greeks of other civilisations like the Persian Empires and so forth because no written text was then practised(before Plato)…so unless he wants to claim he can prove Ancient Greeks were the only civilisation which was not heavily influenced by its neighbouring civilisations…we have to contend that the Persian culture, aswell as other Levantine cultures, had a very serious influence on Ancient Greece…just like every other known civilisation was heavily influenced by its neighbours and predecessors…but the neo-nazis cant contend that brown Arabs and Jews had an influence on their pure origins…no,no,no…

Look at the logic of these neo-nazi lying cunts…and pay attention because these are the same sophisms and the same schemes as the far-left commies use to undermine the Western civilisation…when Nazism arose in Germany…from a minor, niche party of traumatised soldiers, racists and other wackos with revolutionary tendencies to being voted into power by a majority…and when this even coincided with both the Germanies sore defeat in WW1, the lose of Germanies Central European dominance, hyperinflation, demoralisation, communism spreading, degeneracy…this was an echo of noble and Ancient instinct…but when Christianity arose…you know the story…no thinking allowed in this circus, in this autistic church of holy, 40 year old virgins …

lol :confused: :confused: :confused: :astonished: :astonished: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
what the
such a bizarre ride…reads like a motivational letter hehe, notice the complete chaos and confusion in thinking…who are the out-group members he is talking about? he is talking about the ‘European’ race when, for him and unwittingly, European race is equated to the countries where Catholicism spread the earliest…whilst mixing literal conceptions of race fabricated by the Nazis(which are much more nationalistic than biological) with the Darwinistic concept of race(something completely different) and adding his own ‘ideas’ about what the European race is(neither the Nazi or the Darwinistic race)…the autistic neo-nazi morons cant even properly systemize their own thought yet spout sentences like:By envisaging the tripartite caste system as the fundamental pillar of a new order, the iron law of inequality is exalted as the highest law, the one most conducive to the achievement of social harmony.
such beautiful visions…there should be an elite doing its own thing, deciding who to breed, who to destroy…humanity should simply hand its freedom over its own thoughts, actions, reproduction to an elite of autistic virgins who already have all the answers…let the autistic genius elite decide the beatiful direction the humanity should head…such beautiful :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: vision…

Who are the most ‘Aryan’ people in Europe…wait for it…wait for it…Ukrainians and Poles…lol…you dont believe me, check the genetic make-ups and see where those ‘Aryan’ genes occur the most and least…you fucking dim-wits have no idea what you are spouting shit about…
check this shit out: … -DNA.shtml
Check the Aryan genes in Greece!!!the Darwinists would like to have a word with the neo-nazi Greek cunts and their homoerotic fag Nordic buddies!!!

Nuh uh the most Aryan people in Europe are the Iraqi and Iranian people who migrate there.

you are confusing genes with linguistic families you moron, stop wasting my fucking time.
is not this
btw…Iranians could be pinned up to the European genetic race, as I have told the idiot neo-nazis plenty of times. but I am not into the genetics deep enough to really say since its a WAAAY more intricate and confusing topic than the simplistic racists believe.

The role of females is to live their lives and decide what being a female means for them, without cunts on the far-left or far-right deciding it for them and then using violence or propaganda to mind-fuck them into being what they want.

First of all…the story with the Franks and the nazis is not so obvious…when they were a niche party, they actually blamed the Franks for fighting heathens and spreading Christianity, even invented conspiracies to do so, blaming Franks of massacring and pillaging Germanic heathens(typical nazi hypocrisy) but when they went main-stream, they obviously began to appropriate every single thing as a Germanic national and racial supremacy. Hitler praised Schopenhauer, he praised Copernicus, and so forth…everything that could be pinned as a proof of their invented pseudo-racial superiority, he took and claimed it being so. If they had somehow won, they would have claimed all the great Frenchmen were of some secret origin, tied to Germany, just like the wackos on SHITYHSELF invent their own conspiracies to do the same exact thing…

Yes, but Hitler’s way is not the only way.

As long as you can find some (necessarily) bullshit way to make the ‘white man’ seem superior, it’s kosher.

Hitler only did that because he wanted to go to war with France, which was rationalist-conservative at that point.

What do you take us for, boy?


ok buddy

schizoid word salad if there ever was one :confused: :confused:

psycho-analytical and pseudo-psychological vomit. there is no magical objectivity…all human cognitive activity is subjective and then we can differentiate two types of the meta-subjective cognition: subjective and objective; first thing to do is to throw out the trivial distinction and assume that we are not dealing with lying and take the next step…what would be an objective cognition, besides the obvious, if there ever was one? and what would be its opposite, if we assume that cognition must work on a binary basis and there is nothing to be discussed besides these two words…is belief in a God objective? is accepting the mathematical propositions and working on them objective? what even is thinking? what even is cognition in this context? is is completely self-referential? or is it the outcome of its own processes? how does the external world factor into a supposed objectivity? for example: is belief in a god objective if the person believes but does not lie about God at all? I think this is a pretty nonsensical question and a worthless tirade…words are simple…and ambiguous…you dont orient yourself on definitions of words…its not like a dictionary where you simply look up a commonly accepted meaning of the word and move on…what is objectivity the idiot asks…then a simple answer…simple for a simpleton…what objectivity actually is is a tremendously complicated and difficult philosophical topic. show me one subjective person that does not flinch when it is burnt with fire…and then show me one objective person, that knows its objectivity is clean from all sources of subjectivity in its life…an arrogant manic moron.

Our knowledge of cognition is very rudimentary and it remain inaccessible to us almost completely, despite what the Yank generations washed in Freudianism, AI overestimation, quack Psychology, IQ research and so forth think. The charlatan speaks about this as if its obvious…we have not even conquered basic medical issues…yet the Yanks are already walking over human cognition.