In examining the question of whether or not we are perfect, one must derive at some vantage point in which to analyze the possibilities.
In consideration of the definitions, I will be analyzing definitions 2 and 3 for they are adjectives and would correlate best with the production of an answer for this question, as the other definitions fall short of the objective manner in which could be applied to this discussion.
First, considering definition 2… [adj] precisely accurate or exact; “perfect timing”.
In an attempt to provide an answer in which corresponds mostly with truth, I will be analyzing from a position of which one can be most objective. Since this objective viewpoint calls for speculation, I will first provide a defintion of objectivity: of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers. Since no individual thought can interject and derive its own value of existence, it is derived that all existence perceived objectively is equal. This elicits the assumption that looking at existence or whatever it is you are analyzing for perfection must be in perfect relation in terms of value to all other existence. From this viewpoint in relation to the first definition of perfection our existence is in itself perfection.
Looking objectively at every situation we encounter or every thought process we derive, the mere existence of these experiences being viewed as possible from a stance outside the individual perspective elicits the idea of equality as a middle ground for all these experiences to be grouped. In this equality, the existence of things must then be derived that because they exist, they must exist, and therefore are and were supposed to exist at the specific time they were or are in existence. Considering these concepts, existence in itself as existing must be perfect when considering the second definition for perfection. Since all things being in existence, exist; and in this existence maintain this state of existence for its particular course, ie. the time of specific existence, all that which exist comes about in perfect timing in itself and exists for the time it should in relation to this existence serving its purpose in existence.
So, since everything that exist, does so in equal relevance to all other existing counterparts, and this existence in itself occurs as being precisely accurate or exact considering the means in which it must come into existence as it does so itself, this existence itself must be considered perfect at the particular time of its existence.
From the viewpoint that time, being a measurement of change wherein a change in the existence of certain affinitive properties of this existence can be considered subjectively to have made things appear better or more perfect, can only be considered from this subjective standpoint. When considered objectively this elicits the perspective that each affinitive property, though different in an subjectively analytical perspective; is in reality or in relation to objectivity equal to its counterparts providing the further assertion that the verb tense forms of perfection, to make perfect or complete, etc. are fallacy.
Though things subjectively seem to get better or more complete in time, objectively one must observe these to be equal changes among these properties in relation to the mere existence of these changes as far as the time they occur being in perfect accordance within itself. Considering all of these assumptions, the 3rd definition of perfect also coincides with these ideas. Therefore all things are in themselves perfect at the particular time of their existence.
For those individuals who might have a hard time “seeing” the time issue produced within this post, look at it like this: Suppose you broke down the existence of everything to exactly its moment of existence in relation to time; it is at this point and only this point that this existence is in itself ie. its own realm of time period for the individual existence, perfect. When this particular existence changes into something else better or worse, this is a rise to a new and different existence that must also be evaluated in exactly the same way, producing all things as equally having the same perfect existence in itself.
Comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.