Salvia Divinorum is an herb which has been used by native tribes in Mexico in various shamanistic rituals for centuries. The chemical in the herb (Salvinorin A) is said to the be the strongest known to man (i don’t know that this is true, but the trip created by the pure chemical is supposed to be incredibly strong…). It is legal in the U.S. and most other countries, mainly because it is not well known. However, there was a governmental report on its “abuse” back in 2003, so that could change at any point.
My trip was using Salvia x5 (this is Salvia leaves soaked in the pure extract so as to produce a leaf with 5 times the normal strength). I have also see the regular leaves, x10, and once x15. There are also various methods of distilling the leaves into your own extract. I split half of a small bowl of the stuff with my friend. I took a small hit and felt a little high/drunk/outta it. He took a big hit. Upon taking the hit he became completely motionless, unable to move or speak. I became fascinated with the various trails of smokes coming from him and the pipe. I then took the pipe from him (he still wasn’t responding to outside stimulus) and took a bigger hit. Everything…changed. Its a very hard experience to describe. I didn’t hallucinate or anything, but reality shifted. We were each in our own worlds for a few mins. Eventually we started to talk a bit, but had a hard time communicating in words exactly what was happening. Talking was generally very difficult. We were in a room 50ft up with windows all around and my friend started staring out the window. I became sure that he was going to try to fly (this from having heard too much anti-LSD propoganda)…I wanted to yell out “man, you can’t fly, don’t do it” but i couldn’t say the words. I remember breaking out into a sweat (i believe my heart rate had gone up…this might be something to watch out for if you have heart problem). My face went slick with sweat and I started to run my hands across it. The sensation was amazing. It was not like an ecstasy high where the physical touch just feels really good, but i was, instead, simply fascinated with the feel of my wet skin. The high was very hard and very fast. It peaked within 30 secs to a min and lasted at that level for only 5-10 mins. It faded with a groggy low-level marajuana type high. We smoked another bowl with other people shortly after that and the results were not as dramatic. The others simply got a drunk sort of feeling. No one else experienced the type of high that my friend and I did the first time.
Salvia is not a club/party drug. Its more of a sit quietly with one or two people type thing. I have had friends take stronger versions of the herb and have scary, hallucinogenic experiences, never wanting to do it again. My trip on salvia was enjoyable, a bit wacked out, and very very short. I never did it again, though i wouldn’t mind doing so. You can get the herb in various head shops across the country, or online. Simply google “Salvia Divinorum” and you will get 100s of hits. Again, the herb is legal, so don’t worry about having it mailed to you.
for more information on the herb, and an excellent site for all your chemical needs, check out Its a really informative site which gives a fairly unbiased view about various chemicals, their positives and negatives, their chemistry, health risks, legality, basically everything you could want, along with stories written in about experiences on the particular drug