

idiots misapply concepts…when you ask about whether everything is change or one…like Parmenides or Heraclitus from antiquity onwards(pre-socratics being way overrated anyway)…you dont exclude the idea of an absolute God either way because if you want to claim all is change(in this context), you are claiming an absolute state of universal affairs that is immutable and absolute and forever remains ‘fluid’(whatever this might mean in this context, we don’t know) and an absolute being(a being beyond all beings) would, in this case, be the last and most immutable thing in the universe or would be interwoven to it(to the permanent and absolute state of change)…but fools misapply these concepts…they think all is change or all is one is a kind of a physics riddle…it isn’t…that you can mix and mash these concepts and apply barebones physics or some logical transformations downwards and then immediately move upwards, onto highly abstract and speculative philosophical enquiries on the nature of EVERYTHING. it is a PHILOSOPHICAL SPECULATION on the nature of everything idiots,…I forgot, there is no everything…so you are discussing an idea that you preemptively declare to make zero sense and be imbecilic.

all is change is a paradoxical statement, all is one is not… if all is change then one would expect the state of all change to be subject to change too…if all is change and permanently so then it is change that remains absolute or else not all is change…if all is one,then all remains one always and under all conditions and there is not logical contradiction. but Heraclitus and Perm. are saying the same thing, differently and both are monists. read:
@@also, justice for the dead demands that a clarification be made on Heraclitus:

Which means, there is an absolute permanent order that dictates a permanent state of change below it, so, Heraclitus believed in an absolute. His positions are logically contradictory but this does not mean they are invalid(because there is a gap between human intuition and logic and the nature of the universe), so it might be so that he is right, despite making no sense.

this whole debate about absolute by these idiots is more in line of Richard Dawkins’s reasoning than antique philosophers…the modern atheists simply reject the idea of an absolute on the grounds that there is nothing to warrant an investigation into its existence and hence it is irrational to investigate it(UNLIKE PRE-SOCRATICS!!), they familiarly claim that the idea of an absolute is a product of the humans mind cognitive bias and does not deserve to be investigated seriously because it is a delusion. This is a position of atheistic naturalists(scientism) who deny the validity and existence of meta-physics.

I’ll leave you to your own thoughts.


Yeah, you’ve obviously got some “issues”. Bye.

pretentious cowards dont change, there is nothing more indicative of a small, cowardly soul than refusing to admit things and people greater than itself and only fighting people weaker than itself.

When the idiot is caught with his pants down, he will surely say that the ghastly sight between his legs is a metaphor everybody laughing is struggling to understand. Pathetic. When Parmen. explicitly stated all is one, he actually meant all is not one. Lost on the metaphor…When the archeological and historical community uncovers mounds of evidence that pederasty and homosexuality was common-place and culturally accepted in Ancient Greece…we are lost on an interpretation of a metaphor again…metaphors flying everywhere…whenever you run into a contradiction…hide it behind a metaphor and turn the tables and accuse others of failing to understand it…pathetic and funny, the lengths a bullshitter will go, for no evident reason and having no face to loose, to simply maintain his bullshit in his own mind for its own sake. people who originated in the Levant are actually of the Norwegian stock…and the Mexicans are the next closest thing to Germans after Greeks. and America could be revived if people like Richard Spencer were given power circa 2016…good times…

Lost on the metaphor…to anybody lost on the metaphors…take a list of pre-socratics…and find their written opinions on the existence of an absolute God…dont loose yourself on a metaphor…somebody curious how Richard Dawkins dresssed in fake Ancient Greek robes would look like???I rather not imagine…listening is enough…

start here??? lost on metaphor again???maybe Christian???Jewish mother???insane dullards…dealing with idiots is revitalizing…dealing with bullshitting morons with enough intelligence to try to pass for smart??? posioning. …

AI made me do it.

AI made me do it.

