Are we stupid?

I mean advertise amoung sites that will not bring in idiots or stupid people, just bring in new people who would then increase the rate of posting

blu, you’re a bit idealistic. This is the internet. There are stupid people everywhere

I think there should be advertising because everything more in slow motion here. “Hello? Is there anybody out there?”

Im looking for other sites like this at the moment.

Who are you to judge that these people are stupid? They might think your stupid? diversity is good. bring the busloads in cause Im here to stay and rock the masses…ya right.

Take Care

most people are stupid. it’s one of the less endearing traits of human kind.

Most people are stupid??? No. The majority of “stupid” people are just uneducated, unlike your self.

Where would you be without education/technology?

Mankind isnt stupid. We are the most sophisticated race ever (ancient Eygptians/Romans/Greek…etc. could be argued)…to grace planet Earth.

But the generalization that mankind is stupid is absurd…

After my post admins should move this to the rant and rave under the heading “are people stupid?”

I had this big long post that pointed out examples, but I figured what is the use? So here is a summary of the post

Education is not a cure all, but a placebo
At education’s best, it will only alleviate stupidity for a set amount of time. And we all know you can only take so much education a day, and the side effects are just as dangerous as stupidity.

Organizations like Ocea (SP?) prove that daily.

Blu, Do you then conclude people/mankind is stupid or not?

Mankind logicaly proves through its actions whether general or personl, that we as men are stupid, with or with out education.

SO we are doomed to eternal stupidity… Theres No way around it.Is that what your saying? Im not sure… If true, That would have to be the Stupidest thing ive heard lately.

Hey, there is some saying that goes, “In a cats eye, everything belongs to a cat”

I think we can translate this and make it say, " Whats stupid to a cat, is stupid for everything" Can you see the faults in this?

Why bark (like a dog)when u can meow( like a cat) ? it may be a bad comparison but read on…

How are we, as a race, qualified to judge our own intelligence? Would that be justifiable? Wouldnt that be closeminded and ignorant, just like the cat. We should compare and base our intelligence on the level others are at…Similar to social comparion we humans do…

I conclude, therefore we are not dumb and stupid. We can do things others cant.

Yet to a cat we could be considered stupid. Cause he doesnt know better. He knows what he knows, and thats how to be a cat…

Would the cat classify himself as stupid? Should we?

Yet, We are smarter than any other species on this Earth and we consider ourself stupid…i DONT agree
Why should we be considred Stupid?

We function with what we were given. The human, cannot do things he is uncapable of.

Do you call your cat stupid because he cant talk?

whats everyone think? :imp:

Again I had a long post but decided to simplify it for you.

Prove me wrong. With out using a famous name prove humans in general are not stupid.

Trying to use logic to say it in a diffrent way was just well silly. just come out and say “stupid is as stupid does” instead of coming up with a silly cat idea.

For every Reason you come up to prove that humans are not stupid I will come up with 2:1 reasons.

Ill start with:

A guy throws a cinder block into a window it bounces off and hurts him.

Humans in general aren’t stupid, we just allow our base instincts to dominate our more elevated faculties.

So. Ne1 comin 2 da pub 2niTe?

That seems a bit contradicting. You told me NOT to quote a famous person/another person, then you go on to say that my logic was silly.

What else do you want me to do. If was using someone elses reasoning you would knock it. If I use my reasoning, you knock it? yeh… maybe i should try osmosis

your 2:1 ratio is ridiculous. If mankind is predominatley stupid, then we wouldnt be retaining all the information from the past, we wouldnt be increasing our ‘standard of living’, and you wouldnt be talking to me.

20 years ago this wasnt consired regular to talk online. So we are making obvious ADVANCES and improvements. We arent deterioting. (technologically at least)

Mankind evolves…I believe that is enough reason in itself to disprove you. It doesnt even have to be physical evolution. We learn from our mistakes. ( even after a reoccuring mistake, we usually learn from our mistakes)

I didnt know Cinder blocks bounce off windows…did u mean “A guy throws a cinder block into a window and injurys another guy”


For the 2:1 ratio I think that is still ridiculous. Moreover, the definiton of “stupid” is always changing. Whats stupid today may not be stupid tommorow. Perhaps wishful thinking isnt at all stupid. Nor is it unrealistic.

Aviation was probably considered risky/stupid before and during the Wright bro era. Now aviation is a paramount element in commerce

And a stupid action doesnt justify ones overall intelect nor the intelect of its species.

The man threw the block into the window to break into a super store, the problem is the windows were damn near meteor proof and it bounced and hit him. This man is stupid because greed led him to do something wrong and instead of being smart and checking to atleast read a clear label on the window the size of a dolllar that clearly could have told him that block through window would not work.

I say 2:1 because well its true. thats why it is general.
Besides thats not bad odds, 2 stupid people to one common sense smart person. It could have been 4:1.

Evolution: No Man does not evolve, Techonology evolves, but i cant fly because I have not evolved wings. In fact its been a long time since Man has evolved. I think we lost our tale, but I dont know.

Yes we learn from our mistakes. But that means for EVERY body to learn we have to have a minimum # of idiots doing stupid things and get themselves killed. Other wise it will not be wide spread enough for the masses to learn.

Internet has nothing to do with stupid people, it is just filled with people using easy access.

Aviation was pretty smart. But what about the stupid people who didnt reasearch anything and tried to jump off a high rock with paper wings straped to their arms. that was no increase in aviation, that was just stupid.

