anyone like to do drugs?

i want to get an idea of where people are at with regard to this topic. myself, i smoke pot and drink some beer now and again. that’s really the extent of it. i will, VERY occasionally take some kind of painkiller or anti-anxiety medication “just for fun”. that’s totally rare though. (in previous times i was much more daring and adventurous, but now i’ve mellowed out quite a bit.)

but seriously, anyone here a drunk? do you smoke pot all day? do heroin? cocaine? crack? let’s open up and talk about this. the rule in this thread is as follows:

[size=150]“Don’t be a dick and judge anyone for talking about their own lifestyle choices. What each individual person does is appropriate to that person, and no one here is in a position to criticize.”[/size]

don’t be shy, tell us where you’re at. and of course, let’s be open-minded should someone say something that …“SHOCKS US”!!! :astonished:

sometimes i sniff tail pipes… a habit i picked up from my mother on the reserve, good woman, bless her soul.

other than that, tv and poorly written books, and poorly made movies are the only permanently brain damaging drugs i’ve ever tried.

except phsylicobin, which, hark at the wind, kept me out of the army, for better or worse. (damn you huxley)

and ofcourse pot… the village idiot’s drug. no good except to numb your mind, and in so doing make you think its not… once in a while only.

and beer and wine, praise jesus, my reason for living. would it not be for senseless drunkeness i should find no entertainment in this dreary place.

and ofcourse i like a little dip tobacco, because i am white trash.
thats all the drugs i’ve ever used.
good day.

In my teens I tried…um…everything (short of crack/anything that requires a needle)
Nowadays I don’t drink, smoke cigs, (quit after 10 years flex willpower) or do any chemical drugs. I do however smoke weed. (mmm BC buds.)
I would probably have another psychotropic experience (acid/mushrooms) if the opertunity arose and the situation was right, but it’s been many years since I last did.

There were times in my life when I smoked a lot of marijuana. But by a lot I mean like 2-3 times a week for the duration of a few months or so. Of late probably due to the marijuana I’ve become very paranoid about it. I’m under the fear that it makes me dumber so I’ve quit and smoke extremly rarely now. By that I mean that the last time I’ve smoked was yesterday :wink: but that was in 2 months.

I’ve tried coke twice hated it both times and think it’s a moronic drug.

Special K is my drug of choice. I love Special K or (Ketamine) but I’ve only done it 6-8 times in my life. I’m always very careful with drugs and think most things are ok used responsibly and with moderation.

pot head at times during college (at least 4-5 days a week for at least a month at a time), drank alot, smoked cigs alot, shrooms 3 times, DXM probably about a half dozen times, salvia divinorum a couple times (a very very weird, legal high), smoke a bit of hash, done E twice…

living a fairly clean life now… smoked pot one weekend over the past two yrs or so, less than a pack of cigs over the same amount of time, and the occasional drink, very rarely getting drunk anymore… not particularly against doin any of the above mentioned drugs again (except perhaps E), but i just felt really burned out after about 3 yrs of fairly heavy chemical use

I drink fairly heavily 4 nights a week. I’m at college, a party school. what do you expect?

My pot habit goes in splurges. I’ll get my hands on some and smoke every day for weeks and then I’ll go for a few weeks without smoking it at all.

I’ve done coke 5-6 times. The last time I did it, i nearly had a heart attack/stroke and I ended up in the hospital. Worst experience of my life…or tied with

…the time I wigged out on shrooms really bad. I’ve told the story here before. But shrooms are still my favorite drug a truly magical/fairy tale like experience.

I’ve also done Opium, which was pretty cool and whippets which are 30 seconds of pure fucking joy followed by hours of drowsiness.

And then there is Ecstacy. Too fucking good to do ever again, unless I am goign to a rave, in which case I will try it again.

I am leaving for Amsterdam on Tuesday…God help me.

I drink alcohol and smoke weed, both in vast amounts, but only at parties. For the time being that is, I have the feeling things are going to change a lot when I go to college and have my own little appartment there.

bill, how do the rents feel about sponsoring a trip to amsterdam?

It was my fathers idea…I am also going to Munich,Paris. Backpacking around with 2 of my buddies. Then Ill meet my family and cousins in Madrid and go to a small town in Spain called Calamocha…which for as much as we know the only other American to ever stay there was Lance Armstrong. They have festivals and running of the bulls there. I hope I fair better than last year…I tripped in front of one of the bulls and it rammed me and then trampled me. Should be a fun time.

even my grandmother was like “I’m sure you’ll be visiting the brown coffee shops in amsterdam” All my uncles said that I “Must see the red light district”

the red light district was actually kinda depressing (at least for me)…though my friend kept shouting to every prostitute he saw that he really really wished he had $40 (this was before spending a year in India and the far east and having some sort of spiritual awakening)… if you are hitting up the coffee shops, i would stay away from the Bulldog which is kinda like the McDonalds of coffee shops…

also, if any guy sees you lookin at a map and then asks if he can help, either run or be really really nice to him… otherwise he will definitely pull a knife on you (my stab at inductive logic…no pun intended)

$40 for a hooker?! …i’m going.

it’ll be worth the disease.

