Anniversary Results

Anybody want to take a guess/prediction at what will happen 1 year later? Will america be attacked? will the stock market find new lows? Will we ever be rid of wal-mart? Post Gueses/predictions for Near/short and far/long ranges

I don’t think america will get attacked again. I figured that there would be more attacks but I doubt that they would wait a year just to piss people off. Besides the chances of them getting caught are higher. They were able to pull off 9/11 I don’t think they are stupid enough to do it at such an obvious time. I think it’ll be a normal day. Also any attack would immediately be pinned on saddam and off to war we’d go. If he has any say in what happens it’ll be extra super quiet.

I’m more interested in the following few weeks. Especially with bush getting the chance to make an even bigger ass of himself.

Interesting thread Blu,
I have many thoughts in these areas, many of them I have written down over the years in a book of mine, at the moment I am at University so I will give you an abbreviated and inconcise answer. I believe America will be attacked again before the end of 2002. How it will be attacked is unclear to me, but I will predict that the next big attack on America will come from one of two sources…either biochemical or computer based.

I also predict that the next 12 months are going to be filled with break-throughs in psychology and even greater ones in spirituality. I believe that people are becoming more and more restless with their ordinary lives, the same school, the same place, the same people, the same job - people are finding new ways of being individual and one of the growing trends is New Age concepts, spirituality, philosophy, and psychology. This sounds like that usual hocus pocus, but I believe it isn’t. I don’t think people are as easily susceptible to astrology, god, or faith. More and more people are looking to spirituality, energy, higher consciousness with a more rational - science based vision.

I predict we technology is going to cause some serious societal dilemmas, with the ever increasing experimental development of furniture and appliances that will talk to you, tell you when you are low on milk, or that you are not eating enough fibre, couches that will weigh you or tell you to change sitting or lying positions so you don’t get back aches - movies like Back To The Future are becoming more non-fiction than fiction every day.

I predict further synthesization in technology, Palm’s that act as radio’s, pagers, cell phones, TV’s, computers, etc. I just came from a class where one of the students had a foldable keyboard in a little case that also contained his Palm VI (or which ever version it was). The case couldn’t have been bigger then 4 inches long, 2 inches high, and three inches wide. He simply hooked the Palm to the keyboard and within seconds…poof…a computer has been set up, installed, and ready to go. This brings me to another prediction that universities will begin to have classes that have terminals with computers on the table by every chair where students will come for lecture without any books, notes, or other physical apparatuses like pens, pencils, erasers, white-out. Simply a human body at a computer that has everything you will need. This also logically follows that the next step after that will be to have programs on the net that will teach us and teachers, professors, and Teachers assistants will become a thing of the past.

I also predict a huge change in eating habits for the world. I think the growing vegetarian population will turn into a world majority within the next thirty years. I am in agreement with this change, despite my love for a BigXtra burger from McDonalds.

Aesthetics, according to me, will change dramatically - as if they haven’t already. The primer is there, just not enough people have taken to it yet. Things like chest hair, leg hair, and armpit hair will also become a thing of the past, we will become plastic like, waxed skinned, tanned, look-alike drones creating ourselves to some kind of perfect attractive image. Maybe hair altogether will begin to be removed from human beings - seen as ugly. You know the kind when you ask a guy what he would think if his girlfriend had armpit hair, Yeah, you know the feeling. Morality doesn’t even enter into it. There are shops now for guys, specialty creams, manicures, peticures, etc.

I still look forward to going for a hot-towel shave, I hear it’s heaven.

Minds will be become more open, which is a good thing in my book, but there is the problem of guidance. I believe many people need their mind guided to proper openness. But doesn’t guidance oppose open mindedness? I don’t think so, people should be taught to open their minds by themselves in an appropriate way - otherwise we will have more and more people open to gruesome acts of violence, carnage, sex, power, etc. This would have a more negative effect than positive.

Anyway, for consideration of those who don’t like long posts I will end it here. Hope you enjoyed it.

What’s your take?

As an american I predict 9.11 to be a future memorial day, and I see attacks in the future Especially in my region due to a local resurgance of the ever snake in the grass KKK activity. Once Terrorists from OUTSIDE prove it can be done we will see threats from INSIDE the US.

veggites will not stop southern belly’s from shrinking. heh. BBQ 4 life

I feel that Dark Angel a recently removed show is a warning. A EMP terrorist attack would destroy our economy.

Does anybody remember the flow map of power moving west? It started in the middle east went to greece then rome, then england/france, then america, think they said china was next maybe russia but bejing is more in the current angle than russia is. Anybody know what im talking about.

my prediction is death. i think we have the rest of this century then thats it for the human race, we will have either killed eachother with weapons, racked the earth in pollution or caused some great catastrophy or cataclycism.

Very interesting. I’ve come to a lot of the same assumptions. It’s rather exciting knowing someone else shares views so similar. My problems generally revolve around the idea that I see these views as progression and can’t wait to see them being acted out. Progression seems sooo slow.

I also think there will be another attack not on 9/11 though. I have been wondering the course of action america would take. Would they see it as the president failing to fight “terror” or would it enrage america even more to the point of blind destruction?

Also something I agree with. I also see a growth in political interest. I think people want a change in lifestyle. Something more exciting. Life is rather boring for anyone in an “advanced” country. I read a survey that said the new generation would rather have a fun work environment than a well paying one. To me that says a lot about the direction we are headed. More towards an immature form of adulthood which I feel would be fun but not as productive. Unless used properly. Anything can be progressive if you can figure out how to use it to your advantage.

Being that nanonite technology is supposed to boom I’d have to agree with you. I think even stupid things will have advanced computer chips in them that have similar functions. I think it will be like having a million clocks and calculators due to our inability to be creative.