After reading all your posts I decided to start work on a grand narrative of historical stupidity. The stupidity has been suppressed in our minds since the beginning of time. Slowly it yearns to break free into a final Stupid, through stupidialectics. (The process of moving from stupid to anti-stupid).
Anyway. Some people have realized that the only truth in the world is the stupid. The will to be stupid. They realize that by choosing to be stupid they are actually creating the world anew (along with themselves). Slowly with determination they cross the bridge from dim, to dumb, to the grand finality…Stupidman.

ok, it’s just a start. anyway, this is all stupid and I stole it from books. So there.

having re-read these, i’ve realised that most of them are concerned with americans. i was not trying to suggest that they are more stupid then the rest of the world’s population, but i would be curious to find out exactly how 40,000 of them manage to injure themselves with a toilet. anyway, the point of this is that people are stupid.

4,000 people are injured by tea pots every year.

A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans

Every year, over 8,800 people injure themselves with a toothpick.

In 1990, there were about 15,000 vacuum cleaner related accidents in the U.S.

On average, 100 people choke on ballpoint pens every year.

40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year.

Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions.

Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of shaking vending machines, in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 have been injured.

In the next seven days, 800 Americans will be injured by their jewellery.

You said:

nice research.

Now here is my research:

There you have it. My interpretation of your research…Yes, the more positive side.

In conclusions, stupid accidents dont justify mankinds intelligence. We learn from our mistakes. If we were predominatley stupid we wouldnt be making advancements in the world. Its simple. When Technology advances, so does mankind and so does our intelligence. The ability to retain information from past generations also reflects our competence. E

Your ‘stupid’ accidents you quoted are irrelavent in proving mankinds competance. While Im trying to look at the grand scheme of things you are looking at individual actions that do not represent mankind, as a whole.

Whats your definition of Not being stupid?

I personally think “stupid people” are just uneducated, they are not incapable of better understandings. (with the exception of the disabled and less fortunate)Most kids are stupid and thats normal, hence the phrase ,“young and dumb.”

Like i said, we learn from our mistakes…and through experiences we gain a better understanding on how “things” work.

Do you think 3rd world countries are Stupid?

From our beginnings we have been primitive beings, yet through time we have evolved, yes evolved, into a more complex being… a smarter being.

Broader issues.

Well Generaly in all nations the fact that jails are filled with people is stupid.

Murder is stupid.

Adultry is stupid.

Smoking when you know it will kill you is stupid especially if you know before you start.

Taking drugs when you know they will kill you is stupid and hell unless you are an complete idiot even those who cant spell drugs know what they are and that they kill.

What is not stupid? well those are the people that do learn from their mistakes and do not give up and just follow through till the end, even if i respect their ability to follow through i do not respect their stupidity.

As for uneducated people, thats verry close minded. Its stupid that people can be stupid. We as educated people if we are in fact educated. Should have put in some way of educating EVERYBODY. Man kind has had universities and higher learning, hell we had plato before we knew who he was. The fact is Man kind is stupid because “we just allow our base instincts to dominate our more elevated faculties” as the guy earlier put it.

Why after all this time do we allow stupid people to exist when we have the faculties to educate them? Education should be free but because man allows base greed to dominate we are left with those uneducated.

3rd world countries are not stupid, they are dominated by people who use their disability as a “feed me” sign. then they take the money they were given for food and buy guns to further dominate their living-dieing “feed me” signs.

Yes but when was the last evolution?

Education is free. Schooling is not.

Mankind learns from its mistakes. We minimize the chances of any great destruction from reoccuring. (for instance, Earth quake resistent building, Home Land Security, bullet proof vest…etc)

These actions show we are evolving into a more intelligent being. Technological advances are means of evolving as a species.

Follow through till the end? whats that mean? We all live and die and we are all following through till the end. (xception of Ted Williams HA)
I think if there was some way to find out how many people learned from their mistakes, we would have an overwhelming response of “Yea”

I agree we let our intincts take over…we are animals…ok mammals.
I think Hemiway says, " A good man needs to drink sometimes to spend time with his fools"(something like that) Exactly, we must enjoy ‘living’ and doing unsensiable things when we feel like it. This is only human. We arnt supposed to be a noble creatures…We were created with intincts that are undeniable.

‘An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.’
Ernest Hemingway

it’s from for whom the bell tolls.

i think there is a huge difference between education and stupidity. there are a lot of well educated people out there who are unable to cook a meal for themselves, which could be deemed as stupid. you can come out of university with a good degree, but still have no common sense, something that someone who left school at 16 to work in a shop may well have in abundance. just because you do not have the privilage of being educated it does not make you stupid. and i don’t think that intelligence can be measured by exam results - any moron can get decent GCSEs if they work hard enough, so surely they are a measure of effort rather then intelligence.

i’m going off the point, but essentially, i beleive that most people are stupid. they come out with stupid remarks, misquote hemingway, have accidents involving toothpicks and do all manner of ridiculous things that can be commonly described as stupid.

i’m not saying that mankind as a whole is past redemption, and i acknowledge that there are some clever people in the world, i just don’t think that most of us can claim that we are not stupid in some ways. i don’t know how to change the oil in my car, and i get scared at petrol stations, yet i’ve been predicted 3 As at A level. i’m not going to suggest that i’m not stupid just because i’ve been fortunate to receive a better education then some others.