Ben Cross in Chariots of Fire sat sulking after being beaten in a race for the first time ever by about a yard.
Then up comes coach Ian Holm and says “I can give you another yard”…
The rest is history, under Holms expert coaching, Cross goes on to win an Olympic gold.
Likewise Jesus is the coach we all need to get us through the pearly gates, but atheists and nonchristians reject him outright and get left trailing behind…
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize” (1 Cor 9:24)-------------------------------
…your point ?
So do you say the prize is heavenly eternal life or earthly eternal life?
or something else?
Drift quote - So do you say the prize is heavenly eternal life or earthly eternal life?
or something else?
The Bibles ambiguous on that point mate and christians have been debating for centuries whether we become bodiless spirits after the body dies, or whether we’re born into new “heavenly” bodies, there are plenty of verses that seem to suggest one or the other.
Here’s a speculation I did on the subject -
Maybe heavens not a “place” but an existence, a glorious golden “Soul Pool” where not only do we see God and Jesus and our loved ones including pets,but we merge with them to become one,in the the same way as a million individual raindrops fall into a lake and merge, losing their individuality to become one big lake,no more individuality,no more loneliness…
Jesus spoke of this merging/assimilation :-
“You shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you” (John 14:20)
We can’t get any closer to God and Jesus than that:)
i use the new world translation. i assume you use the king James version.
my bible renders that:In that day YOU will know that I am in union with my Father and YOU are in union with me and I am in union with YOU.
i’d also like to quote some sources:
i also bring your attention to this:Ezekiel 18:4 Look! All the souls—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so likewise the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul* that is sinning—it itself will die.
*the nefesh,hebrew
i’d say that scripture right there refutes the doctrine of hell for me.
as well,luke32:39: But one of the hung evildoers began to say abusively to him: “You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us.†40 In reply the other rebuked him and said: “Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment? 41 And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did; but this [man] did nothing out of the way.†42 And he went on to say: “Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom.†43 And he said to him: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.â€
now why did Jesus say ‘paradise’ instead of ‘heaven’?! i would like to hear how the KJ renders that verse.
I think a saw a version of what heaven must be like in a dream of mine.
I was moving/rushing forward, visually, without a body, in space. But instead of stars, I was rushing toward a liquid version of light, slivers of light passing through me in infinite patterns of liquid motion.
I doubt my description is clear, but I can attest to the great feeling passing through “me” or my soul, and how I wanted it to go on forever. I also felt a great relief knowing that it would go on forever. Then I woke up.
True story.
that is interesting…
Drift quote - I use the new world translation. i assume you use the king James version.
Mick reply - I use the fearless old King James, with the NIV (New International Version) to give a modern slant.
I also glance at assorted other versions including the newer politically-correct wimpy ones, its so easy to do on the net -
Drift quote - “the belief that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body is …nowhere taught in holy scripture.”-the jewish encyclopedia"
Mick reply - Ah, but Judaism is a few videos short of a full boxed set
For example they reject Jesus so therefore don’t know that he says the soul is eternal -"…whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
Even the Old Testament prophet Daniel said -“Sleepers in the dust of the earth shall awake,to eternal life or contempt” (Dan 12:2)
Drift quote - “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.â€
now why did Jesus say ‘paradise’ instead of ‘heaven’?! i would like to hear how the KJ renders that verse.
Mick reply - KJV Luke 23:43 says “paradise” mate… But so what, “paradise” and “heaven” have more or less the same meaning. For example I’m in paradise when I’m in the presence of the lovely lady who works in the corner shop, I spy on her from behind the Walkers Crisps rack and my heart’s all a-flutter…
I hate to tell you this but the NWT is complete and utter garbage.
The KJV is also flawed, but mostly due to the language being used and not the translation… (though that’s flawed to, it’s not supposed to be Jehovah. The correct term is LORD, and if you really want to be correct you’d use the inutterable YHVH or YHWH.)
There aren’t too many politically correct versions that have been accepted by the church community. The TNIV (today’s New International Version) is perhaps the worst in terms of political correctness, as it tries to de-genderize the bible. it’s useless as myth and faith in that rendition.
let me simmer the bible for both of you though.
The bible and jesus himself incarnate are telling us, that each one of us are a part of god. We all have the capability to be the “word” of god.
Look at john 8. Jesus tells the sinner that she is not guilty of sin, and that she can live her life free of sin. It took his word to set her free, and we can do the same. But…
We usually choose to enslave others with our words. Through insults, or judgements, we let others know all the negative things we think about them.
Do we really think nothing positive of them? Or do we simply choose to focus on the negative sinful things?
Because we reflect to the outside world what we see within ourselves. We must forgive ourselves before we can forgive others… but we cannot forgive ourselves until we find ourselves.
you are the word.
become the god.