I know there is a creative writing forum, but what about a forum dedicated to the discussion of art and literature that is already established?
Somewhere to seriosuly discuss the finer aesthetic aspects of popular creative expression in all it’s forms, whether it be paintings, music, sculpture, movies, television, or literature.
There is plenty that can be discussed about the philosophical implications of such works, and I think a fine example is in science fiction, which has a long history of exploring the philosophical implications of certain modes of thought, being and political system.
I think a good example of this is Asimov’s works, in particular, and a more popular (and more crass) example is the Matrix.
Firstly let me say welcome to the boards and thanks for inputting ideas into the fray. There is always a tension in creating new forums since we want there to be scope for all debate but not so many forums that the place just becomes unwieldly. I like your idea and agree that there is room for lots of discussion. I don’t believe there is enough of a need on this particular forum to warrant a separate forum for Art & Literature. They can be broached in the philosophy forum of the creative writing forum, which although are not specific to the subjects, will suffice.
I’m always open to ideas and maybe if there is a massive outcry, this forum can be made. At the moment, I don’t see any real need.
I would be interested in such a forum. For example, one can put up a single book, or film, for disscusion–which in my opinion, wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.