Evil… Quick definition = A person who puts their desires over others in such a way that they use and abuse. (Not just using abusing others but themselves too.)
The absence of evil is levels of selflessness.
If you use drugs and alcahol enough to build a tolerance. Your body has physically adapted to drugs and this may be passed down through “strengthening” genes. Thus, we see people that have the alcaholism gene have the same side effects as that of building a tolerance. It only hasn’t been proven that that’s where the alcaholism gene comes from.
Sexual lust puts getting off as more important then the partener. Sex as an expression of the deepest love keeps your integrety sane. Child molestors and other “fetishes” use imagination to fill in the void that a real relationship would fill. Sexual deviants fill their sexual part of the brain with limited perspective. Now every time they trigger the sexual part of the brain they see whatever they brainwashed themselves to like. This is so strong that chemical castration cannot change a child molestor.
Sex as an expression of love is pure of heart and can never be corrupted by this integrety. First you earn a persons love, then get married, then share the reward of earning love. Sex outside of love is only limited by what you are willing to try. This errodes as it grows borring, and your imagination gets inventive. That’s why hue hephner tradded in several blonds for tripplets. He is rewarded sexually for trying lust. Yet he is not spiritually saticfied with love so he errodes to fill the gap.
Greed is from not being spiritually rich. Thus you need to fullfill your motivation void with objects and eye candy. Greed places money over the greatest spiritual inspiration… friends and family. Love inspires us to not abuse the people we deal with in buisness. That’s why I suspect donald trump of being corrupt. only drug dealers make 200% profit and donald hasn’t quite showed he knows how to be a family man.
Selflessness is a myth. Why does one donate to charity? Because it makes them feel good, or because it assuages their undeserved guilt for having more than the next guy. Selflessness and selfishness are not merely matters of money. You feel good after you give money to a homeless guy, or food to a soup kitchen, or clothes to the Salvation Army BECAUSE you feel good after doing so. It’s psychologically gratifying, just as giving money to the collection plate in church is psychologically gratifying.
If you needed a piece of food to prevent yourself from starving to death, and gave it to someone else, then I might consider that selfless. Would you do that? Honestly?
Even if someone would give it to someone else, one could argue they did this to prevent themself from feeling the psychological pain of guilt and/or to prevent cognitive dissonance if they happen to believe that the other person, for whatever reason, deserves the bread.
because they like to help. This is love to help others. Love isn’t a myth.
I hope doing good would make you feel better. Just like giving a hug makes you feel better.
Yes. I hate to see others suffer. ANd I’m already comfortable with suffering. I’d die for my children. That is love.
Who teacches this theory that love is selfish to make you feel good about yourself and therefor is a learned behavior. Love isn’t learned. It’s an spiritual instinct. Our spiritual love is what tames horses. Our spiritual love is what makes you feel this love even though you are angery when someone hugs you. Feeling love is an involintary action that has no known physical cause and effect. It is completely spiritual.
love is the strongest feeling we have. When someone hugs me,… this cannot be biochemicaly synthasysed. Therfore has to be more spiritual. Yet, the drug XTC comes close. But when people are in love they would prefer love over the drug,… or both.
Love comes from outside you,… not from within like a hormone. You feel love no matter what mood you are in. The reciever of love feels it where the sender touches them,… no matter what mood they are in.
These theories make up ideas whewre this COULD come from, but have no proof. I know it’s spiritual and therefore it cannot be explained away with the physical. All you’ll see is side effects in the brain,… but not true cause and effect for sending it.
Ghosts have side effects in the physical world. The brain is a receptical for spacific spiritual energies that have spacific biochemical sections of the brain that get triggered. Then memories are stored in certain parts of the brain that corespond with the feeling. Thus people who are depressed just don’t have reason to trigger the happy feelings.
I guess I’m evil because I don’t believe in God anymore… This world is evil, those people who have found answers contradictory to others beliefs are evil, to some makeup, television, and electronics are evil. Perversion and graphic stories are especially evil because some may not understand the differences between fantasy and reality.
Evil is too subjective, and while things are wrong, they are commonly wrong because our instinct tells us that it is so. However, a non belief in an external power allows no basis for objective morals, because I’m pretty sure that for them to exist there must be a possibility of an open communication with a base, such as a God or a ultimate power. Cultural ethics are deeping ingrained into all of us, but they are different. I don’t believe it’s ever good to kill someone, even though it may be acceptable, but whatevers acceptable seems to mainly be opinionated. So a king in early times may have been pissed about someone, he kills them, it was the will of the king and the killers were most likely honored, and the kings wishes were respected, as you can see things like this can complicate matters.
Suppose that Hitler had won WWII and he made made the lives of Germans better. If all he wanted was the happiness and prosperity of his people and he sacrificed himself to do this would that have made him a good person?
I sometimes do things that are evil, although I prefer the word “harmful” for a couple of reasons. First, “evil” has an externality, the “could it be Saay-tan?” feel to me and second, it’s fundamentally human not to want to harm oneself or others. We’re living beings, wanting nothing more than to be peaceful and happy, far as I can tell. Harm isn’t first choice, so when we do harm, there’s a reason.
Let’s just say I’m working on the purification process. So maybe my intent is not evil. Well, it likely still is sometimes. It’s a process, a path, going from self-absorbed to no self.
Was it good that we anialiated indians when we took over this land??? No. We need to look at the big picture. The indians were a free people till we took them over. We are in the wrong, yet it is being celibrated as good comming out of evil.
If we took the long slow process of combinning our cultures we would be in a different place.
evil is getting your prioreties mixed up so that your spiritual prioreties take “second string” to what you find more important of this world. Then these worldly thing become addictions of distraction from your spiritual needs.
Evil is not an esoteric concept and it cannot be grounded in “moral” truths or “ethical” truths. The easiest way to resolve the issue is to let the state determine the definition. Acts that are illegal are what can be considered “unethical”, but outside of an ideology, “evil acts” have no quality and there is no dichotomy or alternative. It becomes a matter of relativism and individualism. This is why morality in democracy is having so much trouble; there are too many people deciding what is good and bad.
I’d consider evil where someone turns their back on what they know is right for a temporary worldly gain. Yet it’s obvious that evil exsists, in movies, in books, in the school yard with bullies. Evil is not a untangable idea. It is real. Evil is people who don’t care enough about what they do to others.