I used to get high everyday. I mean it was an added convience from sellin da shit. But it really messes with my memory. I have a hard time retaining information when I smoke. But every since I stopped my memory has been improving. Oh yeah i get pissy drunk on the weekends.

An Imaginary Man wrote:

Can you elaborate on this high a little more? And uhhh where could i get some?

Salvia Divinorum is an herb which has been used by native tribes in Mexico in various shamanistic rituals for centuries. The chemical in the herb (Salvinorin A) is said to the be the strongest known to man (i don’t know that this is true, but the trip created by the pure chemical is supposed to be incredibly strong…). It is legal in the U.S. and most other countries, mainly because it is not well known. However, there was a governmental report on its “abuse” back in 2003, so that could change at any point.

My trip was using Salvia x5 (this is Salvia leaves soaked in the pure extract so as to produce a leaf with 5 times the normal strength). I have also see the regular leaves, x10, and once x15. There are also various methods of distilling the leaves into your own extract. I split half of a small bowl of the stuff with my friend. I took a small hit and felt a little high/drunk/outta it. He took a big hit. Upon taking the hit he became completely motionless, unable to move or speak. I became fascinated with the various trails of smokes coming from him and the pipe. I then took the pipe from him (he still wasn’t responding to outside stimulus) and took a bigger hit. Everything…changed. Its a very hard experience to describe. I didn’t hallucinate or anything, but reality shifted. We were each in our own worlds for a few mins. Eventually we started to talk a bit, but had a hard time communicating in words exactly what was happening. Talking was generally very difficult. We were in a room 50ft up with windows all around and my friend started staring out the window. I became sure that he was going to try to fly (this from having heard too much anti-LSD propoganda)…I wanted to yell out “man, you can’t fly, don’t do it” but i couldn’t say the words. I remember breaking out into a sweat (i believe my heart rate had gone up…this might be something to watch out for if you have heart problem). My face went slick with sweat and I started to run my hands across it. The sensation was amazing. It was not like an ecstasy high where the physical touch just feels really good, but i was, instead, simply fascinated with the feel of my wet skin. The high was very hard and very fast. It peaked within 30 secs to a min and lasted at that level for only 5-10 mins. It faded with a groggy low-level marajuana type high. We smoked another bowl with other people shortly after that and the results were not as dramatic. The others simply got a drunk sort of feeling. No one else experienced the type of high that my friend and I did the first time.

Salvia is not a club/party drug. Its more of a sit quietly with one or two people type thing. I have had friends take stronger versions of the herb and have scary, hallucinogenic experiences, never wanting to do it again. My trip on salvia was enjoyable, a bit wacked out, and very very short. I never did it again, though i wouldn’t mind doing so. You can get the herb in various head shops across the country, or online. Simply google “Salvia Divinorum” and you will get 100s of hits. Again, the herb is legal, so don’t worry about having it mailed to you.

for more information on the herb, and an excellent site for all your chemical needs, check out Its a really informative site which gives a fairly unbiased view about various chemicals, their positives and negatives, their chemistry, health risks, legality, basically everything you could want, along with stories written in about experiences on the particular drug

I second that motion to check out Erowid.
Great site with info. on drugs, chemicals, plants, art, music, dance, etc…

In order from first to last:

-Cyclobenzaprine (sp?)
Opium (although, I’m not sure of its quality)

Currently I smoke herb in small amounts and drink on the weekends.
I’m a big fan of scotch. Jimmy Walker Black Label Scotch Whisky!
I hope to rid myself of these crutches someday…

that’s exactly how i feel about the whole situation. some day i will part with all intoxicants altogether. but i’m 24 and apparently still have some growin’ up to do.

i zachariah,
are you telling me you did lsd before weed? opium before mushrooms?

My mind altering device is, of course, alcohol. I am a fan of All Southern and Mexican drinking traditions as well as wine and beer. I also really like anise liquors and Gin Gimlets. man, will gin gimlets fuck you up!

herpes, i could drink your fat ass under the table


To Monooq:

Yes, thats exactly what I’m telling you. Weed had no appeal to me for awhile. I had no desire to “mellow out” or be “stoned”. For a kid like me, it didn’t sound too great. So… I went for MDMA (which I’ve only done twice, and still wish I never did) since it seemed like a very intimate and pleasant experience. I was torn apart when I realized that I would be coming down. It was slightly crazy. I consider myself done with hallucinogens like LSD, psilocybin, and DXM, but may try DMT or mescaline if the opportunity arises. I don’t know if my under-trained mind will be able to handle such drugs again, though…

Drugs seem to be a weak excuse for adventure to me more and more.

And legal trouble sucks, too; Expensive and debilitating.