AI made me do it

AI made me do it

Ridiculing the idea of infinite by asking who created God, and who created the creator of God, and so forth shows nothing because it answers nothing. Whats more nonsensical??? To simply assume the world has always been and was not caused by something whilst arguing out of a mechanistic and materialist paradigm that demands that there be consequential causes and matter to make further matter or to suspect something that reaches beyond our current or potential understanding and speculate what that something could be within reason??? I am not saying a God like intelligence created everything and was the root thing of all, I am simply saying it is a possibility whilst the atheistic cucks want to deny me this opinion based on irrational belief in rationality and empiricism which produces fanatical idiocies which make no sense yet are presented by them as certain and proven(scientology). If somebody wants to wonder what a naturalistic God would be like if he was to exist then why not???Who’s stopping them???A bunch of atheistic zealots who want to deny speculation and philosophical enquiry and tie everybody to their psuedo-scientific empiricism whilst simply KNOWING that there is no God and nothing beyond the matter world???

If you absolutely deny the possibility of a God or non-matter being or process then you are an atheist, not a pre-Socratic, not a mystic, not a gnostic and you are religious and irrational too. The atheistic kooks take pride in not deriving morality and belief from God…I can demonstrate they rely on belief as much as a religious person does and there is absolutely no correlation between being a rational and civilised person and being an atheist.

This whole talk about metaphors and trappings of language and mind are what the coward idiot hides behind. If he disagrees with you but knows he is outmatched and will look poorly in a rational exchange, he simply smears you and pontificates that you are trapped in your mind and permanently lack an ability to ‘see’…
from Schopenhauers Eristische Dialektik found here … _right.htm:
Bewilder Your Opponent by Mere Bombast
Energy, dynamic, interactivity, flow…infected minds, 2000 years of mind virus blinding you to the evident reality, supra morality leading to supra dignity and supra awareness, freedom only on my side, flying out into space to seek a new frontier, survival of the fittest, Aryan Hyperborea, mystical origins…those who disagree don’t disagree because of the arguments like in all other cases of disagreement but because of a 2000 year old infectious conspiracy that their whole EXISTENCE is dependent on and without which they would die or break…
Will is More Effective Than Insight
There is another trick which, as soon as it is practicable, makes all others unnecessary. Instead of working on your opponent’s intellect by argument, work on his will by motive; and he, and also the audience if they have similar interests, will at once be won over to your opinion, even though you got it out of a lunatic asylum; for, as a general rule, half an ounce of will is more effective than a hundred-weight of insight and intelligence. This, it is true, can be done only under peculiar circumstances. If you succeed in making your opponent feel that his opinion, should it prove true, will be distinctly prejudicial to his interest, he will let it drop like a hot potato, and feel that it was very imprudent to take it up.
The cretin works on your will, he, instead of proposing arguments, wants you to convince you to drop your arguments because they mean you are blinded to reality, entrapped in your mind, ill, infected and so forth…he also fondles his boyfriends with it…he feeds their little egos and they feed his and these idiots are completely satisfied to be wanking eachother off and feeling safe and happy.

What is the megalomaniac talking about???a forum of 3 posters, 3 of them admins…a little sect hugbox with one paranoid idiot spinning his wheels and making a clown out of himself or bullying dullards and kooks, an insane megalomaniac dullard who fantasizes about being a genius philosopher and a mystic whilst being an autistic eunuch carpenter and a servile bitch to run technical errands and smell your farts who plays videogames at 40 instead of having a family whilst fantasizing about Holocaust and making Europe fertile…

If somebody wants to convince me that I AM blinded to reality whilst a Mexican neo-nazi who thinks family and genes and paganism are the highest virtue isn’t…he will never convince me because it is so evident he is a bullshitting peddler.

Being a regular Joe American nerd who plays video-games and lives on the internet is not exactly the most attractive identity…lets spice it up a bit…add a bit of neo-nazi, racist, genocidal twist…a bit of mysticism…a bit of academic bullshit…shallow and pretentious verbosity and bombastic style…invent few conspiracies to explain away the fact that we believe in fertility and nature yet remain childless and shift the blame on others, not ourselves…NOW THAT IS AN IDENTITY I CAN PARADE WITH, even if in my own head only…makes me feel validated and special despite achieving nothing special and being average…or rather, preferably in my own head only since it both convinces me I am right because I must hide and never gives anything or anybody a chance to break the delusions I live under…FUCK OFF…want to ride somebodys garb to make yourself feel special???find some jagoff bums to molest and leave me alone.