I am a Satanist, in the tradition of Anton LaVey (albeit not completely loyal to the man or his vision), which means I view Satan as a metaphorical force of nature, the adversarial current to top down paradigms(such as theistic constructs).
Satanism can be roughly defined as Autotheism through adversarial manifestation.
I am not a devil worshipper, as ‘we’ tend to put all faith based believers in the same camp, whether that belief be in the devil, allah, or karma.
This thread is meant to be as a brisk jog to my rhetorical skills. Ask me anything Satanism related.
Incorrect. Satanism has been around in its present form since the 60s. Thank you for letting me know I, in fact, do not exist. I also do not wear much black, but as I do not exist I guess it doesn’t matter.
Anyway, from your banal assertion I can extrapolate the question “why use the word ‘Satan’ if you aren’t a devil worshipper?” -
Satan is both the Hebrew word for adversary or opposition, and the contemporary symbol for everything that runs against the judeo christian based status quo. (that extends far past the superstition itself, into every nook and cranny of western society) To us, Satan is a figurehead, a metaphorical representation of this reverse current. Even from the pov of the believers themselves, the non believer is further from ‘god’ than the disgruntled believer. Traditional religion, as well as government and many other facets of society are top down authority structures, while Satanism, being the inverse is bottom up.
Why bother calling yourself a Satanist when you most likely have the ideas of a Nihilist? I’d rather refer to myself as having a non-religious belief system (Nihilism, Materialism, Determinism), than one in which you make people believe that you are a Devil worshiper. Not that it isn’t fun to make people believe that you are a Devil worshiper, but I’d rather avoid confusion when explaining my philosophical beliefs.
Satanism is a philosophy centered on the here and now, but isn’t really nihilistic, nor necessarily materialist or deterministic in the strictest sense. As for confusion, most are trapped in a dualist paradigm and would be far more confused at the idea of autodeification through adversarial manifestation than the idea of being down with the devil, which metaphorically is quite accurate anyway. The rub is that as their is no man at the top, nor is their any impetus to convert or proselytize…so the need to shine light on my philosophical position does not often arise.
Also, as Satanism is inherently amoral and doesn’t recognize authority outside of the self (not to be confused with cause and effect which is always at play), explaining myself to others is often like explaining the mechanics of a wolfs jaws to a sheep.
This is the funniest part. My version of Satanism has been around since the dawn of time. Yours has been around since… the 60’s? Wow. Then you go onto say you base your beliefs on LeVay, who was an actual Satanist.
lol. This is the weakest sauce I’ve ever seen. Why did you come back? Clearly we’re not 14 anymore. Are you still? I can just picture you running around like some Columbine shooter wearing your black coat.
When LeVay says he doesn’t believe in mysticism it’s an occult misnomer/joke. What he is saying is that he doesn’t see it as mystic anymore. Higher ritual science as just that—sciences. That’s why he translated the Enochian language from Dee. That’s why he was, pretty much all his adult life, involved in ritual magick.
The public, safe version of all this is what he published. What you fell for.
It may seem that way from your point of view, however from where I am sitting, based on the series of clueless assertions made in your last spastic series of posts, it is evident to me you do not. I am in my 30s, and have been pursuing this path for over 20 years, so I just might have figured out a thing or two in that time. Anyway, thanks for your ‘input’.
Now , since you obviously think you have this figured out, why not put down your troll stick and let others that may not have their minds sealed so tightly shut have a go?
As for your question re-hedonism, the term is not robust enough to sum up the philosophy. Although indulging the ego and it’s desires rather than abstaining from same is certainly an element of Satanism, there is much more to it than that.
Try THIS. The entire work can be read thought the preview function. Jason and I don’t see eye to eye on everything (as no two Satanists do, as per the nature of a bottom up religion), but he touches on a lot of deeper ideas.
First of all, the link on adversarial manifestation is interesting, but hardly unique to Satanism. Autotheism appears to me to be an odd concept that is designed to “deify” one’s own consciousness. I don’t really see much value in that that cannot be attained by Nihilism, with the only major difference between the 2 philosophies being the Satanic Autotheism concept. Who is to say that my subconscious mind is any more valuable than another, or worthy of deification?
Another issue I have with Satanism, is the down-up philosophy. It’s not so much that I don’t think it’s a useful idea, it just makes Satanism hard to define. Personally, I need to define my philosophy, because it’s so much a part of my own identity. Satanism is personal, and because of that, it’s impossible to know the exact beliefs of Satanists unless they tell you.
Well, it isn’t for everyone, and I have no desire to convince anyone of anything. This thread is for those that might be interested in what Satanism is all about in 2011.
One might expect someone that has been seriously studying christianity for 20 years might have a more robust understanding of the subject material than one who gave it a cursory glance, however. For someone trying to come off as holding an intellectually superior position missing obvious points in argument like that doesn’t exactly bode well…
I’m sure whatever strawman you have assembled to represent Satanism is quite nonsensical indeed.
Now I’ll ask again, stay on topic or kindly gtfo of my thread. If you want to pwn me and make me look stupid, ask me questions you think I can’t answer. Or is throwing feces all you can muster?
There’s been a bunch of them thrown at you. You haven’t responded to either person here beyond 2 links to the 2-word phrase you keep saying, as if that is the entire argument right there.
Is that the entire argument right there? Is that, to you, inherently Satanic?
Cause that isn’t Satanism. I do that too but I call it being a confused new age peon.
Dr.S this is a pretty interesting religion (if i can even call it that). I have read through your responses and it seems like satanism is something that has become part of you. My question is a simple one. How did you become a satanist, what made you take that leap of faith and begin to acknowledge yourself as a satanist?