That was actually one thing that I would’ve liked to see accomplished. A school where computers replaced everything except teachers. Teachers are easier to learn from than computers. I always find myself asking more questions than I think a computer could answer. Although with the growing capability of bots I wouldn’t be suprised if bots linked to the internet were able to provide me with the amounts of information I’d desire. But with chips being surgecally placed into humans I can see people having job specific chips placed into their heads to provide information as opposed to wasting valuable time learning the information. That I see in the far future though. It would take huge moral jumps to get those things in production.

Also something I’ve noticed. I have more friends that are vegetarians or were vegetarians than non vegetarian friends. And to see people having bbq’s with veggy burgers as well as meat burgers was an interesting surprise for me. Especially when hearing older relatives and not to generalize foreign friends parents implying that a vegetarian diet was bad.

Another thing I can agree on. Socially hairless men have become more accepted. But facial hair and the hair on your head I don’t think will ever dissapear. It adds to much to the appeal of a persons face. Lines and curves that can’t really be duplicated. Unless you were to wear plastic wigs or helmets or something. Hats are a replacement but they don’t look nearly as nice as hair. Not to mention the feel.

With morals decaying and sex and violence becoming more socially accepted I wonder if it is a good thing. If it continues to the point that people become miserable I fear that we would fall into another restricted religious period.

I fall victim to basically all your assumptions and being young I’m a prime example of them. But this may make my opinions biased but I’ve observed others as well as myself following this path so I’m assuming they aren’t.


I too agree with your notion of teachers being a better learning tool for us then a robot, or a computer. But I wanted to say something about your above quote, I have been thinking about this idea for many years now, I didn’t come out to tell people about it (for fear of being unaccepted, causing mass confusion, and a big ugly mess) until I saw the movie Matrix; you know the scene where Neo learns Kung-Fu. Actually, I think it was better illustrated when Trinity downloaded information on how to fly a helicopter within seconds by closing her eyes and Tank uploading the info. I actually agree with this idea, it shouldn’t matter WHAT you know, it should matter who YOU are, as a person and not a societally molded person. Wouldn’t it be great if we were all capable of learning anything within minutes? We wouldn’t need anything but our own conscious development of who we are, isn’t that what all the philosophers talked about? In the background I mean, since they all got lost in their analysis of nature, reality, mind-body problem, forms, etc. Anyway, I think this concept of getting information within seconds is absolutely phenomenal.

A good example is CBA’s statement about it feeling nice to hear someone having the same views as yourself. Don’t we all know what that feels like? I think we do. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of experiences that have potential to be like those CBA had in each of our individual daily lives. We just aren’t open to them. This is also why I think that our consciousness and spirituality will grow leaps and bounds within the next decade or two. For all those skeptics out there, don’t worry, I’m not aiming to write a self-help new age book.

CBA stated:

I thought about this, I too think people are very easily absorbed into anything that gives them the slightest bit of energy. Anything to fit in or feel like one is wanted. This can be dangerous and I have had quite a few people be grasped by complete extremes from one month to another. I think there could be a risk that if someone proposes some new theory or religious awakening into how life works, people will jump on the religion and GOD band-wagon; even without the person who proposed the idea.

CBA stated:

You have truly impressed me.You have my respect CBA. You are able to accept being wrong about something, or being something ‘bad’, and not being afraid to do so. I too have always been like this, at first I thought it was a bad thing since it usually got me last place and everything would be blamed on me. But it has made me grow strong and the truth, as the saying goes, has truly set me free. As I think it has, or will set you free. As simple, basic, or even mundane as this idea sounds, I think it a pinnacle of personal human achievement. I am my own toughest critic. It appears, and I hope I am correct, that no matter how good or bad you think yourself to be; you nevertheless accept yourself for who you are because you know who you are at heart, anything bad is a error within your logic which can be analysed and inspected, and finally amended to what is right.

What’s your take?

My only concern with that is what would it do to our emotions and feelings. If it were a chip placed into your head that figured things out for you I don’t think I would enjoy the idea of being controlled by a program someone made up. But a memory being placed into your head through an experience provided by a simulation that could take place over a short period of time I think would work better. I would fear becoming more computer than human when the capabilities of humans weren’t totally understood. I wouldn’t want humanity to make the mistake of taking a premature step that would become disasterous.

Thanks that means a lot to me. I’ve recently been questioning my reasoning. Thinking it wrong because of the way all my past experiences have turned out and all the criticism I’ve recieved from people about my actions and thoughts.

You are correct for the most part but my views on “bad” are kind of sketchy. I tend to make an attempt to look past the general conception of bad. I don’t like the idea of having morality with a definate black and white outlook… if that makes sense. I do analyse and inspect my more radical views until I can find a way that people would be able to understand and atleast respect me for what I am though as opposed to a total change. I think of it as fine tuning morality to be less selfish and more realistic. I don’t know if that’s what you were getting at though.

CBA stated:

You wouldn’t be controlled, your head just wouldn’t be filled with any useless facts. You wouldn’t need to focus on remembering any theories, equations, terms, etc. Or atleast you would be able to choose for yourself which theories, equations, terms, you want to remember. Anything else you can simply download within seconds. You wouldn’t have memories placed into your head, you would have information sent to your head. I completely understand what you mean with having fear for becoming more computer than human when the capabilities of humans weren’t totally understood. I can see how you think it may lead to that, it is definitely a precaution for scholars and pioneers of this idea.

What’s your take?

You’re SO weird, Magius … in a really cool way. Even when I have not a CLUE what you’re talking about, I love to read it. My teenage-girl perspective on life is so dull and yours is so different and bizarre… I’m a big fan.