Another Darwin Award Candidate … &GT1=42007

Gee, I think I’ll walk up and pet a wild animal that weighs about 1500 lbs. :unamused: Idiot.

Watch carefully between 25-30 secs in and watch the top-centre of the byson in profile. You can see that they had thrown something at it, and that agitated it.


Having been around buffalo (looooong story) there is a reason for that big hump. Most of a buffalo’s weight sits on top of the front legs. Their CG makes it possible for them to spin on a dime - and they can and will. Anyone who wants to look at a buffalo up close and personal should stop at Toy’sRUs and look in the stuffed toy section.

Grizzley Adams has gotten a whole bunch of people hurt playing with pet “wild animals”.


…and I hope not an incriminating story…SPCA, look away.

Hmmm, not much bait on the hook, but…
As short and sweet as possible: My inlaws had a family zoo. Yes, lions tigers, and bears, oh my! :unamused: They also had a dozen or so buffalo that would occasionally decide to go on a walk-about. Fences mean nothing to these animals. About three or four times a year I would get a call in any part of a 24 hour day to come help round up the frigging buffalo. It was similar to trying to herd a few hundred cats. Actually, cats would be easier. One thing was clear: DO NOT get too close to them and assume they will follow directions. I was never run over by one of them, but I came damned close a couple of times. Anyway, buffalo are not your friends. This went on for several years until I convinced the MIL that they would look better in the freezer than in the pasture. The best thing about a buffalo is steaks and roasts. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
sounds like something you say to a child when you scold them.

You seem to be completely dissallusioned with animals and the zoo seeing as the only part that satisfied you about the whole experience was edible revenge.

Nope, I love animals. But I’m keenly aware that wild is wild. We had several “tamed” animals, but tame is ALWAYS within a context the animal finds comfortable. Any change in that context can unleash wild instantly. Every year, you’ll read about some model on a photo shoot being maimed by a big cat that has reverted to wild - no matter how “tame” the handler thought they were.

But yeah, some of those wild animals is tasty. :smiley: Not the skunks though. I could never get up the courage to try them. :-&

Speaking of wild; how did you convince your MIL to make steak out of the unsuspecting buffalo?

And does your wife know what you’ve been doing behind her back to her Family?

Ah yes! Bob and Tom… :laughing: :laughing:

Oh my…

I don’t know how your wife would take to calling her a freezer. I don’t even know how anyone would take to being called a cold box.

Yeesh! :-& Skunk…pass.


Thin ice with the double-entendre there.

Thin ice? Nah, Sandy is as transparent as piece of window glass. He tries to hide behind the curtains, but it never works. He writes with a stiletto, I use a ball pein hammer, and together we maim a whole bunch of innocent victims. :laughing:

Oran, you had me at double-entendre. Hold on a sec…

[size=85]Pssst, tentative, a little help: what’s a double-entendre??? My Spanish is a little rusty.[/size]

Okay, where were we? Hiding behind curtains? Sorry tent, but that’s not a myth I can live up to. What’s next? Trying to figure out if the curtains match the rug? That’s just too much pressure. I’m just glad this is not the poetry section.

But yeah, with a stiletto and ball pein hammer, thin ice has no chance.